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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. If we sign this guy and Gomis, along with the fact there is no European 'distraction'.


    We must achieve at least one cup semi final and Europe. Standard.


    It would be an incredible achievement to somehow screw this up.

  2. I think QPR are going to try and manipulate the situation so he has to play the first half of the season at QPR.


    All this posturing and faffing about on their side seems to indicate this. They will then assure him he can leave in January after his case is sorted.


    I hope it blows up in their faces big time.


    :lol: Absolutely no evidence to support this point of view. Countless examples proving the opposite.


    They know no one is going to buy someone with a rape case hanging over them, so why are they talking about permanent deals?


    In addition they want to dictate the terms of the loan, with that ridiculous fee, and then apparently no option to buy!


    Hope they burn.


    Where is this from, like?


    Good to see 'arry and Fernandes are on the same page :lol:


    @tonyfernandes: Some players want to play in the premier league due to world cup. Loans are a good option. As we hope to come back to the premier league


    @tonyfernandes: Doesn't matter where a player goes if it's a different league and a loan

  3. Maybe they're pretending to be making an effort to let him go, in order to appease the player, who wants to leave.


    Then they'll just claim they were unable to once the window shuts. They can then just blame it on the rape case, which was ultimately down to him.


    This is Redknapp we're talking about. The worlds most devious hound dog.

  4. I think QPR are going to try and manipulate the situation so he has to play the first half of the season at QPR.


    All this posturing and faffing about on their side seems to indicate this. They will then assure him he can leave in January after his case is sorted.


    I hope it blows up in their faces big time.


    :lol: Absolutely no evidence to support this point of view. Countless examples proving the opposite.


    They know no one is going to buy someone with a rape case hanging over them, so why are they talking about permanent deals?


    In addition they want to dictate the terms of the loan, with that ridiculous fee, and then apparently no option to buy!


    Hope they burn.

  5. Can we just go for someone else like Sinclair please.


    Just leave these knuckleheads to themselves.


    Between Remy, Redknapp and Fernandes it's enough to make you sick.


    Bunch of Neanderthals the lot of them.


    Sinclair will cost lots of money.


    There was talk of a £5 million fee wasn't there?




    Exactly. What do you think we are, a sovereign state or something?




    I forgot we only have the £2 million to spend! My mistake.

  6. I think QPR are going to try and manipulate the situation so he has to play the first half of the season at QPR.


    All this posturing and faffing about on their side seems to indicate this. They will then assure him he can leave in January after his case is sorted.


    I hope it blows up in their faces big time.

  7. Can we just go for someone else like Sinclair please.


    Just leave these knuckleheads to themselves.


    Between Remy, Redknapp and Fernandes it's enough to make you sick.


    Bunch of Neanderthals the lot of them.


    Sinclair will cost lots of money.


    There was talk of a £5 million fee wasn't there?



  8. Can we just go for someone else like Sinclair please.


    Just leave these knuckleheads to themselves.


    Between Remy, Redknapp and Fernandes it's enough to make you sick.


    Bunch of Neanderthals the lot of them.

  9. Think Barca getting in Neymar to pair up with Messi has hugely influenced this move.


    Madrid feel they have to make a splash too, and will now have a dangerous pair of their own in Bale and Ronaldo.


    Daniel Levy, hats off to you though. Taken full advantage.



  10. I'd burst out me trousers if we signed Gylfi (even though I don't know where he'd fit in per sé)


    Hasn't looked good when I've seen him for Spurs. Not been impressed at all.


    Rodgers consistently got the best out of him though. He really did seem to fit into his system.


    He should have joined Liverpool when they came in for him. Wrong move.

  11. IMO I never really believed Remy would go out on loan. Never.


    QPR are full of it. They'll never admit they messed up, and take a hit like that.


    Hopefully Remy gets stuck in the Championship in a World Cup year. The dufus.


    I'm sure he's crying in his sleep, 80k a week and no World Cup .  Oh the pain.  I'm sure he was worried about his France future when he decided to join qpr.


    Ha! Are you for real?


    The guy wasn't begging under the bridge before he got that contract at QPR you know! He had money already.


    I'm sure when the season starts and the reality that he is in the second tier of English football hits, he'll feel like an idiot.


    Regardless of how much of a mercenary he is, I'm sure he wasn't even imagining being stuck in the championship this year.


    Otherwise I doubt he would have had that clause inserted.


    Pity he had to go molesting chicks, which now means no one wants to activate the clause for now.

  12. IMO I never really believed Remy would go out on loan. Never.


    QPR are full of it. They'll never admit they messed up, and take a hit like that.


    Hopefully Remy gets stuck in the Championship in a World Cup year. The dufus.

  13. Gomis At NEWCASTLE CAN BE ACCELERATED. Reportedly, Newcastle is preparing to make an offer of € 8,000,000 excluding bonuses at Olympique Lyonnais Bafetimbi Gomis. The Rhone president Jean-Michel Aulas seems determined to move quickly on this issue, which could even be set today.



    From Eurosport.


    Isn't that the offer we made already?  :lol:


    Multiple bids of the same amount. Very zany.

  14. It would be nice to get Remy, but if he ends up stuck in the Championship it would be quite hilarious.


    Hope he then gets injured and QPR struggle for goals, and crash and burn.



  15. Darren Bent is now 29 years old, and didn't play any football for a whole year essentially.


    It's not like the guy is coming off of a decent season or anything! Their treatment of Bent last season shows they didn't think that much of him themselves.


    Definitely would have started off with a very low offer too. £2 million? Why not.


    As a few have said already, Lambert's actions have done Villa no favours, as far as moving on the player for anything resembling a half decent price.

  16. Bent will never play well in a partnership. Unless the "partner" is basically an attacking midfielder.


    Darren Bent is a great player if you want to play him upfront on his own, and score enough goals to keep your team in the division. Or maybe even as high as 10th.


    Berbatov plays a lot like an attacking midfielder, so it will be a beautiful story for Fulham.


    Maybe. I find it more likely that the more talented player will end up scoring less goals, and Fulham will end up with a very minimal improvement on their overall goals scored, and by accomodating Bent, they'll have 1 less player to contribute to stuff other than goalscoring.


    Bent will score 20 in that team. Berbatov will score 15 with 8 assists.


    Courtesy of Martin Jol.

  17. Bent will never play well in a partnership. Unless the "partner" is basically an attacking midfielder.


    Darren Bent is a great player if you want to play him upfront on his own, and score enough goals to keep your team in the division. Or maybe even as high as 10th.


    Berbatov plays a lot like an attacking midfielder, so it will be a beautiful story for Fulham.

  18. Berbatov and Bent would be a very interesting parntership, actually. Bent would be straight into my FL team if he goes to Fulham.




    Berbatov will drop off, roam and create. Bent will get lots of chances to put away.

  19. The issue seems to be between Gomis and Lyon.


    Both sides appear to be happy with us, so it's down to the two to sort it out really.




    That makes no sense. If they both were happy with what we're offering he'd be here now.




    honestly think Gomis is holding out for more/OM




    On the "more" front, he could be quibbling with Lyon over his "loyalty" bonus players always seem to get when they leave anywhere. So we could, in reality, have a problem between him and Lyon.


    Yeah, that's kind of what I was insinuating, with the issue potentiall y being between Gomis and Lyon.


    I'm bored of this either way.

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