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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Also worrying when he stated that "Lee Charnley and the 'football board' are responsible for choosing/appointing the next manager".


    Had hoped charnley would be clearing his office after today.  :undecided:


    Placed the hiring of Pardew squarely on Llambias shoulders too. No surprises there then.


  2. I'd take a chance on an unknown name from the lower divisions over a f***ing bore like McClaren, man. Nothing remotely exciting about him. "But, But...he's better than Carver" isn't good enough to just say OK either, ever.


    That's an argument I will never, ever understand.


    Towards the end of the Lambert reign, lots of our fans were calling for all sorts of f***ing stupid stuff  - "get Pulis in! He'll keep us up!" "Try to get Allardyce in", and whenever challenged, the answer was always "better than Lambert"


    Utterly meaningless, in that situation and in this one too.


    Almost everyone on here believes Carver is absolutely useless and hugely out of his depth. That alone means that "better than Carver" is a totally worthless justification.


    If Carver is as s*** as he seems to be, how is being "better" than him a meaningful argument?


    Wouldn't it be possible to be better than Carver AND still be absolutely f***ing hopeless?


    Why would anyone want that?


    Man ... Sherwood is looking like he has something about him. You guys are so fortunate.


    I hate you!


    Sherwood has proved very little so far.


    A blind man on a galloping horse could spot what Lambert needed to change to fix it, and Sherwood has done just that.


    However, he is still a manager with less than one season of management behind him, one who has never had a transfer window to work in.


    Basically, I am steeling myself for him buying all sorts of past-it, hopeless former Spurs dross.


    Livermore, Huddlestone, Dawson, that level of crud.




    Wish that was our only worry!


    Tell you what has impressed me the most about Sherwood. How he came in and wasn't afraid to play Grealish, and allow him to express himself. I absolutely loved that!


    He's got form with that too from Spurs, with Bentaleb, Kane and Mason. That is a very good sign IMO.


    The window will be interesting though for sure. If he can stay away from the has beens, and show some fresh ideas in the window, you guys are in good shape.

  3. I'd take a chance on an unknown name from the lower divisions over a f***ing bore like McClaren, man. Nothing remotely exciting about him. "But, But...he's better than Carver" isn't good enough to just say OK either, ever.


    That's an argument I will never, ever understand.


    Towards the end of the Lambert reign, lots of our fans were calling for all sorts of f***ing stupid stuff  - "get Pulis in! He'll keep us up!" "Try to get Allardyce in", and whenever challenged, the answer was always "better than Lambert"


    Utterly meaningless, in that situation and in this one too.


    Almost everyone on here believes Carver is absolutely useless and hugely out of his depth. That alone means that "better than Carver" is a totally worthless justification.


    If Carver is as s*** as he seems to be, how is being "better" than him a meaningful argument?


    Wouldn't it be possible to be better than Carver AND still be absolutely f***ing hopeless?


    Why would anyone want that?


    Man ... Sherwood is looking like he has something about him. You guys are so fortunate.


    I hate you!

  4. For the players we get in at the moment it would have to be McClaren over Pulis for me.


    Pulis is currently playing 4 centre backs in his back line. He would line up with Colo at right back, Saylor and Willo at centre back, and Dummett at left back. I don't even want to imagine wht he'd do with midfield and attack!


    McClaren would at least put our more talented players out on the pitch and try to find positions for them that work. Moreso than Pulis anyway.


    Pulis started Anichebe over Berahino at our place, and had the likes of Morrison on the bench man. To me those are their two best players!

  5. McClaren is a bit of a wuss that's for sure.


    But here's the thing. I could never imagine him ditching the likes of Ben Arfa, Marveaux, Santon or Yanga-Mbiwa.


    He would have kept them and used them.


    For me that is already a huge win. We get some decent talent in, we just need someone with the humility to just let them play for the love of the almighty!

  6. The first England strike force at the new Wembley was an all-Newcastle front line wasn't it? (Owen & Smith)


    Remember as well The Chronicle harping on for ages how Allardyce turned down the chance to sign Elano (before he went to City) for Smith. Hated him.


    Big Sam was such a pig.


    Remember Elano's first appearance at St.James' Park?


    Tore us to absolute shreds  :lol:

  7. Watching the Football Mavericks ITV series, so much of it rings true with what happened to Ben Arfa at this club.


    Such a shame so many fans buy into the propaganda and revisionism. If you're not going to enjoy your football then what is the point.


    Yeah, watched that too. Really enjoyed it.


    Couldn't believe how under appreciated Hoddle was.


    Seems there has never really been that much of an appreciation for flair players over here.

  8. You can say Pardew and Bruce "ruined" him, those damn English dinosaurs, but in reality Gerets, Perrin, Houllier and Deschamps did the same thing in France.


    Fact if, if 6 managers (I'm using the term lightly with Pards and Bruce) thought he wasn't worth their time, then maybe they are right.


    I absolutely hate this argument.


    Lyon and Marseille were top teams in France and competing for the title were they not? There were other really good players in those teams, and with him being younger and less disciplined it was always going to be difficult for him to just play his game, and he always got frustrated with that.


    However, we are Newcastle and are nowhere near the levels of the teams he had been in. We are absolutely shit. There's no fucking reason he should not be playing 90 mins every week in our team. No way.

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