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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. He even brought Brad Friedal along AND introduced him to N-O. Legend.
  2. Minhosa

    Papiss Cissé

    Drought over. Phew.
  3. No. Don't compare 'real' money with betting money. Real money is there. Betting money comes and goes. If it's gone, try to get it back. But, and that's one thing that's for me personally the most important thing in betting, wait for the opportunity. Know when to bet and when not to bet. Most important thing imo. Good counsel from D28 here.
  4. Need a big game from him tonight. C'Mon Yohan.
  5. I don't fancy Bolton at all tonight, can only see a Spurs win.
  6. Imagine the glee on the face of whomever he asked about it. If that person even exists. That's a big if. I've heard he's due to confirm we'll not be making an approach for Van Persie this summer too#alltheexclusives.
  7. Thanks for that Lee. Went right out on a limb with that piece of breaking news. Plum.
  8. He's got a massive ego so you never know what he would have said if offered the job. It's a job for someone who is 55+ imho. There's no way a relatively young coach like Mourinho should be doing it. As much as I'd love a 15 year contract given to someone like with a vision throughout all England age groups, I just don't see it happening.
  9. Mourinho should have been the manager the FA moved heaven and earth to get if they were serious about England doing well as I think he would have been perfect for the job. I know he made noises about not wanting the job but most managers were saying that and most would have made an about turn if offered it. There's no way he's ready to drop club football to take a part time role in international football. Maybe in ten years.
  10. Surely a good few of them will be looking to avoid injury tonight too?
  11. Fear we're in for a battering here. Which is good because the last twice I've thought this, we've won comfortably.
  12. Even Mourinho would've been met with derision in some quarters. Its the impossible job, especially so when you've got arseholes like Martin Samuels just waiting to shoot you down. Hodgson should wait until one of them bastards switches newspapers and criticise the move in a different paper, saying what a cunt he is and how a different Chief Sports Editor would've been the better appointment. Pack of bastards, the lot of them.
  13. I'm quite happy to give the guy a chance and see how he does. This vilification is absolutely criminal when you consider he's spent his life in football and achieved success. He may not be everyone's first choice but there's not a candidate out there who would have met with universal approval. That said, I'm nowhere near as bothered about England as I used to be so I struggle to get that passionate about the poor sod who's got to 'motivate', 'coach', 'develop systems for' a bunch of tossers who clearly feel they're more important than they actually are.
  14. Might as well get Barca on too: they need all the help they can get, tbh.
  15. Our midfield would smash their current one.
  16. Harsh - they were very loyal in the shitty years and have always had a good following iirc.
  17. Excellent decision if they do Yep. Unless you're a Brum fan heading into the play-offs. Ouch.
  18. Pretty much how I see it. So disappointing to blow it against fucking Wigan. We really need a titanic performance on Wednesday and I've a feeling we've shot our bolt already. If supporting the club has taught me one thing, it's that we rarely pull off away wins against the odds. I'd love to be wrong but I think this has been a pivotal weekend. Agree with the two posts above. Shame but this is the life of a NUFC Supporter. Still a fantastic season and massive progress overall.
  19. Pederson should've stotted the ball of that cunts face there.
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