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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. As ourselves and Arsenal have found this summer, football is all about player power. As soon as player has his head turned and is desperate to leave it is nigh on impossible to keep hold of them. If we really want him it's a case of when rather than if.


    They'll give him a bit more money and he'll probably stay I reckon.


    They've flat out rejected our bid it seems, which is weird because they allowed us to talk to the player.


    Looks like they will prbably only allow him to leave for more money.


    Ashley doesn't do more money ...


    Did Barca want to sell Cesc? Did we want to sell Enrique? Both accepted bids lower than what they regarded as value for their players simply because the player wanted to leave. It's very rare the player doesn't get his way.


    Yeah, well if it does happen it won't be in time for this weekend I don't think, which is unfortunate. Hope I'm wrong though.


    Enrique was in the last year of his deal, which made it tough.


    Fabregas, eveyone was just sick of his whiny little face, and supposed aching hamstrings!


    Hope your right though! Although we will surly have other ironsin the fire anyway  :harry:

  2. on what possible grounds can they appeal?

    other than Joey Barton started it


    On the grounds that Gervinho was merely removing a speck of dust from Joey's brow, after Joey had kindly helped him up earlier.

  3. Arsenal are going to get relegated if this carries on.

    My opinion is we look stronger going forward this year








    I'm happy that forward line can challenge for the league, just need an additional centre back to come straight in, an additional winger and striker cover. Possibly a CM to challenge Ramsey which Jadson seems like he would be.


    You've got to love your blind optimism, but Ramsey is not better than Cesc and Gervinho is not better than Nasri. :lol:

    I think Ramsey will be better THIS season than Cesc was last. Only time will tell I suppose. Technically Nasri is much better, better passer and vision but I think Gervinho's end product is something that will be much more useful. Head to head obviously the former two players are the "better players"


    Might be a first game thing, but Gervinho's end product was nonexistent against us. 


    Not even a lack of understanding thing.  Struggled to get crosses past the front post. 


    Don't see that being a major problm, if he can continue to get to he byline so easily against teams.


    He was looking to cut it back, as he was getting so far down the byline, and the Arsenal strikers really should have been looking to make runs to the near post.


    Think the team will figure it out, and he will be an absolute terror.


    Which Arsenal strikers? They barely have any. RVP isn't what I'd call a striker. You could see they lacked presence in the box on a number of occasions; someone there to put the ball away.


    A good example was early on, IIRC, when Gervinho got into the box on the right. He pulled it back and only RVP was in a decent position, and he was being marked by at least 2 Newcastle players.


    Their performance just summed up everything that is wrong with them, attacking-wise.


    Well you're kind of emphasising my point really!


    The strikers/wingers/midfielders were as much of the problem, rather than just Gervinho.


    Arsenal players don't do very well getting into scoring positions in the box.


    Thought Gervinho did more than enough in the game against us. Didn't seem to have many options to pick out though, as you say.

  4. As ourselves and Arsenal have found this summer, football is all about player power. As soon as player has his head turned and is desperate to leave it is nigh on impossible to keep hold of them. If we really want him it's a case of when rather than if.


    They'll give him a bit more money and he'll probably stay I reckon.


    They've flat out rejected our bid it seems, which is weird because they allowed us to talk to the player.


    Looks like they will prbably only allow him to leave for more money.


    Ashley doesn't do more money ...

  5. Arsenal are going to get relegated if this carries on.

    My opinion is we look stronger going forward this year








    I'm happy that forward line can challenge for the league, just need an additional centre back to come straight in, an additional winger and striker cover. Possibly a CM to challenge Ramsey which Jadson seems like he would be.


    You've got to love your blind optimism, but Ramsey is not better than Cesc and Gervinho is not better than Nasri. :lol:

    I think Ramsey will be better THIS season than Cesc was last. Only time will tell I suppose. Technically Nasri is much better, better passer and vision but I think Gervinho's end product is something that will be much more useful. Head to head obviously the former two players are the "better players"


    Might be a first game thing, but Gervinho's end product was nonexistent against us. 


    Not even a lack of understanding thing.  Struggled to get crosses past the front post. 


    Don't see that being a major problm, if he can continue to get to he byline so easily against teams.


    He was looking to cut it back, as he was getting so far down the byline, and the Arsenal strikers really should have been looking to make runs to the near post.


    Think the team will figure it out, and he will be an absolute terror.

  6. Arsenal are going to get relegated if this carries on.

    My opinion is we look stronger going forward this year








    I'm happy that forward line can challenge for the league, just need an additional centre back to come straight in, an additional winger and striker cover. Possibly a CM to challenge Ramsey which Jadson seems like he would be.


    You've got to love your blind optimism, but Ramsey is not better than Cesc and Gervinho is not better than Nasri. :lol:


    Gervinho is much more direct than Nasri, and looked a much more dangerous player. Ultimately I think he will aid more in Arsenal's inability to be more productive in the final third.


    In a similar respect, I wouldn't say Walcott was necessary a better player than either Arshavin or Rosicky overall, but he is far more direct, dangerous and threatening than those two at the moment, in the final third. Having Walcott and Gervinho wide is going to be a huge headache for teams.


    Losing Fabregas' skills is going to be huge though. he was the ultimate in playing those through balls that Gervinho and Walcott would absolutely lap up. I love Ramsey, but I think arsenal could do with getting in a more accomplished playmaker in the Fabregas mould.


    Arsenal will be just fine I reckon.



  7. Fabregas bottled it big time. Not a leader at all, which is fair enough.


    Should have revelled in being the captain of Arsenal, which despite what anyone says, is an absolute top class club.


    For whatever reason they are unable to buy big at the moment, but he should have just focused on his game, and getting better, and also trying to galvanize and inspire confidence in the younger players, many of whom are hugely talented. He should have embraced the challenge if he truly had any balls.


    Instead he's chosen to go over to Barca and just be another flash name on the teamsheet. Nice, easy ride.

    Fabregas LeBron James'd it. Punk move really.


    Hats off to Van Persie. Never whinges or cries about not winning a trophy every season or wanting more money etc. Just goes out there and does the business. Just needs to stay fit throughout a season, and Arsenal will do much better. They really miss him when he's out. Top, top player.

  8. From what I can gather it looks a similar type of player to Ba and Shola. Which is probably the resason why we haven't already bid for him.


    From the players we've been linked with/bid for, it certainly looked like we were after a little nippy striker to play alongside Ba, this guy doesnt really fit the bill. One might even suggest this looks like a bit of a panic buy. But none the less, he scored 15 goals last season and the season before, still relitively young and he's a striker. Something we're absolutely desperate for.


    Hope it comes off like, even if its out of sheer desperation for a striker with more ability than f***ing Lovenkrands, Shola andBest.


    Interesting post. Sounds to me like you're the one who is panicking though, and "gathering" all sorts of ideas out of thin air!


    I know the dude is over 6ft and black, but that does not equate to being like Ba and Shola!


    Not at all. From what has already been described of him and what i've seen on Youtube, he seems to be a big strong lad who's main attributes are based around his phsyical prescence and aerial ability. Much like Shola and Ba. He's certainly not the type of player we've tracked all summer i.e Erdinc, Gervinho and Gamerio.


    Unless of course, you've seen a great deal of him and can tell me otherwise rather than assuming im plucking ideas out of thin air?



    The videos on yotube aren't really enough to form any kind of opinion on the type of player he is from what I saw anyway.


    Secondly, people on here have already said he also plays on the wing and is quick.


    For example ...


    Would be pleased with Maïga, he's the kind of player we're going to need this season.


    Can play effectively on the left of a front three, alongside another striker, or by himself in a 4-5-1. He's fast, tough and a good finisher. My only concern would be his tendency to go missing in matches, he's quite hit and miss...

  9. Very weird situation on the whole I must say.


    It appears we have satisfied the club to some degree because they allowed the player to talk with Newcastle and apparently agree on a contract and everything, so why are they seemingly being difficult now?


    I wish Newcastle would just do more straightforward transfers like the Cabaye one more. All this drawn out back and forth squablling doesn't make anyone look good. They've already put the player in an awkward position with his present club, but I can imagine the guy is on tenterhooks as it is.


    Sort it out Derek. Make a decision already!

  10. From what I can gather it looks a similar type of player to Ba and Shola. Which is probably the resason why we haven't already bid for him.


    From the players we've been linked with/bid for, it certainly looked like we were after a little nippy striker to play alongside Ba, this guy doesnt really fit the bill. One might even suggest this looks like a bit of a panic buy. But none the less, he scored 15 goals last season and the season before, still relitively young and he's a striker. Something we're absolutely desperate for.


    Hope it comes off like, even if its out of sheer desperation for a striker with more ability than f***ing Lovenkrands, Shola andBest.


    Interesting post. Sounds to me like you're the one who is panicking though, and "gathering" all sorts of ideas out of thin air!


    I know the dude is over 6ft and black, but that does not equate to being like Ba and Shola!

  11. Long's looked impressive, exactly what we need.




    Don't start! I know what you mean though.


    However, if we had signed Long and played him he would have got no service yesterday, and would have been written off as rubbish already.


    So at least we've spared ourselves that pleasure.

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