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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Great goalscoring record too


    He scored 3 league goals while at for Birmingham. Leave him where he is at.


    Doesn't tell the whole story. Decent player.


    Agreed. Birmingham were even worse at creating chances than they are this year. Chucho was fantastic. The reason I suggested him is because there was talk of him going on loan to Celtic! What a waste that would be. Definitely good enough for the prem.

  2. Why does that daft blonde bint on ESPN insist on visiting a pub before each game :lol: :lol:


    Is she the one who seemingly decides when the game will start and leads them all out? :lol:


    Just did it there, right in front of the West Ham players going on about how their manager is about to get sacked.


    That was incredibly awkward.

  3. Sewelly, please calm down.


    You were about to do that though, weren't you?


    Infact, look at that list he has made in response, you are desperate to gut him for thinking Best was left footed.


    Nah, it's an easy mistake to make, as Besty was just so classy that night.



  4. Regarding the goal scoring records, I think it's very hard to compare the two fairly. Shola has played in much better teams than Bothroyd has and that has to be taken into account. I know my post on Shola was very harsh, but it wasn't meant to be taken so seriously.


    However, I really do dislike his play, but it's just a personal thing. I just find him incredibly frustrating, and his overall play usually negatively affects the team in general. Bothroyd I believe is a far more refined player imo, and that is largely what I base my preference on. I think ultimately, he will be better for the whole team if he is on the pitch. Since Bothroyd got his act together he hasn't played in the prem, so wether he will score goals is anyones guess. We create a decent amount of chances so he'll have the opportunities. I think he'll score goals.

  5. Just a personal opinion on Shola, I hate him.


    I can't even bring myself to begin to to talk about his goal scoring record because he is so lazy, careless and unintelligent in general play. In order to justify having Shola on the pitch with his general attributes he would have to score 2 goals every game in my opinion. Just such an absolute donkey of a player. I find I'm just always relieved when he scores as I can never quite believe he has managed to.


    At 29 he is still offside as often as he was at the age of 12 I imagine. Still struggles to challenge for headers, never mind win them, without fouling the defenders the majority of the time. Still loses concentration way too much and fumbles the ball under no pressure whatsoever. Just a nightmare to watch. I personally just can't take this type of player. And lo and behold just when you think he might be putting together a tiny bit of anything resembling some sort of form he will get injured.


    What kind of human being is this? Seriously?


    Other end of the scale but the bit in bold is even more incomprehensibly retarded than Taylor's post in the Shola thread.


    Sorry, I actually meant 3 goals a game, and not 2! Yes, Shola's play is that damned awful.

  6. Just a personal opinion on Shola, I hate him.


    I can't even bring myself to begin to to talk about his goal scoring record because he is so lazy, careless and unintelligent in general play. In order to justify having Shola on the pitch with his general attributes he would have to score 2 goals every game in my opinion. Just such an absolute donkey of a player. I find I'm just always relieved when he scores as I can never quite believe he has managed to.


    At 29 he is still offside as often as he was at the age of 12 I imagine. Still struggles to challenge for headers, never mind win them, without fouling the defenders the majority of the time. Still loses concentration way too much and fumbles the ball under no pressure whatsoever. Just a nightmare to watch. I personally just can't take this type of player. And lo and behold just when you think he might be putting together a tiny bit of anything resembling some sort of form he will get injured.


    What kind of human being is this? Seriously?

  7. Wenger said: 'He is one of my regrets, he left very early. But I have said many times it is important a guy has a good career, even if he goes somewhere else. It is better than to play in the reserves.


    'He went down but has come back up again and we are all very proud of him at Arsenal.'


    Wenger had little to do with the decision to axe Bothroyd, but believes he has now matured into a fine player.


    He added: 'Sometimes it is only later they realise they not only have to have talent, but need to work as well. Sometimes to go down to the Championship, there is no better education.


    'It is true, he had a little outcome that you can have when you are 16 or 17 but he is a good guy, and he is classy; left-footed, strong body, fantastic technique.


    'The incident didn't happen in the first-team group, it happened in the youth team. Liam Brady is responsible for that. They made the decision and I didn't stand in the way because it was a disciplinary matter.'


  8. Was almost prepared to give the bloke a chance but two things he has done this week have left me fuming:


    1) bringing on tiote needlessly

    2) essentially lying about Carroll having a chance of playing.


    Today he has admitted that Andy is "not even close" and that it is only fair to the people of Newcastle to let them know that now. No Alan what would have been fair was just to have told everyone straight that he wasn't going to be fit. It sounds very much to be we will see him at Fulham at the earliest.


      Part of my anger is probably a kneejerk reaction at the news Andy will miss the derby but I need someone to blame and Pardew it is. The bloke chats a load of s%*£, needs to learn to say less. Not for the first time this week my blood is boiling and I can't wait to see the back of the bloke  :angry:



    Tiresome tosh.


    The club sent Carroll to Dubai hoping that some R&R would aid a quick recovery. He's come back, been assessed and been ruled out. Until he came back on Tues/ Weds there was always a chance he would be fit.


    There's a lot of talk about Pardew being too talkative. I think nearly all of our managers have been keen to give the press a regular comment, certainly Keegan and Robson did. The only real exception was Hughton who kept his counsel and generally came out with very bland comments that many people on here criticised or complained about- especially his blatant dodging of transfer talk.


    I'm all for Pardew getting criticised for last weekend's shambles and if he loses on Sunday, but this hand wringing over his quips to the press is silly. NUFC are a club where the fans are constantly wanting news and as such the press buzz round the manager on a regular basis.




    Still trying to put out all these fires I see. Good luck.



  9. Brummie what's happening with Reo-Coker now you've signed Makoun? How's Reo-Coker been playing?


    Not long back from injury. Looked ok at first, then utterly s**** for the last couple of games.


    I'm pretty sure he's out of contract in the summer. If Makoun goes through, he must surely be on his way out.


    Two problems with NRC.


    1. He's a niggly, awkward fecker who can break things up in the middle. Useful. He's just like Makelele, except, when he wins the ball, he routinely fails to pass it five yards to a team mate.


    2. He makes surging box to box runs (at least three times a season), only when he gets to the end, he passes it into touch or hits a feeble shot which is going nowhere.


    3. He thinks he's much better than he actually is.


    4. He does that "captain material" thing of pointing his finger and looking authoritative a lot. Except he's not.


    Sorry. That was four, I said two.




    Cool, thanks. Makoun for £5 million is a great signing by the way. Nice one.

  10. Keen on Bothroyd ... where did I say I was? I just disagree that he is no better than Loven, Best, Shola and Ranger. January is a difficult window to really get in a Ben Arfa type, so for now why not just improve the squad for a small price. In the summer get rid of Shola, Loven and Best and then look to get in substantially better quality should we stay up.

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