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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. People are now resorting to violence?


    All because this girl indulged in barely 5 mins of a bit of gentle titillation?


    Come on guys settle down. You shouldn't let women throw you off your centre so easily.


    It's not at all manly.

  2. I knew about that already. Apparently it was just running for at least the first couple of weeks.


    Remember reading that somewhere else previously.


    Pretty shocking stuff.

  3. Man ... we're going to be a lot better this season just by virtue of taking Pardew out of the equation, along with his various goofballs. If only we would just get McClaren some players in good time.

  4. I am always fascinated by the guys that judge these girls for those horrid sexual videos some of them do.


    As soon as they get home it's likely the first thing they turn on for thrills.



  5. A lot of you guys feel very threatened by women, particularly confident ones.


    You feel you can't keep up. Putting them down in order to feel more of a man is not the way.


    Man up.



  6. Come on guys respect the young lady. I'm sure she is trying her best.


    And yes, she does have breasts. Please get over it. She should be under no obligation to "get them out" as you say.



  7. Does she actually still practice while she plays then? Had no idea. That's crazy man. Got to admire that love for the game.


    Judging from Google she went full time as a footballer recently.


    Ah, right. Interesting. Had no idea they weren't even full time before.

  8. Can't believe we charge our own fans to watch interviews with their own team. Embarrassing.




    My mate is a Southampton fan, and they upload full 10 minute interviews and even match highlights onto the official YouTube account. We on the other hand, charge people for NUFCTV, and give 30 second teaser videos on YouTube. It's no wonder the relationship from fans to the club is so poor without access to such simple things.


    That's pretty cool by Southampton. Is that generally the norm tough, or an exception?

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