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Everything posted by Raconteur

  1. Yep, only because voting 0 is stupid and I’m not going to do fractions. There’s no chance a decent manager with the promise of spending in January gets this team relegated. Howe will impose a game plan, give players instructions and motivate them over the next two weeks. We’ll see them run through walls against Brentford, at which point we’re two points from safety.
  2. Some of the hysteria in this and the relegation thread is mindblowing. People voting 10 (ie CERTAIN to go down), “if we’re in touch of safety by January” ffs. We will be out of the relegation zone before the transfer window opens. In my mind, it’s not even a question.
  3. Let’s say that’s true and the first half was as awful as suggested - yet we only went in 0-1 down thanks to a pen conceded by one of our typically clumsy defenders. And this against a team that sat in fifth place for half an hour. There’s no denying we’re shit, but it won’t take Howe much to turn things around. So much of our problem is mental and tactical, something a decent manager will instil. Still a 1 for me.
  4. Nope - even if Watford, Leeds and Burnley all win, Villa will be in the drop zone on ten points. Which, essentially, gives Jones a free hit.
  5. If it means we never see Krafth again, I’m all about it
  6. I was on the fence about Coutinho right up until I saw @Village Idiot ‘s post
  7. If having the DoF in for January, sure. If they think Overmars is the right man, they might try and do the January window by themselves - or Overmars slips over a sneaky email while he’s gardening…?
  8. Someone mentioned in the manager thread that Howe isn't bringing his Bournemouth DoF/SD with him, which may indicate we already have someone lined up - which has me creaming for the notion that Overmars is serving his notice period...
  9. In that Sky vid, he was talking how he likes his wingers narrow and to be up-and-back. That’s not ASM
  10. It will make a more romantic story - took them from relegation to top half in half a season
  11. I think it’s likely we’ll see a bit of Fraser and Murphy on the flanks with Miggy and ASM competing for the #10. Ritchie will (hopefully) become backup for both wingers.
  12. I understood Celtic were refusing to allow their manager any of their own staff, which is why Aussie Ange is assisted by the kit man, two ball boys and one of the players’ dads.
  13. Still finding the Fonseca element really weird
  14. I thought I’d go from 1 to 0 with a new manager appointed, but with Eddie I’ll leave it at 1. We’re not going down.
  15. For sure, I’ve just got my doubts. As someone said, we’ve barely got 11 PL starters, so picking the players should be easy. Just don’t see how they fit in a 4-4-1-1
  16. Gotta say, after watching those Tifo and Sky clips of Eddie’s tactics, I fear for ASM. 4-4-2 (or 4-4-1-1) with narrow, up and back wingers - unless he can get a tune out of ASM as a #10
  17. I wonder how much is due to the lack of on-field leadership? Seemed to me there were times Jones was instructing them to move up, but Lascelles was having them hang back and off. Good pressing requires good on-field leadership to instruct players where and when to press. Our organisers are for shit.
  18. Isn't it as simple as the Man U board only caring about finishing in the top four every season and raking in that sweet Eurocash? Nice if they won something, but whatever...?
  19. I've said before that Steve Gerrard was my bar, and Eddie Howe is a better option than him, so I guess I have to be satisfied...
  20. Wages? That’s even less credible that footballing philosophy Didn’t Conte just sign an absurd contract - thus giving a clear marker what the salary of an elite manager is? PIF won’t pay the going rate? Okay!
  21. Even in the before times of SDFC?
  22. I’ve read that his “Why do you want me?” has long been part of his interview technique, and it’s another reasonable question that, again, should be easily answered.
  23. I’m not buying this “different philosophies” bullshit. It’s answered simply with “we’re open to all ideas for building our club”.
  24. We’re all ignoring the author of that tweet?
  25. Seems certain Jones will be in charge again, which probably means the same awful team selection and a dour, futile performance. But, seeing as we’re likely to get clobbered, I’m hopeful the likes of Lamptey and Mac Allister play so well they stir the interest of our minted owners Who knows, maybe Potter will give such a tactical masterclass that PIF drive a dump truck full of cash to his house…
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