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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Who's this ref?


    Michael Oliver, very highly rated ref from Ashington. Son of Clive.


    Highly rated? You're joking right? Just looks like another clueless plum to me.


    He hasn't been that bad.


    That first red card is a terrible terrible decision. What 5 mins into the game? It's such a simple decision too. Simple penalty and maybe a yellow. End of. He's completely ruined the game.


    That's technically the rule of the game though. When the foul denies a clear opportunity it's a red, which is usually how it works in the box. I hate the rule, but that's hoe it is.


    There were two recovering defenders though. Never a red card for me. Not even close.

  2. Who's this ref?


    Michael Oliver, very highly rated ref from Ashington. Son of Clive.


    Highly rated? You're joking right? Just looks like another clueless plum to me.


    He hasn't been that bad.


    That first red card is a terrible terrible decision. What 5 mins into the game? It's such a simple decision too. Simple penalty and maybe a yellow. End of. He's completely ruined the game.

  3. Shola really benefits from Andy Carroll's insane workrate and battling style. Carroll does a lot of things that Shola just doesn't quite do as naturally, for his size and build. It allows Shola to run the channels more and "freestyle" a bit more to some extent, without it being detrimental to the teams play or ability to hold up the ball. Looks great. Really happy Shola's patience has been rewarded. He's looking like he did at the start of last season before he got injured.

  4. I think the key has been him dropping back into midfield. While he's no Gerrard he's worked hard and crucially he's worked brilliantly off Shola and Carroll.


    Didn't work last year against inferior opposition. The difference is Tiote.


    Aaah shucks ...

  5. I think the key has been him dropping back into midfield. While he's no Gerrard he's worked hard and crucially he's worked brilliantly off Shola and Carroll.


    He's even harder to account for when the oppositions defenders are having to deal with two strikers already, and therefore is far more dangerous. Hughton has absolutely hit the ball out of the park with this current formation. The key to it all is Tiote allowing Nolan all the freedom in the world to break forward and Barton tucking in from the right also. Fantastic stuff. All the signs were there from the showing against West Ham last week.

  6. Is that true? That Hughton wants to appoint an assistant from outside the club, while the club wants to make the appointment from within?


    The club's statement at the end of last year said they wanted to promote from within where possible, Hughton said this week it was probably going to be an external appointment.


    As usual it's the media trying to s***-stir.


    Wow, was thinking I had missed something. Hate the way they do that.



  7. Think it will be a pretty straightforward win for Newcastle. Haven't really been impressed by Sunderland. Don't see where their threat comes from. Bent is the sort of striker I would expect Coloccini and Williamson to deal with, El Mohammady is decent but not outstanding in any particular way and he will be facing Enrique. Henderson will not cause problems for Tiote at all. Bramble is also due a monumental cock up. Newcastle win.

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