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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I still maintain I'd have him back playing for us instantly if we could secure that. Strange that we'd be able "pay whatever it takes" to get him here, seems completely false based on history.


    It's interesting isn't it. I think it's due to the fact he's actually come in and shown that he can perform for us. I think that helps convince someone like MA.


  2. Interesting ... it's not impossible that he ends up back with us, I don't think.


    Arsenal were the main obstacle, and seems they've opted for Sanchez.


    Spurs link, I'm not sure was ever accurate. They've still got Adebayor and Soldado upfront, and so many attacking midfielders/wingers to play wide.


    Would be pretty cool if we ended up getting him afterall. Maybe he hasn't ended up having as many options as he thought he would, as far as Champions League clubs go.

  3. Brazil having to face Argentina in the 3rd place match would have been epic IMO. Oh well.


    No, those playoff games are always s***.


    Nah, Brazil would have been under pressure to make up for the farce yesterday. Add to that the fact they'd be playing their major rivals, and the likelihood Messi would have rinsed them, and it would have been tense.

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