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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Nah definitiely cant see anything now.


    f***ing disgrace mind that we havent wrapped up a deal for a striker by now like. Had we even bid for Cisse prior to the last few days. f***ing lunacy man.


    Are you actually Pete Doherty?


    You have this nervous, paranoid, schizo way about you, that I imagine you might just be.

  2. Did people see Spurs attack last season? With the supply from the likes of Modric, Van der Vaart, Bale and Lennon, Crouch managed 4 goals?!


    What will he do at Sunderland?  :lol:


    This is really poor from Bruce. If they sign him to play upfront alone after selling Gyan, it would be incredible.


    I would play the highest line ever against them. No pace whatsoever. Incredible.

  3. Kid's obviously extremely talented. He just needs a bit of care.

    The team spirit will help greatly. And it sounds like Pardew spends a lot of time with the defence, so he'll get plenty of attention on the training pitch.

    Looking forward to seeing him.


    Newcastle is currently perfect for the likes of Santon and Obertan who just need opportunity and some confidence in them. This is because we are currently undergoing a bit of a transition period, and so there isn't as much pressure at the club. Santon and Obertan are coming from Inter Milan and Man U respectively. These clubs can't really going to put up with their growing pains as much.

  4. From my sources I get that Maiga is similar to Ba, wtf do we need that s*** for? Why can't we get a smaller more technical paced striker that can actually work off Ba or Ameobi if we absolutely gotta use the immobile beast?


    With all due respect, f*** your sources.


    :lol: Amen to that. Amen.

  5. Can't believe Daniel Levy turns down a £10 million bid for a 30 year old Crouch, and asks for more  :lol:


    Levy is the biggest troll ever when it comes to transfers. Insane guy.


    More unbelievably Sunderland, and Steve Bruce, not only bid £10 million, but actually consider raising this bid.


    This is the big plan from Bruce? Old man Crouch?  :lol:







  6. I expect this is just gamesmanship from Wenger.


    They've just signed Mertesacker and already have Vermaelen, who is outstanding. Think they're done with you guys.


    Vermaelen will not be third choice, and Mertesacker and Cahill wouldn't come in to be third choice either.


    English players cost too much. They're done.

  7. People are so hung up on what foot he uses, but it's not a video game!


    The guy played numerous games at left back at friggin Inter, and was hugely rated off of these performances.


    Chill out! He is fine either side.


    it's just about balance mate, that's all, and especially if you've got jonas ahead of him the other team pretty much know what they need to do to stop us down the left.


    he looks really comfortable on the ball though, him and ben arfa down the left is potentially incredible.


    It's not that straight forward at all. You can't just say because they're both left footed the other team knows exactly how to stop them. Disagree completely.

  8. I know little about either. Both the same age and have similar experience in that league.


    Not sure why Roux seems to be the forum preference, is it because he's fit up?


    I have a feeling people look at him as younger than he is.


    I would be over the moon with either tbh.


    To put it bluntly, racism.

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