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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Did Kaka claim Mata would play on the right in a 4-4-2?


    Can't remember if I did, but with everyone fit he was never going to play anywhere else but wide anyway.


    Are you watching the game now?


    :lol: Right? Mata has a free role, and has done since signing.


    He drifts in from wide right, fair enough. Still hasn't done much since he joined.


    In the infamous 81 crosses game, he was just launching crosses into the box.


    Just like Kagawa, it's not working and the problems don't lie with either player.

  2. Was talking to an ex-academy player the other day. He said when he trained with the first team last year he literally couldn't believe how bad Gosling was. Apparently they did some shooting practice and Dan only got about 5 of 40 shots on target, he was totally dumbfounded as to how he was anywhere near a PL side. Pardew really likes him too, as well apparently. Depressing.


    He likes him because he sees his sorry self in these sorts of cloggers. Pardew was a no talent having headless chicken try hard sort, who was probably jealous of all the talented players that got more acknowledgement than he did. So here we are, stuck with this dufus that lauds the abilities of your Sholas and Goslings, while getting the hump over Ben Arfa and Marveaux. Brilliant.

  3. Actually starting to think we'll win. Panic over etc.


    I know this is how it works, but I have read this whole thread and had a right old chuckle.


    You wouldn't all be so miserable if you had any idea just how incomprehensibly feeble we have been for months now. We haven't even gt a particularly good away record anymore, either[b/].


    I found this amusing.


    The bit in bold is precisely why you will beat us.

  4. The messed up thing is that I fear we may have to give him his players in order to then facilitate sacking him. Unless the media will always excuse his awfulness, by blaming it on too many French players/foreigners.


    Had we bought the players he wanted last summer, we would have had Darren Bent and Downing. Now that's a sobering thought.

  5. Nobody is expecting him to set matches alight but displaying a basic level of effort would be nice. Realise we are desperate for some creativity in the team but it shouldn't mean there is a ban on questioning the attitude of our 'flair players'. Wanting to see players mildly interested in playing for the club doesn't equate to spunking over the thought of 11 Cattermoles raging about the pitch.


    Bimpy, to answer your bizzare Shola questioning, I don't want him in the team any more than I want Marveaux in the team. He may have influenced my username but I'm pretty sure, for example, that WarrenBartonCentrePartin isn't in favour of the the exhumation and signing of our former fullback.


    Foluwashola, my real gripe with this Marveaux thing is that I don't see how he shows any less interest than Shola, who continues to be praised to the hilt and given 90 mins way too often.


    I have no doubt that if Marv was given the same opportunities as Shola, he would have a greater impact on our play. No question. Because Shola has no impact whatsoever, and hasn't for a while.


    This is ultimately what bothers me, and I hate to get so annoyed with Shola because he isn't picking himself, but then the frustration just spills over.


    I cannot understand Pardew in this instance, because what he is doing isn't fair and doesn't make sense.

  6. On the other hand, it's hard to succeed playing players who don't look good in training and don't show desire. I'm not saying this is Marv, but in theory.


    So why is Shola being played? I have heard he's apparently Pele in training, but I'm calling horse dung on that claim.

  7. Marveaux can never be in the wrong for me, because he's been marginalised for ages now. Debatable how suited he is to the league I guess, but I think he has shown enough to have got more playing time.


    It's not as if we have a bunch of more deserving players to play ahead of him by the way! We've been playing Shola Ameobi 90 mins for goodness sake, and there is no justifying that Shola Ameobi can get a full 90 mins, while the likes of Marveaux and Ben Arfa get criticized for one thing or the oher all the time.


    Does Shola Ameobi score? No.


    Does Shola Ameobi assist? No.


    Does Shola Ameobi close players down? No.


    Does Shola Ameobi hold the ball up? No.


    Does Shola Ameobi head the ball in the general direction of our other players? No.


    Does Shola Ameobi stay onside? No.


    So, what does Shola Ameobi do to get so much praise in comparison to those two? To get so many opportunities to play? To be absolved of any blame for our poor play?


    Shola Ameobi does 6 foot 5. It's the only explanation. And that is pathetic.



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