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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. My understanding from reading everything from yesterday and today, is that we're happy to continue to pay Gomis what he's on at Lyon provided we get him for a fee slightly less than what they want.


    Lyon therefore feel as though Gomis should make do with less so they get th emoney they want.


    Gomis feel as though they should let him leave for slightly less so he gets the wages he wants.


    Something like that anyway.


    In the meantime we're being kept in the hoola hoop.

  2. Ha! So these turnips thought they were so clever offering him double the wages we did to sign him, and now they want us to pay his wages in full on loan, because they're stuck with them.


    You really couldn't make it up. No chance we should agree to that. Bunch of cretins.

  3. IMO Arsene Wenger is still AT LEAST the second best manager in the league. As long as he's around, he'll drag an Arsenal team to 4th at least. Spurs had a better side than Arsenal last season, had the better star player for the first time since...... still finished behind Arsenal.


    The Arsene Wenger system will give Arsenal 4th at least.

    If Spurs manage to keep Bale and get Negredo (or any star striker) then Wenger will have too much to do imo


    I squealed!

  4. So if this does come off do we think Pardew will go back to the 4-3-3? with Remy Cisse and HBA. Remy playing the roll left hand side like Ba did?


    Nope. He'll play Remy and Cisse upfront.


    Guess who wins again?



  5. The issue for me is the lack of alternative options we always seem to have.


    If our policy is to be so strict on value for money, then we should make sure we have a wider range of options, so that we can work on a number of these at any on time, to ensure we have a chance of getting one of them in.


    Unfortunately, it's more likely that we'll just hang around hoping that they come back to us on Gomis, which is just unacceptable really.


    We've all seen this movie before, and it still sucks.


    I would say Remy is an alternative option. Whether we get him here by the start of the season is another issue, but it would definitely give us a decent front two until January.


    Think the plan was to get both, so not sure Remy is an alternative per say.

  6. It's apparently 10 million Euros with add-ons rising to 12 million Euros.


    Lyon are definitely being cheeky, but the guy's real value is significantly higher than that. It's the start of August just pay the money at this point, and get the man in early so he can be settled before the season starts. Make his life easier, and our lives easier.


    Let's not forget that Swansea have already met the asking price this summer, as well as Rubin, which is probably why Lyon are not happy for us to pay less.


    The whole thing is just so disappointing, honestly.

  7. The issue for me is the lack of alternative options we always seem to have.


    If our policy is to be so strict on value for money, then we should make sure we have a wider range of options, so that we can work on a number of these at any on time, to ensure we have a chance of getting one of them in.


    Unfortunately, it's more likely that we'll just hang around hoping that they come back to us on Gomis, which is just unacceptable really.


    We've all seen this movie before, and it still sucks.

  8. Same thing every summer. Especially when we're after a striker.


    Cisse, De Jong, Erding and Maiga.


    Just can't seem to get these over the line in time, and end up having to resolve in January.


    Only striker we go tin January was Ba and he was on a free.


    My expectation is that we likely won't get a striker this summer now.


    Gouffran and Cisse will be the starting two, and when one inevitably gets injured we'll be seeing our good friend Shola Ameobi playing the majority of games yet again.


    Oh happy days. Joy unbridled.

  9. Moyes has been strangely too vocal about things since he took over, I guess he wanted to put on a strong profile right off the bat but might backfire on him. Comments on Rooney were really clumsy and if they don't land Cesc he will look silly after being so determined about it.


    Exactly! That's what I said. Most Man U fans are sceptical at best as it is. Hes doing himself no favours. Needs to just chill out.


    A bad start and his arse could really be on fire. They wont sack him, but the atmosphere will suck, which won't be cool for him at all.



  10. How's that then?


    Breaking news on SSN.


    Martino: All bids for Fabregas will be rejected.


    Right. So that constitutes a 'nightmare'? Because he can't get one player?


    Yeah, he's been too public regarding Fabregas. He look silly.


    Plus the whole Rooney thing he didn't handle that great, with his goofy comments.


    They've also been underwhelming in the pre-season so far.


    Ordinarily probably not a big deal to an established manager, but for a new guy who isn't that high profile, taking over at Man U it creates more pressure.


    No doubt about it.

  11. That formation is suicide tbh, 4-3-1-2 is a lot more workable.


    Plus i don't like Cabaye in a midfield 2, he needs to be part of a 3 IMO.


    Yeah, perhaps.


    Either way I think it's more likely to be a flat 4-4-2 with Pardew.


    The worrying thing is that we haven't been linked with too many left wingers at all.


    The thought of Jonas being in the first 11 next season is absolutely sickening.



  12. The only way I could see two strikers up top wprking with our current squad is with a Wigan like 3-4-1-2, where we then get width from Santon and Debuchy who are pushed further forward.


    Back three - Taylor Colo Yanga-Mbiwa


    Midfield four - Debuchy Sissoko Cabaye Santon


    Attacking midfield - Ben Arfa


    Front two - Cisse Gomis/Bent


    What are the odds of Pardew lining up like this though? Nil.

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