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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    I imagine he will be, but what can he do? He's gotta tread a very fine line here and once again they've dumped him right into a shitstorm he doesn't deserve to be surrounded by. Agreed I'm no fan of the cunt but he doesn't deserve this shite.
  2. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    Cash for Gold, Donnay, YSL, Radgies R US LIKE!! Whatever the fuck it is will be of no relevance to the club or our history.
  3. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    One step forward, two back with this cunt. Always will be. He's like the Titus Bramble of owners. All the attributes but only a matter of time until a shit decision fuck it's all up. Cuntchops.
  4. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    'Understands the need for the club to find new ways of improving the playing squad' apparently. His views on this would have been irrelevant imho.
  5. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    I can't see any fucker paying for it. It's the same con as last time. 'We'll just rename it until we find a sponsor'. Get to fuck. Fool me once...............
  6. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    PR disaster. Clueless cunts.
  7. True, Hugo Viana at a similar age as well IIRC. Yep - Viana really should have been a world beater. Wasn't suited to English football imho. Poor move for him and us.
  8. Pistone. Italy U21 Captain when he signed. Dogshit by the time he left.
  9. Really liking Neville. Can't stand Smith. Boring, droaning voice.
  10. The cunt almost destroyed the team when he was in charge and looks like he's trying to finish the job off a decade and a half later. Hate him and the fucking bin dippers since he came back with all of thier sudden views that he should be knighted, sainted or whatever. Seconded.
  11. Can't remember who it was but some figure from the football world was talking about this the other week and apparently he was on circa £30k per week at NUFC and Liverpool offered him £90k - he then went back to NUFC and said if you make my wages up to £55k I'll stay and they said it was too late and the deal was done.
  12. Minhosa

    Nile Ranger

    I'm sure it does and I'm not defending the act but someone who gets assaulted can die too - who are we/the club to define which crimes are acceptable/more serious than others? I'm talking about applying a precedent of sacking an employee for a criminal act outside of work and whether those who feel so strongly about sacking the guy would say the same if it was Tiote or Ben Arfa. TBH I'm not particularly interested in the Ranger incident specifically more the setting a precedent for the wrong reasons. Thing with Ranger is, this isn't a one-off incident - he's still on bail for an assault charge, and he gets himself caught drinking/driving. This on top of his previous incidents at Southampton. the Lad just doesn't seem to learn, and you have to wonder if he ever will? You do. There's no doubt the lads an idiot.
  13. Minhosa

    Nile Ranger

    I'm sure it does and I'm not defending the act but someone who gets assaulted can die too - who are we/the club to define which crimes are acceptable/more serious than others? I'm talking about applying a precedent of sacking an employee for a criminal act outside of work and whether those who feel so strongly about sacking the guy would say the same if it was Tiote or Ben Arfa. TBH I'm not particularly interested in the Ranger incident specifically more the setting a precedent for the wrong reasons.
  14. Minhosa

    Nile Ranger

    If you set the precedent of sacking him because of this crime then I would argue you should apply that to others in the squad. Nobody is disputing the fact that the kid is a knacker but being late for training and having a bad attitude would not be enough justification for me to write off a asset with potential. Andy Carroll sparked his team mate, smacked his lass and was a complete cunt when out of the town but he returned £35m. Sack him and somebody else would be cashing in now due to NUFC jumping the gun because he wasn't an angel. This is more about club policy and bigger than just Ranger imho.
  15. Minhosa

    Nile Ranger

    The guy is a complete clown and he's paying the price for his past misdemeanours judging by the response on here but setting a precedent of sacking him is an interesting approach. Would we sack Ben Arfa or one of the other frenchies for the same thing if they have a glass of wine or two at lunch and then drive home? It's not unthinkable that this could happen and, for me, people are applying the situation differently because it's Ranger. Hopefully the club let him face his punishment and move on. Also, he's an asset worth in the region of £500k - why would the club want to let that go for the sake of a driving ban? (Barton history excluded of course).
  16. As you say, if it was a great offer we wouldn't be sitting here discussing whether he will sign it or not, we'd be celebrating. On that basis, there has to be some chance he's checking out his options and comparing them to our deal. Hope he considers his status here and how settled his family seem to be and signs on the dotted line. I genuinely think he's happy here and don't particularly think he's that motivated by money (but then I didn't think Jose was) so let's hope the offer isn't offensive enough to push his nose out of joint. He's godd enough to play in any team in the world in this form though, so he may just fancy a title shot somewhere before he hangs up his boots.
  17. Minhosa

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Really? Where's that?
  18. Only ask because Gervinho seemed our number one target and wondered whether they were similar. I forgive you! Nah seriously Was actually wondering the same the first time we were linked with him, had no idea and still dont know much more than that he doesn't seem to be like forhead from 3000BC that's the thing with Gervinho we got 50% added forehead for free, so I'm wondering what Maiga can bring to the party?
  19. Only ask because Gervinho seemed our number one target and wondered whether they were similar.
  20. I'm a big of Willo. Could probably do with one more steady CB as further cover unless of the young lads comes through the ranks fairly sharpish.
  21. Its true he will be turning heads, but that does not mean we would sell or he would want to leave.. I can see it being harder for us to keep Colo rather than Tiote.. I see it the opposite way tbh. Colo has made his money, he's had his big money moves, his family seem very settled, he's just been made captain, his mate will be here for the medium term at least. Tiote is a young lad, perhaps with more ambition, hasn't had his 'big money move' and may be more prepared to chase the money now when he doesn't have a family/ties to the area to consider. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Chelsea see him as an Essien replacement. Either way - both would be very very very difficult to replace.
  22. Minhosa


    I like the look of Sessegnon, I just think they are using him completely wrong. He'd be great in the number 10 role for us with Cabaye and Tiote in behind and a decent forward in front of him. Not that we need him but in the right formation, with some quality around him, he'd be a top 6 player imho.
  23. Because any player worth their salt wants to play? Would prefer that than the Guthrie method... Perhaps the case but he can't have thought he was having a good game? The substitution cannot have been that much of a surprise to him. If he was having a solid game then fair enough but he was turbomule for the most part. Less said about Danny Do-one the better.
  24. Minhosa

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Ryan Taylor I think. Yep Raylor.
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