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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. This "must crawl over broken glass or f*** off" attitude is cringeworthy.


    For a top, top player, then yes we might have to go a bit over the top, but this is just Larsson we're talking about; while he's good, he's not now nor will he ever be top class. Him and his agent are acting like he's the best thing since sliced bread.

    I say if he doesn't want to come here, then fine, f*** off somewhere else and we should move on.


    Hmmmmm ... are you sure you agree?!



  2. What happened to our policy of only signing younger players with resale value? As mentioned on the previous page thsi is Larsson's last chance at a big move and he's unlikely to dramatically improve. He can wait out his contract and go on a free as well so his wages will be very high... another supposed club policy out the window.


    He's 25 for goodness sake, of course he still has a lot of value. The guy can provide 5 years of top service. You don't think if he gets twenty assists in each of the next two seasons he won't be worth much more at 27?! Are you even thinking about what you're saying at all?

  3. Fair enough tbh


    It is obvious pardew was talking about Larsson coming in before the weekend. He has obviously misread the situation and is maybe not used to dealing with deals at the highest level. It shows a touch of arrogance IMO. Makes him look a bit of a dick as well after his statements!


    What are you talking about? Just calm down.

  4. Can't blame the club. Looks like they pressed ahead and were pretty agressive, but Larsson and his agent are taking their time. They hold all the cards so fair dos. How long can we afford to wait ont his though? Without any assurances we can get him? Frustrating.

  5. Exactly. If he's only coming for the best financial package he can get f***ed. Couldn't give a toss about players like that.


    As well as taking into account the sporting advantages wouldn't you try to get the best financial package too? How do you know what other clubs are after him. They might be pretty decent ones too. People are taking things way too personally. The guy has been on £10,000 a week up until now and hasn't agitated for a new contract like many others do, despite the fact he certainly deserved more than that for the quality of player he is. He has waited for his contract to run down and is now looking for the best total package. Fair play.

  6. Is it just me, or is Jerome absolute w***? Don't think I've ever seen him have a good game.

    On another note, why take Larsson off if you're bringing on Zigic? Surely when you bring on a big lad like him, that's when you really want a good crosser? Weird substitution IMO.


    I feel for Jerome. Just having the ball lobbed in his general direction all game. In a decent team he would score a lot more goals. Makes some really good runs.


    He's not realiable infront of goal IMO but he is feeding on less than scraps here, playing about 30yarss further forward than the midfield like he does every game. Birmingham are so unbelievably negative all the time.


    The thing is though, he chases these hopeless balls all game, and isn't consistently involved in any kind of decent play to get him going, and then maybe he gets one chance that falls to him. It's no surprise he ends up snatching at it. Birmingham are awful. This is the same West ham team that looked damn near semi professional when w eplayed them last week.

  7. Guthrie is pretty good technically and is a decent passer of the ball. The problem with him sis that he has absolutely no awareness, constantly gets caught on the ball because he dwells on it too long a lot of the time. He also doesn't get around the pitch too well. Very average

  8. Haven't watched the game closely at all, hows Larsson done outside of set pieces?


    Birmingham are incapable of getting the ball to him outside of set pices. Ends up having to drop so deep just to touch the ball, and from those deeper positions he can't be an attacking threat. He's a complete waste on this team. Just a set piece taker. It's pretty disgusting really.

  9. Birmingham are incapable of getting their wingers the ball in general play. Larsson must feel like topping himself. Impossible to judge him from this. Can only really look at his set pieces.

  10. Neil, Yakubu on loan to Leicester?! What the hell is that about? Can Everton really afford to do that?  :lol:


    If he can be arsed, that could be a brilliant move from Sven.


    Yakubu might be the laziest human being ever created, but he is still a goal scorer. Everton haven't helped themselves by playing him alone upfront as it just makes his lack of effort all the more glaring. Needs a very hard working partner to maximise his talents, certainly at the prem level anyway. I could see him doing well for Sven in the championship though, for sure.


    Not really. A few years ago he scored 20 goals for us playing in a 4-5-1.


    It was his injury that f***ed him, not tactics. Then just as he finally seemed to be getting his form back (in a 4-5-1 again) Moyes inexplicably dropped him and he's hardly been seen since. Something must have gone on behind the scenes.


    You're probably right. That injury was a really bad one. Still think he's better off with a partner who works a bit harder. He's just so inconsistent with his efforts. Just plays when he feels like almost.

  11. Neil, Yakubu on loan to Leicester?! What the hell is that about? Can Everton really afford to do that?  :lol:


    If he can be arsed, that could be a brilliant move from Sven.


    Yakubu might be the laziest human being ever created, but he is still a goal scorer. Everton haven't helped themselves by playing him alone upfront as it just makes his lack of effort all the more glaring. Needs a very hard working partner to maximise his talents, certainly at the prem level anyway. I could see him doing well for Sven in the championship though, for sure.

  12. I feel for Jerome. Just having the ball lobbed in his general direction all game. In a decent team he would score a lot more goals. Makes some really good runs.


    He's not realiable infront of goal IMO but he is feeding on less than scraps here, playing about 30yarss further forward than the midfield like he does every game. Birmingham are so unbelievably negative all the time.


    The thing is though, he chases these hopeless balls all game, and isn't consistently involved in any kind of decent play to get him going, and then maybe he gets one chance that falls to him. It's no surprise he ends up snatching at it. Birmingham are awful. This is the same West ham team that looked damn near semi professional when w eplayed them last week.

  13. The West Ham, Birmingham match is s****. Both teams going down..


    So many teams have central midfielders that do nothing and it affects the teams so much. We don't look too different from these teams, when we are missing Tiote and Barton isn't central. Just watch the teams when the centrebacks have the ball. The midfielders just ignore them and walk up the pitch, no effort to look to get the ball and initiate play or get something going.


    On the rare occassions they get the ball they just knock it straight back to the centre backs. Inevitably the centre backs just start hoofing it. Larsson is having to vacate the right wing and drop way back and more central just to get involved. It's tragic. There's just such a lack of decent midfielders who know what they're doing.

  14. Interesting to see if Birmingham would still want Bentley if Larsson doesn't move. Doesn't seem they finalised that yet, and so they might be stalling the move to see if Larsson stays.

  15. You could argue the guy has been underpayed over the last couple of years, since Birmingham have come up. There are a lot of far worse players than him getting far more than that. I mean £10,000 is quite low for a prem player of his quality.


    He's clearly trying to take advantage of the fact his contract is nearly up, as in the summer he can get a big signing bonus and a significantly better wage due to the fact that he will be on a free, and so he's probably requesting the kind of deal he would be after in the summer. It's just a few monthe away afterall. He'll be in no hurry to move now and take less. Can't fault the guy really.

  16. Might have been told that he wouldn't be a starter if every one fit. Would think that is a big issue for him.


    That'll be f***ing shocking if its true


    They told him that??!


    ffs Mike Ashley is a c***!


    :dowie: :dowie: :dowie:


    :kinnear: :kinnear: :kinnear:


    :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

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