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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Why was his confidence on the floor on the back of a lucrative move to Germany?


    He'd been on the bench all season! Instead of coming over and being given the freedom to play right upfront, and be provided with good service, he was placed in a defensive number 10 role, and the widemen and full backs pushed aaaaaaaaaaaall the way back!


    Dude had no chance. He'll never fit in here under Pardew, and shouldn't be signed. Having said that he's definitely not as bad as he looked. No doubt about it.


    The only strikers that will work in this team are great athletes that can capitalise on scraps and half chances.

  2. midds, even worse than all that, is the fact that we are clearly struggling due to his insistence on retreating, and his response is to retreat even further! And then eventually play more defenders!


    Pardew is a really bad manager, he really might be the worst in the league IMO. For the players he has, I think he's done a disgraceful job.

  3. Hmmm ... I assume he's sitting out all the current training sessions, as well as the upcoming friendlies then too.


    Pah! Dude is soft. Pampers soft.

  4. Will this tomfoolery never end? Pardew must be ousted.


    So the full backs are being told to stay back, and the wide men are being told to get back.


    I mean, for goodness sake, why bother turning up for the match at all? just concede defeat from the outset, as we're clearly not aiming to score any goals!


    What an utter buffoon we have in charge.



  5. I remember the clips of this guy from France when we were going for him. Honestly think he's a phenomenal talent. So good bringing the ball out from the back too.


    Well, hope he gets his career back on track wherever he ends up. Has been such a good pro through his mistreatment. Never moaned when on the bench, and didn't when he wa splayed at right back either. Just got on with it.



  6. I really hate pardew, turns up at all the worlds events like he is some kinda super star.  Using nufc to project his image.


    It's incredibly cringe worthy.


    I really do wonder though, do other managers do this sort of thing?

  7. He made it up! Red faced and out of breath. Clutching the railing for dear life. That's terrible.


    Is there any manager you don't dislike?


    The guy seems alright, don't know much about him really. Literally just switched over for the Ireland Turkey game.


    Was just shocked at the size of him. Imagine that guy making you run laps in training? It would be ver hard to take for sure.

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