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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. It was always a bit odd that the real source of money was never reported with any real intent.........'Middle Eastern' money means fuck all in the whole scheme of things. I'm generally not convinced they'd have been a 'good owner' but ABA.
  2. Aye - the PR games will start from his side now. Fucking glorious. Can't wait for the next yes man the fat cunt has got lined up.
  3. That'd be a fucking expensive last laugh. £250m lost. What a winner he really is. Heinous cunt. Up there with Fritzel tbh.
  4. He's just such a dick. Why couldn't they have prepared a fucking professional statement? 'We've been in discussions with some potential buyers but unfortunately not managed to reach any agreements. To enable everyone to focus on the important matter of ending the season strongly, we intend to cease further talks with the current bidders for the foreseeable future. The club remains on the market for new talks'.
  5. How many relegations does it take for you to learn, it makes no difference, he's not fucking off. I didn't say he would fuck off. I indicated that his investment would be completely fucked. NUFC has helped inflate SD far beyond what he's put into the club. He could give the club away and still be quids in. You think he'll stay around if we go down and never come back? He'll drop the club into administration as soon as he's finished with it. Good - the quicker, the better.
  6. How many relegations does it take for you to learn, it makes no difference, he's not fucking off. I didn't say he would fuck off. I indicated that his investment would be completely fucked.
  7. A part of me hopes we go down cos the cunt will have absolute misery for ages. He'll never get a better offer, Rafa will go, the fans will give him shit constantly. What a gamble this is.
  8. He was almost certainly invested in the takeover process so he will be mighty fucked off it's come to this.
  9. This PR nonsense just completely dissuades anyone from wanting to deal with him. Utter prick man.
  10. Likely to get hosed regardless in the next two games. No surprise this has come out in the traditional no home game for a while slot. Aye - always the way with this fucking arsehole. We should've seen 'news' coming based on the fixture list alone.
  11. Fair enough. Think a lot of people (myself included) are just assuming that because they're not Ashley, they can't be all bad. I'd trust someone I don't even know over him. I'd take ANYBODY over Ashley. Honestly anybody. Give me the spawn of Bin Laden over this cunt. We're a sporting institution desperate for hope.
  12. Yeah, this takeover is well and truly over. That kind of comment from MA is ridiculous. Asking for an earnest money deposit at LOI is f***ing stupid - no f***ing deal is ever done that way. Totally agree. This simply isn't the how these things are done. He seems to think he can re-write the rule book this f***er. I've never known a deal done in this way. Why would you put any capital at risk when you've got to deal with this f***ing shark? I think this PR tonight is all off the back of the Express article. It's a massively over the top 'Don't f*** with me' reaction. A sledgehammer to f***ing obliterate a tiny nut. For all of this shitshow from Ashley (did we really expect anything else?) I can't say that PCP have covered themselves in glory either. The writing was on the wall when this never developed into exclusivity which is what has tainted my view of PCP a bit. They should've been pushing for that back in November when they made the bid. Overall, this is gutting. Tell you what the Halls should take a lot of the blame for this also as they sold up at the first opportunity without giving a fuck about who they were selling to or if it was in the best interests for the future. Let's not pretend they were always gonna sell it to the highest bidder. SJH was a money man above all else and certainly doesn't warrant the pedestal many place him on.
  13. I think tonight's news puts us at serious risk. Everyone, including players, staff, back of house bods would've been desperate for this deal to happen. I think this could well be a 'wind out of the sails' moment that impacts morale, momentum etc. What are the odds for us to go?
  14. Yeah, this takeover is well and truly over. That kind of comment from MA is ridiculous. Asking for an earnest money deposit at LOI is fucking stupid - no fucking deal is ever done that way. Totally agree. This simply isn't the how these things are done. He seems to think he can re-write the rule book this fucker. I've never known a deal done in this way. Why would you put any capital at risk when you've got to deal with this fucking shark? I think this PR tonight is all off the back of the Express article. It's a massively over the top 'Don't fuck with me' reaction. A sledgehammer to fucking obliterate a tiny nut. For all of this shitshow from Ashley (did we really expect anything else?) I can't say that PCP have covered themselves in glory either. The writing was on the wall when this never developed into exclusivity which is what has tainted my view of PCP a bit. They should've been pushing for that back in November when they made the bid. Overall, this is gutting.
  15. Yeah - it will be the end of the season now I should think. At best. He's gone and gambled again the fucking cretin.
  16. And, more importantly of all, changed a 'stepping stone' culture that'd been here for eons. Goes against Ashley's ultimate goal though, doesn't it. Yeah - probably true actually, on reflection. Fat cunt.
  17. In fairness to the fella, he's in absolutely ridiculous nick and will probably play into his forties so he probably feels he can still do a job for them through to 2021. He's asking them to buy into that I suspect. He's one of the best players ever so it's hardly unreasonable to have big demands.
  18. And, more importantly of all, changed a 'stepping stone' culture that'd been here for eons.
  19. So grateful we've got this guy fighting our corner, looking after our interests at the club. So many weaker managers would've been steamrollered by the fat cunt by now.
  20. He's damaged goods like so many of our signings under Ashley so I reckon there'll be something in this one tbqh.
  21. I think there's a few he'd happily shift but, the difference with Rafa is that he doesn't trust them to replace the outgoers, so he'd rather hold his nerve. The other yes men would have all sold a few by now and we'd be stuck with a lesser squad come 1st Feb but Rafa is much too wise for that.
  22. Love how Southampton 1-1 Man Utd just fades into view as this ends . Something poetic about it. Like a scene from The Office that .
  23. The M.D. of that Blackbridge looks like he’s just finished his paper round . Like a little spotty wannabee.
  24. He’s a good’un this lad.
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