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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Also, let's remember that there is more than one way to play successful football. If the only way to win was pass it like Spain, Arsenal would have won the Premier League every year.


    Get Pulis in!

  2. It felt like a throwback to England performances of many years ago. There was no confidence in playing the ball through the midfield and we ended up humping too many long balls, particularly in the first half.


    Decent foreign opposition finds it too easy to contain us. When our defenders have the ball the opposition can funnel right back, knowing that the man in possession isn't going to have the confidence to take the ball forward and draw someone out. It frustrated the hell out of me tonight seeing Lescott, in twenty yards of space and under no pressure, still hoofing the ball long.


    The other problem is the opposition can get really tight on our midfield, knowing that they'll almost certainly pass the ball back under pressure rather than try to beat their man or exploit the space that's been vacated.


    We need Rooney back, fit in body and mind. He takes our performances to a different level.


    Wilshere is your man to solve this problem. Does it time and again for Arsenal. Barry and Lampard go sideways and backwards and Gerrard just goes Hollywood. Huddlestone should also be given more consideration now too.

  3. If we absolutely have to play Gerrard (which we don't), would a Barton-style right wing role work? He's still got pretty decent delivery from wide positions.


    Possibly, but I don't think he has the discipline to stick to the position. That's basically his main weakness wherever you play him.


    I agree. He would start drifting all over the place and worse still would offer no protection to the full back on the right side. Remember in the world cup how Ashley Cole was left to defend against two players on the left side as teams took advantage of Gerrard completely abandoning his responsibilities on the left wing.

  4. A midfield of Huddlestone and Wilshere would be no worse off defensively, as Gerrard and Barry don't defend well anyway, but would guarantee England a far better base from which to set up their attacking play from. Will it ever happen though? No chance. Got to get Gerrard, Lampard and Barry in there somehow. Disastrous.

  5. Can't believe Gerrard being lauded and someone's just called in on "You're on Sky Sports" saying he should be captain and how great he was. He was one of the main culprits for England's abject performance today. People just don't seem to get it.

  6. England need to accept that their big name midfielders are the team's biggest problem and the root of most of their problems. Gerrard, Barry and Lampard have such high profiles that they won't drop any of them though. They do not do a good enough job of keeping posession, getting the ball to the wingers consistently so they can get crosses in, or threading balls through to the front men from the centre. I just never see England do any of these things consistently, and it's their role in the team.

  7. Maybe England should just be like Stoke and fully embrace the long ball and set piece tactics fully. It's where their success all comes from.


    I mean look at this mess to end the game? It's embarrassing.

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