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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Absolutely. The guy looked doped. Hope he can regain last season/early this season form.
  2. You use it plenty so first comment doesn't add up. You offer fuck all opinion and too much 'after the event' posts/historic post trawling. Perhaps if you were to bring something to the table rather than bullshit you wouldn't be considered the 3rd worst poster on here. PM me if you like.
  3. I wonder if he's not concentrating on it as much with the new GK Coach - he had a very good relationship with the previous one apparently.
  4. Brock had a good cross on him but was slow as fuck. I remember watching from the Milburn paddock back in the day (my first few years of a season ticket were in there) and the abuse Sheedy got from the supporters closest to the pitch was vast. He took it well though and his banter back was always funny. The craic was great at the match in those days, a far greater affinity with the players and fellow fans I reckon.
  5. Yep - he made Kevin Sheedy look proficient.
  6. Thanks tossrags. Golden Rule of gambling #2 - Never Bet on Your Own Team. Stop talking shite. Shouldn't you be searching old posts? Funny you should mention it... http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,43822.msg1008066/topicseen.html#msg1008066 PS: Kaiz, can you find the SP troll img. Thanks Jesus it took you a while to drag that up. What's unemployment like? I'm sorry, I don't hang on your every word fantastic response though, you're clearly a heavyweight champion of cutting-edge remarks so I'll leave you to keep on working minimum wage to make back the thousands of pennies you so recklessly threw away on Saturday There's a word for people like you: http://www.coffeedetective.com/images/mr-p-lick-coffee-mug-21311090.jpg Your banter is shite.
  7. Thanks tossrags. Golden Rule of gambling #2 - Never Bet on Your Own Team. Stop talking shite. Shouldn't you be searching old posts? Funny you should mention it... http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,43822.msg1008066/topicseen.html#msg1008066 PS: Kaiz, can you find the SP troll img. Thanks Jesus it took you a while to drag that up. What's unemployment like?
  8. A few duds? A bit like saying Harold Shipman had a couple of off days.
  9. Take some advice of Stu TT - apparently he's an expert on everything after it's happened.
  10. Thanks tossrags. Golden Rule of gambling #2 - Never Bet on Your Own Team. Stop talking shite. Shouldn't you be searching old posts? As the old saying goes: "a fool and his money..." You don't gamble what you can't afford to lose Matthew.
  11. Thanks tossrags. Golden Rule of gambling #2 - Never Bet on Your Own Team. Stop talking shite. Shouldn't you be searching old posts?
  12. Hopefully he'll be able to get on the ends of either Beckham's or Bentley's crosses eh Alan?
  13. Nolan (with 8 days rest and a point to prove after today) absolutely has to start imho. He's not the medium term answer but we've got nobody else who can do what he can from midfield, so he's a starter for me.
  14. Heh. Only quote I could be bothered to quote. As much as I love Newcastle, Stevenage always has & always will be my first love. To say i'm over the moon with todays result is an understatement. Didn't agree with all the chanting about Shearer, and it never crossed the line etc as thats clearly in the past. At least thats been buried now. Surprised how strong Pardew went, but that backfired a little. Think our (Stevenage) players looked a little shakey first 5/10, but as soon as they settled down, completely outplayed Newcastle over the 90 minutes. Bostwicks goal was not a hit and hope - he's done that many times. Laurie Wilson was superb, been such a hit and miss player, but to see him take the piss out of Nolan and Smith was hilarious. Thought Tiotes lunge was a red at first viewing in fairness, but replays showed he got the ball so I guess he may win an appeal. Thought Newcastle fans were pretty rubbish today. I was expecting a massive atmosphere with banter back and forth, but they rarely seemed to make any noise. Was really surprising, we completely outsung them, and that rarely happens. Last thought - i've said it elsewhere, but the "fan" of ours who ran on and punched over Scott Laird because he wouldnt give up his shirt is a complete, grade A cunt who should never be let in a football ground again. I seriously hope he gets caught and Scott presses charges. Fair enough - enjoy today, your team deserved it.
  15. Minhosa

    Steven Taylor

    I'm a fan of the big willi but today was his worst display in a black and white shirt. Fair do's people having a pop. I still think he's a calmer influence than Taylor but he looked absolutely fucked today and in need a spell out of the limelight. His last 2 starts have been his worst two games.Doesn't like a physical opponent by the looks of things. The funny thing is he has had good games against physical strikers but he used to stand off much more and seemed to read the game well. Now he seems much closer to the forward meaning he gets outpowered/is pressured into mistakes. Dare I say it, he looked better under CH - I wonder if the dropping for Saylor has affected his confidence?
  16. Which was the only way to beat them today, passing and moving. We didn't do either.
  17. I'm not saying we've become shit but the selections and tactics left a huge amount to be desired.
  18. They had more attempts on target, more attempts off target, more possession and more corners and were the only side that looked like scoring before their fortunate goal. I have no doubt they would've turned us over even if that had of flew wide. We didn't turn up, our tactics were a hark back to the good old Souness/Allardyce days and our players looked fucked.
  19. I'm sorry but that first line is bollocks. Fluke first goal - aye, it was a deflection but you can't say they didn't deserve it nor that a goal wasn't coming. We're chasing the game - err, did we? Hit and hope - it was a very good strike from the lad. Agree that Stevenage deserved it. I'm assuming you've watched FA Cup 3rd round day before. Plenty of better teams than ours have come up against a lower team and had a tight game where they've looked shit. To be honest, it breathes a bit of fresh air into a soulless corporate Sky Sports driven sport. If it wasn't us I would have loved it. Gutted it was us, but it doesn't mean that our chances of survival are less, or that our squad is automatically shit. As things stand, I would rather have beat West Ham 5 - 0, and lost 3 -1 today, than the other way round. Of course I've watched round 3 before - what's that got to do with your shite points in your opening paragraph of the original post? There were 4 points in my opening paragraph. The first 3 were factually correct. The last one is open to debate, and perhaps you're right, it was a great strike, in the same way Ronnie Radford's was. So I'll give you 3 -1. The overall point of the post was I'm not going to overreact. It was a typical cup tie, which we all would have loved if it wasn't us. Arsenal were relatively equally as shit against Leeds today until the last few minutes. Doesn't mean Wenger is a shit manager, or that they won't be challenging for the title next week. You'll give me 3-1. I'll give you 0-3. Your points in the opening paragraph were all toilet, face it. I'm not bothered about being out of the cup at all but to make out like Stevenage played like a typical 'nick a goal' lower league side in a cup tie, as opposed to boss us and perform better than us in all areas of the pitch is nonsense. As for us 'chasing the game' - you're talking utter nonsense again - we didn't create one clear cut chance in the entire game - even Bartons goal wasn't what you could call a chance. We didn't bomb forward, our fullbacks barely crossed the halfway line and we had one up front for 95% of the 2nd half- so it's not like they nipped away on the break after we were dominating them with pressure. They deserved it - no doubt, but this wasn't a lucky giant killing, this wasn't a freak performance, we were woeful and they were good.
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