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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Another thing about this if we were desperate to take some of Man U's scraps I'd actually prefer Diouf.


    I was thinking this earlier, but didn't even want to bother mentioning it as the temperatures were rising already on here.


    A lot speedier and more mobile from what I remember. Also has the benefit of a few appearances with Blackburn last season.

  2. Macheda. :lol:


    Whether this specific link is true or not, this is the sort i striker i expect us to get. We will get one, and it'll be one of this ilk. A pointless and contradictory loan, or another Kuqi/Sibierski.



    Sibs was mint  :angry:


    He was mint by accident.


    Was this the window when West Ham signed Tevez and Mascherano?


    Pretty sure it was. The whole country was still in shock, and buzzing after that news.


    Only to then have the news of Newcastle signing Sibierski scrolling accross the bottom of Sky Sports News some time after.


    Don't think I have ever been more underwhelmed by a signing.


    He did okay in the end, and it was all very cute, but man it was humiliaitng at the time.

  3. Douglas really doubting that Macheda will be our striker.


    Why let that get in the way of a collective internet s*** fit.


    I like your brand of aggressive optimism  :lol:


    It throws me off guard.


    Your short, angry cutting remarks are more typical of the pessimists.


    You're a special guy prophet.

  4. Please, please, please can we just spunk a large amount of cash on Sturridge, please?


    We have f*** loads 'in the bank' and he would be perfect for us in every way!


    Really think he's straight into the first team when he returns for Chelsea.

  5. Mark Douglas

    @MsiDouglas Mark Douglas

    @rsitch66 Told last week that they like Roux but maybe not ready yet. But all bets seem to be off so they might go in yet

    32 seconds ago via Twitter for iPhone



    Then he says this.


    A not-ready-yet Roux is far, far better than Macheda.


    Far more money also, unfortunately.

  6. Must be nice to look around a bar/restaurant/party/whatever, choose the best looking girl there, and there be an open door waiting for you.  Now if she's worth marrying or dating is another story...


    I like that you added that bit in. You're clealry a smart man.

  7. I have to say though, people seem far more accepting of news that isn't as positive.


    What happened to all of the not getting to excited until I see him holding up the shirt merchants, when the nwes is more positive?


    Does it not apply to this scenario too? Can we not self harm till we at least have this confirmed?


    Just saying ...  :razz:

  8. If it's just Macheda it's a f***ing joke. If it's him and another one then fair enough.


    Aye. Macheda may turn out to be decent, but it's us cheaping it out and going for the unwanted kid on loan that's the frustrating thing.


    1 goal in 12 for Sampdoria. 1 year loan - no option to buy. It's said before, but you couldn't make it up.


    The fact that there's no option to buy suggests that Man U clearly rate this kid. They had no problem selling us Obertan after all.


    Tron I love your positve nature, dude. However, loaning out another club's player with no permanent option is a weak move. Particularly as getting a striker was the number one priority this window. Awful.


    It'll be hard even really enjoying any good thing he does, because it will ultimately be Man U reaping all of the rewards. Because they really need the extra help don't they.



  9. Stop trying to be Baba, you'll never be Baba.


    Look ... being Baba as you describe it is simply me gving you a bit of my Naija swagger. I only show it once in a while.


    Chief commander Baba gives it to you guys full force. I like that about him. I did notice that it has been sweeting you guys well, well.


    Baba is his own man, as am I. Please don't insult either one of us. Like I said my Naija side is only a small part of who I am.


  10. Sickening that even if he comes in and stars he just swans back off to Man U. As someone said earlier, we really ought not to be fattening up their cows for them, they have it good enough already for goodness sake.


    This reeks of a Sunderland move a la Welbeck last term, so hoping there has been a huge mixup!

  11. @OSullivanMUFC Seán O'Sullivan

    Sky Italia claim Macheda to Newcastle: 1-year loan, no option to buy, no recall option. #MUFC #NUFC

    3 minutes ago


    Can't lie, if that is it on the striker front, then hugely underwhelming. Unbelievably so really.


    Cue the Best has proved he warrants an opportunity ... and so we decided to concentrate on getting in some cover ...





  12. Right on cue


    Well he wasn't. For a start, he arrived before Nolan left :lol:


    He's playing where Nolan did last season. Quite a few people expressed concer about a "foreigner" with no prem experience replacing Nolan in the team.


    However, I appreciated the effort to upgrade on Nolan, whose game I wasn't a fan of. Yeah it was a risk, but a very worthy one.


    Cabaye has not only made us tougher through the middle, but has also added a creative element.


    Those two qualities ultimately make us better in midfield overall. Not surprised we are currently grinding out results despite not quite clicking offensively yet.


    Aren't you supposedly an African? Why the hell are you using logic on a football forum when you should be more concerned about avoiding starvation?


    Um, thanks?! I think.




    By the way there are many sides to me ... just describing me as an African, does not do enough justice to the wonderful human being that I am.


    I thank you.

  13. Right on cue


    Well he wasn't. For a start, he arrived before Nolan left :lol:


    He's playing where Nolan did last season. Quite a few people expressed concer about a "foreigner" with no prem experience replacing Nolan in the team.


    However, I appreciated the effort to upgrade on Nolan, whose game I wasn't a fan of. Yeah it was a risk, but a very worthy one.


    Cabaye has not only made us tougher through the middle, but has also added a creative element.


    Those two qualities ultimately make us better in midfield overall. Not surprised we are currently grinding out results despite not quite clicking offensively yet.

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