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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Larsson apparently on £10,000 a week at Birmingham. Unreal. Smith earns 6 times as much! What a world ...


    Are you trying to imply that Alan Smith is not six times the player that Larsson is??!  :idiot2:




  2. Going to go out on a limb and say he will be s*** for us as a right midfielder. If its 1.5 Million then it's not the biggest risk and a supposed promising young player for a cheap price isn't bad business.



    Agree with everything except the young and promising part. Turning 26 this year like.


    Who exactly do you suggest we sign instead of him, for the same amount of money?


    Stating facts tbh. Nothing more in it.


    But to answer, I'd prefer an exciting Carr-scouted player.


    Well, no, you're stating your opinion, as has been evident throughout the thread.


    How do you know it isn't Carr that recommended we sign Larsson?


    Please don't encourage any more pearls of wisdom. Just let it be!

  3. Going to go out on a limb and say he will be s*** for us as a right midfielder. If its 1.5 Million then it's not the biggest risk and a supposed promising young player for a cheap price isn't bad business.



    Agree with everything except the young and promising part. Turning 26 this year like.


    Who exactly do you suggest we sign instead of him, for the same amount of money?


    Stating facts tbh. Nothing more in it.


    But to answer, I'd prefer an exciting Carr-scouted player.


    This is suicide inducing.

  4. Metro Radio reckons he just got out of a helecopter at the airport. its on there twitter feed, i have no idea who the bloke is, have googled him and he's portugese cb at southampton, please god no!






  5. How about people invest their precious time on their own lives and stop being judge and jury on others, just because deep down you're all envious. It's the clubs responsibility to manage the players and punish them as they see fit if they are not doing what they're supposed to. Why the hell are people disparaging them on facebook and twitter? How pathetic do you have to be to do that. Do you really think they give a damn what you think? What exactly do you think your abuse is going to achieve? It's bloody moronic. You're all far bigger idiots than Nile Ranger I promise you that.


    What makes this all the more sickening is the fact the premise of this bloody thread was to celebrate and giggle about all the silly things he did in the first place, and then add him on facebook and twitter to fawn over him. It's no wonder he thinks he's got it made already. He's got people on his jock 24/7. Just a few days ago people were cursing Pardew out for not starting him and within a few days this nonsense?! Bloody cringeworthy. How about you stop following him on twitter and facebook, that would be the most useful thing you could do.

  6. Meireles and Lucas do a great job of building up play from defence to attack. No long, overly ambitious passes. Just pop it about nicely till they make inroads going forward. They're dominating Carrick and Fletcher so far.

  7. If ITV are to be believed it's actually:


    Meireles  Gerrard  Lucas  Rodriguez

                      Torres  Kuyt


    I wouldn't trust ITV with a sandwich. Well, actually, I don't think anyone would with who they have on today.


    Yup, ITV were wrong.

  8. :sadnod:


    Like I said earlier, the team practically picks himself. All he has to do is motivate them, and the crowd, and he'll turn them around.


    Hodgson loved N'Gog. I just didn't get it. The most incredible selection Hodgson had was one game where he had Meireles on the right and Kuyt on the left ... I mean wht the hell was that about?  :lol:

  9. Dalglish has dropped N'Gog so already a step ahead of Hodgson. Gerrard back to playing off Torres which is also a good move. No more hollywood bollox from Gerrard in midfield. Meireles in the centre and not on the wing another good decision. He might pull this off today.


    Nah. Those moves, although positive, aren't a masterstroke - they're what any man with an ounce of sense would play. Get Gerrard as near to Torres as possible; as that combination is really Liverpool's only hope, even if they aren't what they were.




    Hodgson really was a mess.

  10. Dalglish has dropped N'Gog so already a step ahead of Hodgson. Gerrard back to playing off Torres which is also a good move. No more hollywood bollox from Gerrard in midfield. Meireles in the centre and not on the wing another good decision. He might pull this off today.

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