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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I see he is still taking Bill Beswick (sports pyschologist) everywhere with him.  Didn't they used to say McClaren would consult him on everything first.  Wonder whether we would let him bring such people with him.



    Our players have typically been so mentally weak that it probably wouldn't be such a bad idea actually.

  2. 6 ft 3 at 16! Might end up at around 6ft 8.


    Interesting how he was a defender over here (clearly because he was tall), but then goes to Spain and has a chance to develop all areas of his game, and shows he can be a striker, and so is converted despite his height.

  3. I'm just holding on to the hope that he will use the players we have correctly.


    In the brief period Pardew put his ego aside and did that, even he managed to finish fifth!


    My biggest frustration in past seasons has definitely been the complete misuse of our players, and I really feel we won't see the same issue with McClaren.


    Guess we'll have to wait and see now though.


  4. Amen Brummie. Vieira would have been fascinating,but I'm cool with McClaren.


    Just really looking forward to no more moaning and bitching about the players we sign, and benching them for a bunch of terrible terrible replacements, and just having no regard for the players the scouting team are bringing in.


    i could actually see McClaren do well here. It's not impossible at all.


    I'd probably agree with this (assuming we won't actually bring in a top manager...). McClaren is not half as bad as most people on this forum seem to think he is, he's certainly better than Pardew.


    My main issue with McClaren is that by all accounts he'd be another yes man.


    Not really though, because he actually has a previous relationship with the scouting team, and so that side of thigns will work so much better. It probably even has had an effect on the number of players we were able to get in, with Pardew's continuous whinging and complaining.


    Secondly, McClaren is a legit coach and is coming in with an n=understanding of the structure and will therefore work to it.


    I don't see him as a Pardew that claimed ot be cool with everything to snake his way in, and then start fucking about, and bitching, and dulling expectations. Pardew was a poisonous, evil human being. Can't underestimate how much his terrible mindset affected the whole club.

  5. Amen Brummie. Vieira would have been fascinating,but I'm cool with McClaren.


    Just really looking forward to no more moaning and bitching about the players we sign, and benching them for a bunch of terrible terrible replacements, and just having no regard for the players the scouting team are bringing in.


    i could actually see McClaren do well here. It's not impossible at all.

  6. At the moment, the manager is still John Carver. Even if the second half of the season was difficult, he is someone who I appreciate.”


    Oh just shut up Moussa.

  7. What terms do we think he will struggle most to accept though?


    Low-ish salary he might be OK with, maybe also not having 100% control of transfers (he might not even want that). I reckon the coaching situation will be the blocker, when he's forced to take Carver and Stone instead of his own staff.


    When you put it like that it doesn't seem there's that much to overcome.


    If it really comes down to it, surely they'd ditch the coaching staff at this point, and start completely afresh?! The Pardew compo money would pay off most of it anyway.


    Come on MA do the right thing! We're almost there.

  8. Watford signed Sebastien Prodl.  Seems a highly rated centre back withinternational experience and a free transfer. 6ft 4 too, shame we missed out


    Hmmm ... surprised Palace didn't sign him at that height.

  9. Reading some of the articles about how may areas Vieira was actually involved in was pretty exciting. Looks like he could revamp our whole pathetic setup himself.


    The club mentioned in that article stating the requirements for the new manager, that they would want someone who could sort out the whole setup, from youth through to first team.


    Let's see how serious they are.

  10. Trying not to get excited about Garde or Paddy V, we've already approached McClaren, so I'm fairly sure we would be happy with him and he would be happy with us...


    If that's the case why has it not happened yet then?


    I'm hoping they've cooled on him, otherwise it would have been pretty cut and dry without all of this delay and conjecture.

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