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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Well Pardew, you have well and truly set your early credit rating back to zero after yesterday.

    Anyone on here could have told you that putting Smith and Nolan together as the engine room at the heart of your midfield was waving the white flag before a ball was kicked.

    To do it for such a high profile potential banana skin tie like this where we are going to be made to suffer with re runs for decades to come was the height of folly.

    We all know we have the players to have battered them yesterday but chose to leave them out and let them make history instead.





    what a silly man you are.

  2. Interesting that he started on the left yesterday. Would have worked well with Enrique bombing down the left from the left back position, but unfortunately Enrique was out. Barton hits the ball really well and cutting in from the left as he did with the goal could be a nice addition to the teams attacking play. Should only do this with Enrique on the pitch though, so that he can provide extra width.

  3. I would move Nolan on in the summer for a more complete midfielder. To make up for his goals get another decent striker to play upfront with Andy Carroll. We can't spend the whole season praying Tiote doesn't get injured or doesn't get any red cards. It's ridiculous.

  4. First of all, let me first say how delighted I am at the return of the King. I remember the day he left like it was yesterday. Bawling my eyes out reading ceefax, with the headline that Kenny quit. Calling my dad at the office to tell him the news. I was 10 years old then and Kenny Dalgish was the only Liverpool manager I had ever known. Not only that, but he was also a father figure to me. I remember feeling safe every time I saw him on TV. I dont know why but I just did.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Please tell me you're making that up. That is really worrying.

  5. Routledge should be nowhere near. Looked over awed today, he might have a breakdown in this one.




    Simpson  Taylor/Will  Colo  Enrique


    Barton    Nolan  Guthrie  Jonas


                Ameobi    Best


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Nolan and Guthrie??? Words fail me ...


    Rather Nolan and Smith?


    Rather no Nolan thank you. He can't play in midfield without Tiote. Simples.


    So you're advocating Guthrie and Smith?


    Barton and any other midfielder bar Nolan.

  6. One plus from this is Pardew will see which twats go missing when they get a chance.


    Smith, Perch, Loven, and Routledge should be nowhere near a premieship side.


    The tactics of playing longball is what puzzled me more.  Their back four found it easy against Best and Loven which is no surprise.


    Our two worst players were Smith and Nolan. They forced the team to play it long because they don't actually know how to play in midfield. Both utterly hopeless.

  7. Routledge should be nowhere near. Looked over awed today, he might have a breakdown in this one.




    Simpson  Taylor/Will  Colo  Enrique


    Barton    Nolan  Guthrie  Jonas


                Ameobi    Best


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Nolan and Guthrie??? Words fail me ...


    Rather Nolan and Smith?


    Rather no Nolan thank you. He can't play in midfield without Tiote. Simples.

  8. Should definitely be overturned. Incredible if they don't overturn it.


    Not really. Tiote took off from the ground and landed hard to make the tackle. Yes he was away from the player, but if he missed the ball the player would have went down in the follow through. Therefore harsh though it seems, it could be considered reckless so it won't get overturned.


    He jumps in order to get to the ball in time. The player isn't even there when he jumps. When he lands he actually hooks the ball away with his heel, and the player falls over him. Never even contacts the player with the tackle. Doesn't lead with the studs. They absolutely should overturn that.

  9. Hughton played Smith and Nolan in CM against Bolton this season as well


    I know, and he did this despite having been with the two of them for over a year. Against a Bolton team who are very strong attacking wise, and who were flying at the time. We subsequently got hammered 5-1 and also had a red card in that game to boot.


    Trust me, I'm not a Pardew defender per se. I've not said anything in his credit tonight other than saying the players need to really look at their efforts. I just want to see the guy given a fair crack of the whip.


    People have been waiting for something like this to happen so they could dive in. It's just the way it is. You won't be able to change that. If Best hadn't lit up West Ham it would have been the same thing then, as people were baying for blood when he didn't start Ranger. Your talking a lot of sense, but unfortunately your kind of wasting your time. Don't let it ruin your night.


    it is not fair, and to be totally honest, very silly. BUT I am not going to give Pardew any time no matter and I stand for it. He should´t be here at all and no matter what is the story why he is, he is not worthy it.


    I will take every opportunity to blame him, and to be true, he is to be blamed cause he is not any good manager.


    At least you're honest.

  11. Kaka - the guy has absolutely no gravitas or integrity so people who have doubts are going to air them when those doubts are reinforced.


    Get over it.


    I'm completely fine. It's funny to me how petty this is all getting. I don't need to get over anything. I'm not the one having a pop at the guy over every single petty thing am I?




    Your whining about people venting opinions on a guy after the worst result in recent history. What's petty about saying he f***ed up tonight?


    People have been having a go about his press conferences, about talking about transfers, about not playing Ranger, about playing Lovenkrands, about playing Best ... it just goes on and on, and it's all so over the top. His selection today was bad, but it's the first time he has paired Nolan and Smith together and so I can somewhat understand him not appreciating how badly it works. I doubt he will ever do it again, if so then there will be real cause for concern. This team has a big problem,because we really can't afford to be without Tiote which is ridiculous. We need an alternative fo rwhen he is out. That is the real problem here.

  12. Anyone who thinks this loss wasn't solely down to Pardew's ridiculous line up needs their head checking. We were back to the year 2010 B.C. (Before Cheick).We all knew what happens when you pair Smith and Nolan in central midfield, and it was compounded by the loss of Enrique and Jonas who gave us what little running we had. Not only has Pardew cost us the FA cup run, he's probably cost us the derby game as well by chucking on Tiote. 


    We might know but clearly Pardew didn't which is understandable. It's not like he's been picking them consistently for the first team. He wanted to give some players a rest, and understandably so, but unfortunately for him he thought he could rely on Nolan and Smith agains a league 2 side. Again, you could see why he might expect them to cope. However, they are both shockingly poor players, who have proved they aren't even up to League 2 standard in the middle of the pitch.

  13. Kaka - the guy has absolutely no gravitas or integrity so people who have doubts are going to air them when those doubts are reinforced.


    Get over it.


    I'm completely fine. It's funny to me how petty this is all getting. I don't need to get over anything. I'm not the one having a pop at the guy over every single petty thing am I?




    Trust me, I'm not a Pardew defender per se. I've not said anything in his credit tonight other than saying the players need to really look at their efforts. I just want to see the guy given a fair crack of the whip.


    People have been waiting for something like this to happen so they could dive in. It's just the way it is. You won't be able to change that. If Best hadn't lit up West Ham it would have been the same thing then, as people were baying for blood when he didn't start Ranger. Your talking a lot of sense, but unfortunately your kind of wasting your time. Don't let it ruin your night.

  15. Don't like these comments about the young players. For a start there were hardly any out there. I would say smith and Nolan were just as culpable


    "There's a few in there that need to understand what this game's about. The Premier League is all well and good but a few young boys got caught out tonight by the passion and the physical side of Stevenage. They bossed patches of the game through their sheer endeavour and enthusiasm. We've got to match that and we didn't do tha


    The guy is just throwing stuff out there. What do you expect him to say?


    "Today I realised just how shit Nolan and Smith are, without Tiote holding their hands. By the time it fully registered it was too late, and unfortunately once I put him in he got a red card, so I probably shouldn't have done so"


    Not going to happen!

  16. Today was just growing pains. Understanding what to do without Tiote, and appreciating how extreme Smith and Nolan's limitations are. Even Hughton had to learn the hard way at times last season. Chill out people.


    Growing pains?  ;D


    :smug: :thup:

  17. Today was just growing pains. Understanding what to do without Tiote, and appreciating how extreme Smith and Nolan's limitations are. Even Hughton had to learn the hard way at times last season. Chill out people.

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