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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I don't rate dos Santos, the lad is living off the comparisons made with Ronaldinho a million years ago. He should flourish in the Spurs team with the way they play, but he looks distinctly ordinary every time. Poor poor mans Ben Arfa.


    Never judge a young player based on what they are doing at Spurs. Horrific club when it comes to dealing with youg players.


    They didn't give Boateng a squad number when he was at Tottenham but were starting Jenas every game. Got rid of Defoe, Kaboul and Crouch only to go running back to them after Harry nicked them and showcased their abilities at Pompey. Dismissed Darren Bent sharpish even though they don't have a striker better than him, apart from maybe Defoe. Based on what O'Hara did at Portsmouth last season he is alos far better then Jenas but hardly plays either. Had pretty much just about given up on Bale too after almost loaning him out to a championship club last season.


  2. That's a really risky team. Last chance saloon for Lovenkrands. I'm desperate for him to have a good game.


    I can understand why you are. If he can link up effectively with Carroll and be a threat, the added pace upfront could be great for us. Just not sure we have anyone that can thread the ball through to him though.

  3. Guthrie is in as much for his delivery and set pieces I would imagine. Also, with Nolan essentially playing just behind the front two, I guess Hughton wants a bit more resistance in midfield rather than an out and out winger. Not sure if it's the right decision though. Guess we'll find out. Lovenkrands ... well, he really needs to try and read Carroll's flick ons and do a bit of a better job playing off the last man. His pace could be useful if he does a better job than he has been.

  4. Good to see he's had his PR team working overtime to conjure up some sort of defence for his actions.



    in what way ? we've heard it all before from joey, he gives great interview then does this sort of thing, he even has cheerleaders who want him applauded for not assaulting someone in 18months.


    whenever i think of the joey fan club i think of chris rocks "niggers" set.


    You guys must live in some kind of fantasy cukoo land. I personally give Joey Barton credit because I feel he has come a long way. He is no longer getting into trouble off the field, which was very much standard previously, and even on the pitch he has taken a lot and has handled himself quite well (Wolves game for example) for the most part.


    Why people suddenly expect him to turn into some kind of saint I will never know, ridiculously unrealistic. Even players who do not have the kind of problems he has had, sometimes show poor judgement and lash out. It happens almost every week for goodness sake. Fellaini just yesterday and Huddlestone's stamp a week ago also, just off the top of my head. Obviously what he did wasn't right but at least he's acknowledged his mistake and has admitted he has to continue to try to learn to control himself better.


    Some people on here seriously need to get off their high horses. God knows what some of you lot get up to in your everyday lives. I'm sure your all perfect yourselves. Jesus.


    Well I dunno about you but I have this totally unrealistic expectation that a player on my team wouldn't punch an opposition player. This doesn't happen every week and you're the one living in "fantasy cuckoo land" if you're seriously trying to mount any sort of defence here.


    Defence? Did you even read what I wrote at all. The guy made a mistake. It doesn't mean he's the same old Joey Barton as you lot are claiming, because in my opinion he isn't. If you can't recognise that he has come a long way than that's your problem. If your expecting the guy to become a saint and never have any hiccups along the way then you are living in fairy tale land in my opinion, yes. That's not real life I'm afraid.


    He's come a decent way. Then he threw it all away with a stonkingly stupid moment last night. Do I think he's regretting it? Of course I do. Do I think he's made progress in the past few months? Of course I do.


    He may not be the "old Joey Barton." But he's sure as hell an idiot.


    Won't argue with that at all, yes. Fair enough. I just thought some perspective was necessary.

  5. Can't see how anyone can defend him. He's shown self-control in the recent past. If anything this proves he won't change, he's done well for a while now, and still he has to lash out. Just makes me feel like I'm always going to be watching him thinking 'when this time'.


    Like someone said a page or 2 ago, can't believe people are attempting to applaud him for going 18 months without this. I like to think someone can control themselves a bit better than that.


    How bad the punch itself was is irrelevant. He's a smart guy clearly, he knows that stuff like that's going to be highlighted instantly when it's him.


    Who is defending him? Defending him would be me saying he hasn't done anything wrong, and I haven't said that. Joey Barton has anger issues an yes I am afraid we will always be left wondering when next he will snap. However, I for one don't worry about it as much as I used too, as he is clearly not as out of control as he used to be. And actually he does know stuff like this will be highlighted, but in the heat of the moment you're not exactly that rational are you? Seriously have you guys never lost your temper over anything and regreted it afterwards?  :lol:

  6. Good to see he's had his PR team working overtime to conjure up some sort of defence for his actions.



    in what way ? we've heard it all before from joey, he gives great interview then does this sort of thing, he even has cheerleaders who want him applauded for not assaulting someone in 18months.


    whenever i think of the joey fan club i think of chris rocks "niggers" set.


    You guys must live in some kind of fantasy cukoo land. I personally give Joey Barton credit because I feel he has come a long way. He is no longer getting into trouble off the field, which was very much standard previously, and even on the pitch he has taken a lot and has handled himself quite well (Wolves game for example) for the most part.


    Why people suddenly expect him to turn into some kind of saint I will never know, ridiculously unrealistic. Even players who do not have the kind of problems he has had, sometimes show poor judgement and lash out. It happens almost every week for goodness sake. Fellaini just yesterday and Huddlestone's stamp a week ago also, just off the top of my head. Obviously what he did wasn't right but at least he's acknowledged his mistake and has admitted he has to continue to try to learn to control himself better.


    Some people on here seriously need to get off their high horses. God knows what some of you lot get up to in your everyday lives. I'm sure your all perfect yourselves. Jesus.


    Well I dunno about you but I have this totally unrealistic expectation that a player on my team wouldn't punch an opposition player. This doesn't happen every week and you're the one living in "fantasy cuckoo land" if you're seriously trying to mount any sort of defence here.


    Defence? Did you even read what I wrote at all. The guy made a mistake. It doesn't mean he's the same old Joey Barton as you lot are claiming, because in my opinion he isn't. If you can't recognise that he has come a long way than that's your problem. If your expecting the guy to become a saint and never have any hiccups along the way then you are living in fairy tale land in my opinion, yes. That's not real life I'm afraid.

  7. 7m? no offence but i'd rather we spend our cash on a striker thanks.


    I'd possibly swap him for Bentley.




    I like Williamson a lot, but in our position that's quite tempting.


    Kranjcar please. Bentley is a weirdo.


    Tottenham will bid for Steven Taylor by the way, and not Williamson.

  8. Good to see he's had his PR team working overtime to conjure up some sort of defence for his actions.



    in what way ? we've heard it all before from joey, he gives great interview then does this sort of thing, he even has cheerleaders who want him applauded for not assaulting someone in 18months.


    whenever i think of the joey fan club i think of chris rocks "niggers" set.


    You guys must live in some kind of fantasy cukoo land. I personally give Joey Barton credit because I feel he has come a long way. He is no longer getting into trouble off the field, which was very much standard previously, and even on the pitch he has taken a lot and has handled himself quite well (Wolves game for example) for the most part.


    Why people suddenly expect him to turn into some kind of saint I will never know, ridiculously unrealistic. Even players who do not have the kind of problems he has had, sometimes show poor judgement and lash out. It happens almost every week for goodness sake. Fellaini just yesterday and Huddlestone's stamp a week ago also, just off the top of my head. Obviously what he did wasn't right but at least he's acknowledged his mistake and has admitted he has to continue to try to learn to control himself better.


    Some people on here seriously need to get off their high horses. God knows what some of you lot get up to in your everyday lives. I'm sure your all perfect yourselves. Jesus.

  9. Malaria isn't that bad at all if you access to care. I've had it a few times and honestly have a good resistance to it. The doctor jabs you in the arm with some needles, you get some rest, and it usually goes away depending on the case. It's different from person to person and case to case though.


    When has Drogba been to Africa, though? I don't think he was even called up for the last qualifier. Weird that he has it.


    Always tickles me when people react to Malaria as though it is Aids or something.

  10. Wor bogey team like.


    Normal service will begin again shortly- Although it is disappointing.


    I can't see what else Chrissy could do in terms of formation. Also it looked like the entire team carried Tiote. IMO Smith should have replaced Tiote with 25 mins to go. the only other option was to go 451 but that would have just cancelled things out.


    Nice to see that we tried to keep a formation and play football but, we were found needing in the maturity department with Nile ranger


    The entire team carried Tiote  :lol:


    Carried Nolan more like. Fat Sam flooded the midfield to take advantage of Nolans defensive deficiencies and general lack of mobility, and also to take advantage of Barton tucking in from the right. Tiote has been doing the work of two men in there. Today it was just too much for him.

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