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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. We're the only team in for him and we're going to give him 50 grand a week. Mugs if thats the case.




    What? 50K is perfectly reasonable in today's football, especially for a striker with his record.


    What on Earth do you think we'd pay him? Please be realistic. My goodness.

  2. Agree it's typical from us. Still haggling over every penny, to pay as little as possible.


    I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we've been after him from the outset, and he wants to come to us, which is why he's turned down everyone else.


    And once that's the case we always draw things out over money, especially as he's in the last year of his deal too.



  3. Tottenham vs Sunderland at 10:30am - Sky Sports 1


    Liverpool vs. Melbourne at 11:00am - ESPN


    Man City vs. South China at 1pm - Sky Sports 1


    Tottenham vs Sunderland will particularly interesting. Let's see ho Sunderland are looking in particular, compared to where we're at this pre-season.


    Altidore starts, as does Cabral and Giacherrini.


    Strong Spurs side too, so should be interesting.

  4. West Ham rumoured to be after Remy. Wages would be no problem for them if the AC figure bandied about is correct. He is the only really quality player we have been linked with so far this summer.


    David Gold (their chairman) said on Twitter they weren't interested in him at all due to his upcoming court case.


    I don't trust him!

  5. Tottenham vs Sunderland at 10:30am - Sky Sports 1


    Liverpool vs. Melbourne at 11:00am - ESPN


    Man City vs. South China at 1pm - Sky Sports 1


    Tottenham vs Sunderland will particularly interesting. Let's see ho Sunderland are looking in particular, compared to where we're at this pre-season.

  6. Oh good, the excuses have started again for Tiote. All Cabaye's fault he can't pass a ball 10 yards without gifting the opposition a chance.


    Can't stand Tiote at the minute, but Cabaye needed to move further up at certain points.


    Even the centre backs could afford to make themselves available for passes more. Shola never does so no need discussing him.


    Tiote seemed to be doing it the most, when in reality he should be doing it the least!


    Our wingers and full  backs could only pass the ball between each other once it went wide.


    It's all a bloody mess.

  7. How deep was Cabaye by the way? I understand him starting off there to receive the ball, but when the ball then went further forward he never moved!


    The gap in midfield was crazy, and it caused Tiote to try and do way too much.


    I really wonder if we'd be better off with Cabaye being bought by someone this summer.


    It would mean Sissoko dropping into midfield, and therefore never being played wide, and his more dynamic play would mean less of him sitting so deep I woul dhope.



  8. It's not the January before his deal  runs out you know! It's the summer.


    They'd likely be asking around £15 million if he had more years on his contract.


    Bony's just cost Swansea £12 million!!!



  9. I think we are in a good position to sign both Gomis and Bent tbh, it's just a case of negotiating the best deal. Also whether we actually want both or just one or the other (more likely just one IMO).




    Gomis would replace Ba, I think Bent would be Cisse's replacement. Gouffran is Best's and we don't really need to replace Shola.


    I agree. I think that's the thinking behind it.


    Looking like the idea is Gomis and Bent upfront. Then a two man midfield, as it's likely Cabaye will leave, so Sissoko and Tiote most likely.

  10. Gomis scores goals for France, scores goals in the Champions League and has cored regularly in his league for a good few years now.


    Not sure we can do much better to be honest!


    He may not always be the prettiest on the eye, but he's got pace and power we could definitely do with, especially considering our manger's tactical preferences.


    IMO I think he'll do really well in the prem. At least as well as he's done in France.



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