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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I think that team will win and save Pardew's arse for another season. Cisse and Remy look dangerous together IMO. Plus Gouffran and Colo back and it's a far better side than Villa.


    Cisse wouldn't look dangerous if you gave him a AK47. He's utterly hopeless. Hope he proves me wrong though.


    What I've seen is that even when Cisse doesn't score, Remy seems to find a lot more space due to Cisse pulling defenders away. In any case I'm not arsed about winning this so if it doesn't work...meh.


    I see what you're saying but i dont see how Cisse gets a start ahead of De Jong. De Jong has played quite well in a team that has been utterly s*** since he joined.

    Cisse was the only player that looked remotely likely to score against Spurs, got no problems with him starting


    He missed a couple of sitters and his record in the league has been nothing short of a joke.


    De Jong should be playing off remy 


    We finally have someone to make runs off of De Jong's good headers, and he's screwed that up too.


    Absolutely vital, as we will hoof, because that side won't pass the ball well enough.

  2. Wait, so we finally get Remy back, who is the kind of striker to help get the best out of De Jong, and he drops him?!  :lol:


    Cisse and Remy will be completely isolated, especially with that uber creative centre midfield of Tiote and Anita.


    Cisse for goodness sake  :lol: Pardew is so dense man.


    We are going to get ripped to shreds. Lambert has gone 4-3-3, so they'll have possession, and the front three of theirs will romp away at our slow defenders.

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