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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Appreciate his goals, but we'll never progress till he becomes someone else's problem.


    Agree completely. Tiote has allowed for him to be functional, but it's ridiculous he should have to depend so much on Tiote.

  2. If he learnt anything from today, it's not to play Smith under any circumstances. I'd put Barton alongside Nolan in the middle and use Routledge right wing.


    Apparently you have learned nothing! Nolan in midfield with Barton?! Nolan shouldn't be played in midfield without Tiote in there. Barton is better than Smith, but even he would struggle to do the work Tiote does to make up for Nolan's hopelessness at everything other than finishing in the box. You have to understand that as bad as Smith was today, Nolan also played a huge part in making him look even worse.

  3. A few players might have been selected out of position today and a few that aren't rated (ie Smith) but I can't see how anyone can blame Pardew for that. The performances of each and every player were utterly disgusting. I'm not going to go through every player but team captain Kevin Nolan never even wanted the ball. He never once put his foot on it and tried to play ridiculous first time passes. Very poor leadership.


    The kids should have played, at least they would have had something to prove and an incentive.  We played far too many players who weren't interested or not good enough and that is down to one person.  If Pardew comes up here tonight he should be swinging from the Tyne Bridge


    I don't agree. If he played the kids everyone would have complained about not taking the cup seriously. Secondly, what we have to appreciate is that the team is really this bad without Tiote in midfield, as unbelievable as it seems. Nothing to do with them not being interested imo. If Tiote is out Barton has to be central and Nolan should either sit or be pushed up top. Hopefully Pardew understands this now. I imagine he couldn't believe what he was seeing today.

  4. Today Alan Pardew learnt a harsh lesson about Smith and Nolan. Lets hope he doesn't forget it. Pardew has had Tiote available every game this season. Hopefully now he understands how the team completely capitulates without him in there. People talking about gross mismanagement on here are being petty. Today was all about Nolan and Smith not being capable against a League 2 midfield. Now Pardew knows.


    Gahaha, what makes you think watching this game is any different to him supposedly watching all our other games? Every f***er who follows this club knows Smith is w***, and knew (literally) years ago. Pardew will see this as an unfortunate blip, I'm sure.


    If that is the case then God help us all. However, judging by the panicked decision to throw on Tiote for him even though the game was up, I'm hoping it dawned on him that Smith was the reason nothing worked.

  5. Today Alan Pardew learnt a harsh lesson about Smith and Nolan. Lets hope he doesn't forget it. Pardew has had Tiote available every game this season. Hopefully now he understands how the team completely capitulates without him in there. People talking about gross mismanagement on here are being petty. Today was all about Nolan and Smith not being capable against a League 2 midfield. Now Pardew knows.

  6. Btw... one of the saddest things re: the players was Nolan. I think he's a brilliant captain but today he was completley out of character. Shameful performance as skipper.


    Nolan played how he does every week. He's extremely limited. Without Tiote to initiate play in midfield we couldn't play, and so Nolan didn't have a chance to get into the box, as our long balls just lost us posession all game.

  7. It truly is incredible how bad this team is without Tiote. Really need to get an alternative to him when he is out. The defenders just started playing long balls because there was absolutely no movement or intelligence from Nolan and Smith to start any kind of build up play from midfield. Smith gets a ton of crap thrown at him as he should because he is completely clueless. Nolan despite being a good goalscorer is truly hopeless, without someone like Tiote in there to do all his work for him so he can cherry pick, he can't even function against league two opposition. He's pathetic.

  8. Funny how people forget that this team is completely hopeless without Tiote initiating everything from midfield. Nolan should not be played in midfield unless Tiote is in there as well from the outset. Nolan and Smith midfield is pretty much what got the team relegated because Smith and Butt are one and the same. In reality Nolan is a shocking footballer all round. Terrible decision to bring tiote on by Pardew, just crazy. The game was done.

  9. Looked good for Algeria against England that I definitely remember. Quick, tricky sort that looks to take on players. We could do with more of that tbh. Doesn't seem to have worked out at Wolfsburg, but for the price quoted definitely worth the risk.


    one thing I´m not happy about is that he is so old. he won´t be any better and the older he gets the slower he will be. not perfect for hes kind of player.


    know nothing about him so will not say anything untill he played. but I´m not happy with his age.




    He's 28 years old. And for the record he is significantly quicker than both Bentley and Larsson who are three years younger.

  10. Walcott has been class since he come on like. Really turned the game.


    Not the best or tidiest player but vital for Arsenal, as he is the only one who consistently gets in behind defences and really stretches them. Pretty key with so many players that can thread a decent through ball.

  11. What a ball through from Bendtner there, s**** player like.  :rolleyes:


    Please tell me you have been watching the whole game? Talented player but has been awful today, and is prone to foolishness.


    What a miss! Leon Best would have scored that! And actually did!


    Yeah, I've watched the whole game. You?


    Yes, I've been commenting on Bendtners mishaps in the thread, as they have been riling me all game. The guy was disgustingly bad today. Vintage Ameobi performance.

  12. What a ball through from Bendtner there, s**** player like.  :rolleyes:


    Please tell me you have been watching the whole game? Talented player but has been awful today, and is prone to foolishness.


    What a miss! Leon Best would have scored that! And actually did!

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