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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. If we want someone on the left who gets wide and delivers crosses consistently, then unfortunately Sinclair isn't that guy. I see the thinking in getting a more traditional winger for the left side, as Santon is naturally right footed and looks to cut in, and so this would provide a good balance.


    However, I would hope we could do better than Downing. Cheeky bid for JK's old pal Insomnia?


    There's really not that many left footed, left wing players that can put in a decent cross, that I can think of tbh.

  2. God, can we please have a season of all these top players staying fit?!


    Would be so awesome.


    Shame he's joined so late, as he could really have done with these Faye Downey's sessions, as he also likes an injury this one.

  3. Downing really started going down the pan when they started playing him on the right so much. He's just not that kind of guy.


    If he's just a classic winger on the left side, with the purpose of whipping balls in, hes decent.


    Seems a bit forced though. The guy is 29 years old, and along with Darren Bent this just seems a little desperate. Older experienced Brits. Reeks of that template Pardew kept banging on about.


    Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world though (same as Bent really).

  4. Loic Remy deal all but confirmed, Bafetimbi Gomis remains in France


    Loic Remy has arrived in Newcastle to complete a medical before signing a one year loan deal with the Magpies from QPR with an option to buy.


    We understand that there is a buy out clause in the contract for €11m (Around £9.5m) which Newcastle can activate at any time during the player’s one year stay at the club.


    Newcastle will pay a £2m loan fee and they are expected to cover all of his £2m a year wages, although the latter piece of information is unconfirmed.


    Bafetimbi Gomis remains in France as he awaits minor details for his transfer from Lyon to Newcastle for €10m to be completed (€8m + €2m add ons). Get French Football News has learnt that there will be a meeting, potentially via phone, to attempt to get past the current agent issues later today.


    There remains competition from Marseille and one other Premier League club and should either of those sides offer more than the proposed €10m from Newcastle then Lyon will pull the deal with the Magpies. As far as we are concerned, Marseille are yet to make an approach for Gomis and have by no means agreed wages for him.

  5. I'd take Ba back over Gomis.


    Aye lets buy a player whose proven not to work with our main striker.


    Remy - Ba - Ben Arfa, easy.



  6. Anyone reporting whether or not this will be a loan move with an option to buy?


    Either way i'm really pleased with this, he's the one player I wanted most this summer.

    Pete Graves ‏@PeteGravesSky 4h

    Remy to #nufc has permanent option at end of season. The 'other area' Kinnear has spoken of strengthening is left wing. After 2 strikers in.


    CaptainClarenceOveur @Airplane 4h

    Remy to #nufc has permanent option at end of season.



  7. Good interview. Bit of a relief watching that.


    Right, secondly, what the heck is slim doing?!


    Can someone please tell me how to disable sigs and avatars please so I can look at the forum at work, without that stuff popping up and getting me in trouble.






    Just done the same, thanks to Dave!


    Some people are just strange....


    Excellent, thanks pal.  :thup:



  8. Good interview. Bit of a relief watching that.


    Right, secondly, what the heck is slim doing?!


    Can someone please tell me how to disable sigs and avatars please so I can look at the forum at work, without that stuff popping up and getting me in trouble.



  9. The fact of the matter is that we are not going to bring in Remy or Gomis and have them on the bench in a world cup year. They both wouldn't accept it.


    It's also highly unlikely Cisse or Ben Arfa will get benched.


    Therefore it is likely to be a 4-4-2 or hopefully more of a 4-2-4 with Ben Arfa and Remy wide.

  10. No hope for Anita man, damn. Days numbered.


    McCarthy's much better, man. No need to be negative.


    Scottish doesn't count as home grown now? Ridiculous.


    Not being negative. I actually really like McCarthy.


    Just saying it would pretty much be an indication that Anita won't really get a chance it seems.


    In all honesty Tiote should be the one to give way for Anita at this point but Pardew loves the guy it seems.

  11. If we sign this guy and Gomis, along with the fact there is no European 'distraction'.


    We must achieve at least one cup semi final and Europe. Standard.


    It would be an incredible achievement to somehow screw this up.


    :lol: Aye. f*** me man, are you for real? :lol:



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