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Everything posted by Raconteur

  1. Raconteur


    You could check out soyt's link, or enjoy the hilarity that ensued when NO attempted to find the "best" PFM:
  2. Raconteur


    Proper Football Man (or Manger, depending on context)
  3. From The Athletic: "True, Howe had been present for every training session, only receiving his test result on Friday at 6.30pm, half an hour before it was made public. He was also in constant contact with Stephen Purches, the first-team coach, who was sat in the tunnel on the phone, during the game, as he watched a live feed, having been given permission to do so. The only place he was unable to speak with his staff was in the dressing room, where it was left to his assistants, Jason Tindall and Graeme Jones." "As for Saint-Maximin’s strike, that came following Newcastle’s shift to 4-2-3-1, an attacking change delivered by Howe from his hotel room. Ritchie and Murphy dropped to become out-and-out full-backs, with Fraser taking a position on the right. Karl Darlow’s long kick found Saint-Maximin in the middle, who spread play to Fraser on the right, then the Frenchman arrived at the back post to finish, a run that had been rehearsed." https://theathletic.com/2966237/2021/11/21/eddie-howe-first-fortnight-newcastle-manager/
  4. Also, I want Hayden starting somewhere - feel like he was a big miss against Brentford.
  5. Even if they were equal shot stoppers, Dubravka needs to be starting because he actually talks to his defenders for 90 minutes, instead of being a flapping mute.
  6. I don’t think we can persist with three at the back with Ritchie and Murphy wide, but I don’t know if Eddie can bring in a formation change via Zoom. I’d be hoping that, if we continue with three at the back against Arsenal, someone works closely with Manquillo and Lewis to bring them up to speed with Eddie’s Way.
  7. Raconteur


    It’s fair to point out luck was involved - the ball falling to Joelinton was equally as fortunate as Lascelles deflecting a wide shot into the net. You’re right to say Joelinton took full advantage of that luck with a great touch and finish, but he was lucky it came to him at all. I’m of the opinion that Shearer really doesn’t like Big Joe - he never seems to say anything positive about him.
  8. Wasn’t it more that Rafa didn’t want to put a kid in the firing line while getting relegated, and then wanting experienced players to bring us up? Armstrong falls into the same category.
  9. Don’t know which UK broadcaster I was watching, but the South American style “Saint-Maximiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin” was pretty epic. Can only imagine what it was like in the ground
  10. Seems clear Zizou said non to the dump truck full of cash the Glazers drove to his house.
  11. Rashford and Shaw were both good players once, and Ole got them back playing at their level. Fair dos. But did he make either of them better than they had previously shown? Or just better than they were under Mourinho? Im not invested enough and don’t watch enough Man U games for my opinion to have any merit, but I don’t think that opinion is as outrageous as you’re suggesting?
  12. Greenwood? That’s all I could come up with…
  13. @Froggy what are your thoughts on Carrick? I listened to some commentators saying the coaches were as responsible, if not more so, than Ole, on account of him delegating all the coaching and Man U looking generally disorganised and uncoached?
  14. Nah, Darlow is shite, but Elliot was fucking awful.
  15. Yup, every player in the Championship, every international worried about their World Cup spot because they're not playing, every mercenary player. Short term loans, loan-to-buys. Etcetera They've got six weeks to assess the weaknesses in the squad and identify targets. The squad 5-8 points "adrift" is going to be significantly different from the one fighting at the pointy end of the season.
  16. Probably the best option if "former MUFC player" is the only criteria.
  17. Sol Campbell suggested just that - I genuinely thought it was too lunatic to even mention, but apparently not. That's why I was keen for a "Get Keano In" campaign to start, because surely that's too far
  18. Just to turn the votes into a betting analogy - if you vote 9, then you've saying we're a 10/1 chance to stay up. Would you genuinely offer someone 10/1 odds wagering with mates? The reverse might also be true - by voting 1, would I offer 10/1 odds on us being relegated? Sure I would, but I don't have friends to wager with What are English markets offering for us to be relegated? Sportsbet (Australia) is offering $1.72 - I have no idea what that is in fractions, but it seems like the bookies are saying nothing like $1.10
  19. My first response was to wince, but there's some merit to this. When shoehorned into centre midfield, he was always diligent in working up and back. Wingback is such a specialised position - one of the reasons we're vulnerable at the back - but Almiron is disciplined and hardworking, and maybe Howe can convince him to turn into Marcos Alonso or Chilwell?
  20. Yup, even after that draw and the other results, still there. Performances are trending upwards, and results will follow suit soon. We were a Joelinton miskick away from collecting a win. There are only three unbeatable teams this season. There is the January winidow. Basically all the stuff Fantail Breeze, Yorkie and wormy have been saying since you posted this (at about 3am local )
  21. An interesting counterpoint from the BBC rumours: Paris St-Germain have dropped their interest in Norway and Borussia Dortmund striker Erling Braut Haaland, 21, and will instead pursue the signing of 21-year-old Serbia forward Dusan Vlahovic from Fiorentina. (El Nacional - in Catalan)
  22. Spent a few hours driving today and decided to soak in the Watford reaction - Sol Campbell legitimately proposed Steve Bruce as an interim, while other suggestions included Giggs, Larry White and Fletcher. Makes me wonder why nobody proposed Roy Keane as an option. Some YT channel was banging on about how shite Fletcher, Carrick, Phelan et al are and need to be booted as much as Ole. It all sounded eerily familiar. Permanent manager options seem to be Zidane or Ten Haag, with Rodgers an "acceptable backup". The delusion was profound. Zidane has all but rejected them already, and if Saudi billions couldn't tempt ten Haag to leave before summer, is being a firefighter at Old Trafford that much more enticing? Leicester won't just hand Rodgers over, and he's responded negatively about the speculation. Great time for popcorn sellers...
  23. Certainly captured his unique personality with that pic!
  24. Raconteur

    Lee Charnley

    I had a chuckle that the official tweet didn’t thank Charnley for his long service or helping with the transition. Reads exactly like Yorkie’s title change
  25. I came in to use all three votes on Mark Viduka - he was well over it by the time he came here, even at his best he was inconsistent and he never scored the goals his talent deserved. But my favourite player of all time by some distance.
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