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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Hammill in five minutes has whipped in two georgeous crosses from the right. Look slike he's got really good delivery.

    That was Milijas.


    No it wasn't. Milijas is very left footed, and has played in the middle all game. Why would you say that when you clearly weren't even watching? Absurd.


    Just found this on the BBC updates to further emphasize the point you silly tit.


    1425: Adam Hammill may not have his shooting boots on but he definitely knows how to cross the ball. His second pin-point delivery since he came off the bench finds Kevin Doyle running into the area, but the Wolves striker cannot control his header and the ball flies over the bar.



  2. Hammill in five minutes has whipped in two georgeous crosses from the right. Look slike he's got really good delivery.

    That was Milijas.


    No it wasn't. Milijas is very left footed, and has played in the middle all game. Why would you say that when you clearly weren't even watching? Absurd.

  3. KD: thoughts on how Pienaar will fit in? Pleased he went to your lot over Chelsea, at least he's got a chance of getting some decent game time. I assume he won't be starting, but he'll be useful to come on, possibly also backup for VDV in that AMC role?


    I'm not going to lie, even if it is due to his contract running out, it's a painfully good deal.


    Could see Harry playing him on the right and bringing Lennon off the pine for now, as more of an impact player.

  4. I would rather he just put his head down and forced the situation more, and then if he failed miserably everyone would know he wasn't good enough and then could move on.


    Unfortunately, he has just completely frozen at this level. He's not even going for it when he has the chance. Just ends up getting rid of the ball too early. huge shame, because as numerous others have said, I think he would have some success if he was more aggressive/direct. Shame.

  5. 3. Villa are going to sell someone for a fairly large fee - my money is on either Ashley Young or Agbonlahor ; if Young, the likely destination is Liverpool or Spurs. Let's face it, Lerner wouldn't fund any more big transfers for MON without him raising cash first so the odds are that Houllier is in the same position.




    That's not true.


    Lerner told MON to do something about the wage bill, not that he couldn't spend, as we had big earners, quite literally never getting used, not even making the bench.


    Sidwell and Davies goign will cover Bent's wages, I imagine, more than, in fact.


    I know for a fact that if MON had been given 18m to spend, he'd have spent it on Robbie Keane or Kevin Doyle, plus McGeady to add to our wingers collection.


    Yes but your logic defeats itself frankly - do you honestly think that players who cost a big fee are going to accept lower wages than they could get at another club ? You are virtually saying that Lerner is trying to be like Ashley over wages , yet still pay big fees for top players...just won't happen until all clubs do it.


    No, that's not what I am saying.


    I am saying that Lerner pointed out the players on big contracts and big money who weren't getting used - that's the key part, not getting used.


    Lerner's argument was that he doesn't mind paying out the money, but ideally we'd make sure the big money went to the right players - this is almost word for word what his right hand man said on our forums.


    Last season we had Shorey, Sidwell, Davies, Beye, NRC not even getting onto the bench most weeks. I'm guessing their combined wage bill per week was 200k.


    Lerner's approach was that he'd pay the big wages to the big name, but it is hard to make any remotely convincing business case for not moving on any of the above.



    Yes, I can see what you are driving at, but the sad fact of life in the modern game is that ALL PL players expect big wages...it was bad enough in the 70s when Supermac was obviously getting paid more than most(perhaps all)of the other Newcastle players, but he used to justify it by saying 'I'm the guy that sticks the ball in the net' or words to that effect ; you can imagine how that went down with the likes on Moncur, Nattrass and Alan Kennedy, who went on to win top honours with Liverpool - team spirit was not all it should have been. It's the same today and there will always be resentment if one or two of the squad are

    on megabucks and the rest on relative peanuts - which is what you seem to be saying that Lerner wants.


    I appreciate his wish to get value for money, but in the mad world of PL football, VFM and players' expectations do NOT go hand in hand. You either accept the situation as the Top 4 do because they have the dosh to keep doing it, or you do as Ashley has done and try to keep everyone below a certain capped level. Any other approach simply means resentment in the squad and therefore, lack of success.

    Ashley's approach also means lack of success for a while until you get a group who are happy with their lot, but that can only be done by bringing youngsters through - and eventually, they will get tempted away too.

    The whole thing is a circus, but it can't go on because too many clubs can't afford it now - only Sky money keeps the charade on the road.


    As for MON, he gave Villa a few good seasons and you guys should be grateful for that - as I recall, your fans exulted in our departure from the PL 2 years ago and you were only able to do that because MON had raised you from mediocrity just as KK did for us in the 90s. No manager makes perfect signings and KK also signed a few lemons but you won't find many NUFC fans dragging his time at the club down or citing things like scrapping the reserves/juniors which were detrimental to the club's future.


    You just don't get what he's saying at all. Just give up.

  6. Mate reckon Bruce is livid and is demanding they keep him


    oh man if they sell and Bruce walks will just be the greatest season ever


    Won't be surprised if Bruce is already looking for excuses to bail out. The guy can't handle the North East derbys. He was bricking it yesterday and he flat out couldn't take losing the first one. The pansy.

  7. if irelands a part of this the scum are stupider than i thought hes a f***ing headcase

    and no way would villa put downing in a part exchange


    Agreed. Ireland, maybe. Downing, no chance.


    Downing, along with Albrighton, has been our best player this season, so that won't be happening.


    There are some good points on this thread about Bent not being able to play in a partnership with anyone, interesting stuff. To be quite honest, the "he only scores goals" thing is very pertinent too, as someone who just does that is precisely what we need right now


    You lot seem to be playing Ashley Young just off the front man, and this is what suits Bent best as he makes great runs. Needs to be played through on goal. See Danny Murphy and Bent at Charlton.

  8. Bruce wants to play one striker up front, so will better suit him. Will likely now sign Sessegnon and Muntari.


    Can't fault Villa. Bent guarantees goals with decent service, and Downing, Young and Agbonlahor and Heskey will make his life a lot easier.

  9. Who on our team is going to make sure Modric doesn't have a lot of time on the ball, so that he doesn't completely dictate the play? Even worse, who is going to pick up Van Der Vaart when he drops into the pocket between midfield and defence? One of Nolan or Smith/Guthrie will have to do this. Does not bode well at all. Looking like a very long day at the office this one.

  10. We need a second half decent midfielder with legs to utilise when Tiote is out, so that Nolan can do what he does. Surprisingly we didn't struggle as much today with our midfield, but it was due to the fact that Richardson and Henderson were so woeful, as they couldn't even take advantage of their better mobility.


    A Nolan and Smith/Guthrie combination against the Spurs and Fulham in the next couple of games will not be as comfortable, and it is likely the same old complaints will arise again concerning Nolan's inability to not do much else when he is outside the box.

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