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Posts posted by KaKa

  1.                                   Hart

    Zabaleta      Kompany        Lescott      Clichy

                      Fernandinho    Toure

    Navas                    Jovetic                Silva



    Looking forward to my fantasy team getting off to a good start (Navas and Fernandinho)


    Navas will get James Milner'd. Very risky!


    I've steered clear of Man City players as it seems impossible to predict who will be played.


    I'll be surprised if Navas isn't a regular starter for them like.


    Prepare to be surprised then.


    Milner started ahead of him in the majority of pre-season games, despite the fact Navas joined them very early on.


    The constant rotating with Man City strikers and wingers will be a nightmare with City this season.

  2.                                   Hart

    Zabaleta      Kompany        Lescott      Clichy

                      Fernandinho    Toure

    Navas                    Jovetic                Silva



    Looking forward to my fantasy team getting off to a good start (Navas and Fernandinho)


    Navas will get James Milner'd. Very risky!


    I've steered clear of Man City players as it seems impossible to predict who will be played.

  3. That team would ruin us.


    The way to destroy that team would be to be able to keep possession, and pass it round them, which would be quite easy to do with the likes of Nolan and Barton in midfield. Nolan would be knackered after 15 mins, and Barton would just get frustrated and start kicking everyone.


    Unfortunately, we have not been able to master passing and moving effectively enough to be able to accomplish that against this kind of team.


    That West Ham team would essentially pummel any team, who can't move the ball around well, but would get decked by the "classier" teams in the league, and by that I don't necessarily mean the top teams either. A Swansea would make life very difficult for them for example.



  4. “As a midfielder you look at his creative ability and there are not too many around as good as him. He is a French international, he is at the perfect age... And I am not trying to sell him here, by the way."


    “He makes an incisive pass, and if you are doing that they need to be accurate, otherwise they keep turning the ball over, and he showed that when he came on. He made the forward passes that made the difference.”



  5. Coyle was known for Exciting passing football at Burnley was he not? Wut happened?


    As crap as this is it's probably unfair to judge based on this match. Crushed Barnsley last week.


    Yeah, that's true. Just so used to Wigan taking any and everybody on.

  6. The guy's career has gone without him ever playing regularly anywhere. It's quite unbelievable. He's just been happy to play the odd game here and there fleetingly.


    He's quite the clown in my opinion. Never really gave things a go. Ridiculous.

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