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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. Refreshing to see this bloke is still a cunt and denying any kind of responsibility. Only a matter of time before its the fans fault.
  2. Gives us time to get our best players back. Still think its odd cancelling the games like.
  3. Bruno is such a likeable bloke.
  4. Just look at that shit man, played it over and over trying to find the slightest thing to disallow it and vindicate a clueless cunt.
  5. I mean if anything this proves that absolutely nothing will change following the coverup review.
  6. Has there been any apology or explanation at all from these shit cunts?
  7. That there is the problem, he was a fucking terrible Ref too. It seems like shit Ref = Stick them in the VAR room out of the way.
  8. Not allowed, anyone calling out the clearly incorrect decisions will be fined, its fucking backwards.
  9. Working as intended, not sure what you expect from VAR when you have Refs reviewing the footage that were fucking terrible Refs
  10. That was a fast way to get rid of the Elephant in the room.
  11. Nope they're not accountable to anyone, hence why they get away with this shit every week. Everythings kept behind closed doors, if you ask anything you get fined.
  12. Going to be a long season reading the shit takes by the fucking fannies on this forum.
  13. Oh good Murphys coming on to lose the ball every few minutes.
  14. Looks like that fucking horrendous decision has sucked the life out of us.
  15. All time low today, our goal ruled out for a foul on our player, you couldnt fucking make it up.
  16. Ticking over, keeping them in the league, doing a cracking job of keeping them irrelevant.
  17. Numbers

    Alexander Isak

    Mirandinha, Darren Jackson, Paul Goddard.
  18. Numbers

    Alexander Isak

    The photo is grainy for a reason. No chance they dont have 4k in the VAR room.
  19. Not sure what to expect today, what is clear is none of these Journo fucks knew anything about Isak so I won't be listening to their drivel.
  20. The problem is they don't need an excuse, you can't even question a decision as a manager without being fined. They need to be accountable for their decisions and until they are they will keep doing what the fuck they like.
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