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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. I think it came from Pardew's quotes after the Carroll sale. Something like 'Covering the cost of Cheick's new contract' or something similar. May be wrong on that as my memory is shite.............
  2. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    My point is Ian, I want someone with integrity - not an obvious Ashley whelp. I want a manager who can genuinely fight his corner to protect the good of the team, to demand players in certain positions and to throw the dummy out of the pram when he has to. Pardew's too busy wiping Mikes jizz from his lips to worry about shit like that.
  3. see i don't think it's entirely a joke if done in the right way, combined with a moderate outlay of funds generate from club income on transfers and wages plus monies from sales being used for new players/contract extensions it could be very prudent in this day and age it's the way ashley is screwing the pooch with a potentially decent idea that's getting me finance-wise football is weird compared to other businesses, i see no reason why something in between couldn't/shouldn't be able to work not putting any outlay whatsoever on new players just makes no sense man Especially when two or three top players (i.e: proven in top level football) in positions we need could be the difference between an ok season and a fantastic season as well as giving us base to develop from , as well as giving us more depth and as well as meaning the sale of a Tiote or Ben Arfa (which will both happen during Pardews reign, as that's the plan) would be less damaging in the short term.
  4. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    They had known for months they were going to sack him and Alan Pardew is the best they could come up with? Bollocks. His apppintment, and the reasons for it, are obvious. They might have spent more and appointed Jol and still got worse results. Do you really think Jol would want to work for those two? Or any self respecting manager? There's a few good reasons no other cunt was in for the job. My point was he's done okay results wise, there's no guarantee a big name would necessarily have done better. My point was a big name was never in the frame. They could have been offered Wenger, Ferguson and Mourinho and it wouldn't have mattered. They wanted a yes man.
  5. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Yet the 3rd division failure still managed a better points to games ratio in the league than the successful manager despite playing 6 of the top 7 at home and without a £35 million striker for the majority of it. Nice one Pards and !!! Aren't you banned yet?
  6. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    They had known for months they were going to sack him and Alan Pardew is the best they could come up with? Bollocks. His apppintment, and the reasons for it, are obvious. They might have spent more and appointed Jol and still got worse results. Do you really think Jol would want to work for those two? Or any self respecting manager? There's a few good reasons no other cunt was in for the job.
  7. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    They had known for months they were going to sack him and Alan Pardew is the best they could come up with? Bollocks. His apppintment, and the reasons for it, are obvious. That wasn't the issue we were discussing though, we were talking about the stuff Pardew said about the job and meeting Llambias. I honestly don't want to debate peoples' mental conspiracy theories about how Pardew owes Ashley massive gambling debts, or he shagged his daughter, or he sold his soul to him in return for the ability to charm any woman. If the reason is that he gets on with Ashley and Llambias and they trust him, then I don't have a problem with that and it seems eminently sensible. We've seen how it works out when we have a manager who can't work with the owner. I'd say he bends over more often than Dale Winton on a weekend in Brighton. Which is just the way Ashley/Llambias want it. Give him a few quid for lowering the wage bill, give him a few quid for pedalling his bullshit, give him a few quid for towing the line when they pick and choose who he gets and who goes. He'll never have any integrity in my book and I'll happily nail my colours to the 'wouldn't trust a word he says' mast regardless of how he does at NUFC. The biggest job he'll ever get btw.
  8. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    They had known for months they were going to sack him and Alan Pardew is the best they could come up with? Bollocks. His apppintment, and the reasons for it, are obvious.
  9. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Aren't Llambias and Pardew mates from Llambias' days running casinos? Pardew said he had met Llambias on 8 occasions during his 1st press conference. (...And mostly at charidee do's). He also said he'd had no contact about the toon job despite the contrary evidence of his odds at the bookies tumbling while Chris Hughton was still in situ. Meh. And Golfmag confirming Pardew was in the running months before his appointment. Double Meh.
  10. Either that or he's a terrorist.
  11. Some ITK for you on Cabaye........................... I've heard he's being considered for a role in the reserves. In Holland. You heard it here first.
  12. i cant believe the over reaction on here to a few hundred people running on the pitch, ffs get over it lads.
  13. It's America. Pitch invaders would be tasered down in seconds. No lie. That's an interesting point, I can't think of a time where anyone has ever 'invaded' during an American sport. Mike, help me out here - has anyone tried it? Other than Spike Lee. Haven't you seen Teenwolf? There was fucking loads of them on the court at the end of that.
  14. Yeah - do that. Let us all know his name too. Then when he's appearing in court we can let him know who the complete fanny fart was that reported him.
  15. Minhosa

    Alan Pardew

    Good post. In total agreement with that. I'll never warm to the cunt after the manner of his appointment, he's lied from day one and is absolutely 'one of them'. He's been incentivised to lower the wage bill without a doubt.
  16. Yep. A bit of banter that went a bit far. Not the end of the world.
  17. Minhosa

    We're Doomed

    Yes lets wait untill the transfer window shuts and find enrique has just gone the day before so we have no cover, History repeating itself after carol went, Just loving the cameo striker signing Demba Ba we are a laughing stock and ashley is taking us for mugs. Just out of curiosity, what's the alternative to "waiting until the transfer window shuts?" Storming the NUFC boardroom, driving a blade through the chests of Ashley and Llambias, pulling out their still-beating hearts and hanging their carcasses on the Gallowgate with "let's see you 'spend' the Carroll money now fat cockney bastards" written in their blood?
  18. Unfortunately not. Used to be quite good from memory, now reverted to type. Was to be expected.
  19. Aye. Our lot ran on the pitch for a laugh. Was Darlo fans that started fighting stewards. Whey aye. Some people getting a proper sweat on when it would only have been a bit of banter. Calm your engines..............
  20. Just a banter after knackers scored man.
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