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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I wonder how Carr feels with all his transfer picks getting abused and cast off under the instruction Pardew.


    This really confuses me. He was apparently set to quit when JK came in last summer, but they convinced him to stay, so I assume they mist value him quite highly.


    Why on Earth do they trust Pardew's judgement of a player over his for goodness sake?! It doesn't make sense.

  2. I thin he's still worth what we paid, as he's quite young still.


    The problem will be his wages, as I'm not sure the top teams in France who can pay them, will be interested.


    What is really sickening also, is that we've proved that loud chairman of theirs right, and he will no doubt be telling Cabella not to come here now.

  3. Pardew even said he 'couldn't look Mapou in the eye' because he'd played so well last time he had a run at centre half. Honestly, how f***ing stupid can you be, man.


    Yup, I remember that. Pardew is just terrible. He'll never get it right, and so we just have to wait it out until he's sacked. Really frustrating.

  4. Miranda was playing well before Simeone, he is a very good defender. Paying so much money for a 29 year old is a tad excessive though.


    Why so hung up on value for money bro? Money is no object because they're Man U! They should pay £50 million!

  5. He's clearly a talented guy, but more importantly he's got a temperament that will work with Levy. Pochettino will be comfortable with whichever players he's given by the powers that be, as he was at Southampton, and he won't say anything crazy in the media, and he won't fight the players etc etc.


    This ultimately has been the kind of things that have got previous Spurs managers fired more than anything else.


    Pochettino will do very well IMO, because Spurs always bring talent in, and as long as you can work with new players brough tin without having to control that side completely, you'll likely do well.

  6. When he first arrived at St Mary's, players were surprised that so little time was spent focusing on the opposition. The manager would only mention them for two or three minutes after the pre-match meal. No plans were made for specific players. Instead, Pochettino focused on his team, on his approach. It bred a confidence, a swagger. Whether Southampton were playing Manchester United away or Cardiff City at home, the preparations would stay the same in the week before. Formations were not discussed among the players, only shape. Pochettino talked about areas and fluidity but never the need to stay in a rigid 4-2-3-1 or 4-4-2. It was innovative stuff and it worked.




    Rubbish! That is just foreign mumbo jumbo that over complicates things.


    You just need 11 English middle class grafters that can run backwards.

  7. Pardew is not a good enough manager to ever bring youth through, because we will never be doing well enough generally to do so. We're never coasting in games, or comfortable in games either, and so he'll never bring them on. God knows he definitely won't start them often enough either. It will never happen.

  8. So frustrated. For all Drillo's faults at least he knew how to organize a team filled with average players and make them able to compete. We're not good enough to try to play well, man. :anguish:


    You've had some really good moves, but the final third decision is poor.


    Oh, and Pardew seems to be your set piece coach, which obviously isn't great.

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