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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Minhosa


    3 Year Deal. Wonder how much his compensation will be next year?
  2. Minhosa


    Yep, that is correct. It was very, very easy for Northumbria's finest to police from St Peters to the South Stand, it is the closest stand to any metro station. Now you are in the North Stand Upper and is a logistical nightmare from any metro station. If they still bring you from St Peters, you will get picked off all over the place having to walk past the east stand. If they bring you via Stadium of Light metro station, which is probably closer, you will have to pass the Colliery Tavern boozer. To my knowledge, their is no route which will put you out of reach of Sunderland fans picking you off. What a gigantic bellend. Fucking picked off? What is this? Call of Duty Mackem style? If you think the police will just stand by and watch whilst mass brawls start across wearside you're a total spanner. Do you not think that a few isolated incidents of us poor mags being 'picked off'' would go without retaliation? Of course they wouldn't. And when that response happens, all hell will break loose and the police will steam in and sort it out. End of story. There will be no mass brawls or coordinated mackem 'pick offs' because a) the police wouldn't let it get that far and b) you cunts can't coordinate your fucking socks in the morning.
  3. Minhosa

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I'm with you on this one. Besides, Best off the bench is a good option if we are chasing a point with time running out, enabling us to drop Ben Arfa a bit deeper to try and create something in the mix with Best fresh and raring to go.
  4. Minhosa


    On this subject, I used to hate Man Utd but have developed a begrudging respect for SAF and the way he's overseen a constant evolution of teams over the years, pretty much always getting them to deliver. On City, as much as I have an issue with the silly money they throw about, I don't see them as a cause of any real problem but more of a minor symptom brought about by SKY and the super rich having a cocks out competition. That said, I'd struggle to hate any team containing Silva who I love to watch. Also have an admiration for Arsenal and, as much as the 'I didn't see it' attitude fucks me off, I respect Wengers achievements massively. Don't particularly enjoy watching the likes of Stoke, Wigan, Blackburn play but don't have any major problem with them as clubs.
  5. Minhosa


    Sunderland and Liverpool. Not got anywhere near as much hatred for any other side. Mackem hate is obvious and Liverpool are just the luckiest club in the world, not to mention how fucking self-appreciating their fucking fans are. An absolute bunch of dicks, to a man.
  6. Footballer proving yet again that you can't buy class.
  7. Would have go into a bookies and get them to call head office for a special bet.
  8. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    On, or due on, the payroll isn't he?
  9. That's ok, we'll be spanking £8-£10m on a new centre back in January.
  10. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    Done Also done. You can shove your for sale signs up your arse Llambias. And Ashley you can tell your sports direct that they can stick a few cheap signs wherever they want, our heritage is not for sale.
  11. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    Middle east and Asian companies would jump at the chance to be honest. Then why haven't they already? Because Asian/Middle East Company @ St James Park is not an enticing offer to take up. Asian/Middle Eastern Company Stadium and front shirt sponsorship is. If, as has been reported, the club want a ten year sponsorship deal for the shirt and the ground then it's going to cost a significant sum. If they are sounding out potential partners they would have already had some initial discussions around what partners want. Why would they have to do an 'interim' naming of the ground? Why not just say 'at the end of the year we'll be seeking a joint sponsor for the ground and shirt and you can do whatever the fuck you want with the ground'? Why 'showcase' it? I don't buy this buffer argument of sports direct taking the negative hit. They are a plc with shareholders after all and it'd hardly be a responsible way of running that entity. It's not going back, it's not going to change, it's going to end up being sports direct throughout. They will be our branding partner.
  12. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    Precisely my point. It's been done with the intention of Sports Direct keeping it for sure. Wouldn't trust anything the pack of cunts say. Just feel sorry for Pardew though this, in a strange way, may play into his hands with the fans sticking with him/feeling sorry for him.
  13. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    It does to them. All that exposure for fuck all. Especially given that they are a brand with no corporate social values and won't give a fuck about the negative press an Ashley owned Newcastle will generate.
  14. I'd love to see how Sports Direct pays for the club, I'd have to say. As if we're reliant on some two bob shitty sports shops. Get out of our club, get of our club...........................
  15. Good post and if you don't understand that St James' is many a Geordies cathedral then, well, you just won't get it.
  16. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    Middle east and Asian companies would jump at the chance to be honest. Then why haven't they already?
  17. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    Ask yourself which kind of brand would want to risk the negative reaction from 50000+ fans and social commentators at a significant up front cost to themselves, on a long term deal with the club? To me, there are no 'blue chip' brands who would want to associate themselves with Mike Ashleys Newcastle due to his propensity for stupendous decisions which have the potential to negatively impact their name/brand. So, it'll either be a less aware foreign brand, a smaller company or it'll end up being sports direct. I know where my money is.
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