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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. Numbers

    Joe Willock

    Was woeful today.
  2. Stange take, unless you mean a draw was harsh on us?
  3. With Wilson/Isak and Bruno pretty sure we would have won that comfortably.
  4. We've battered without really threatening, Missed Wilson and Bruno massively.
  5. It's odd that people are calling Longstaff out when Willock has been invisible.
  6. Willock needs hauling off like, doesn't look interested.
  7. If he was injured Midweek Howe would have mentioned it in his pre game press conference?
  8. Ok man, I'll bow to your superior knowledge of dummy spitting, odd that he was sudenly 'ill' for our last game?
  9. Would be a massive shame if hes spat his dummy out (it appears from the outside like he has), hes been and important player over the years.
  10. Numbers

    Alexander Isak

    I've seen him play on Youtube and he looks canny good like.
  11. Numbers

    Alexander Isak

    Ashley-esque this like, they've clearly got Bruno on cutting back the overhanging branches at the training ground.
  12. Numbers


  13. Numbers

    Alexander Isak

    Looks offside there.
  14. Numbers

    João Pedro

    Stop listening to Edwards
  15. Numbers

    Alexander Isak

    I'm relaxed that Eddie knows a tad more than the miserable fuckers who say hes not worth the money and have already written him off.
  16. Numbers

    Alexander Isak

    Yep, I like the cut of his Jib.
  17. Fuck giving these anyone on loan, remember the Lingard fiasco.
  18. I missed the Krafth one, what happened there?
  19. Numbers

    Alexander Isak

    Some People just can't be happy.
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