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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. with Redknapp, it's a matter of not judging the book by the cover.


    He's clearly got something. I daresay he's not as dumb as he pretends to be, and seems good at instilling confidence in his players.



  2. Like I said at the weekend, time for Wenger to change his mentality or Arsenal should look at easing him out for someone with fresh ideas to come in.  That squad won't win a trophy.




    "Someone with fresh ideas"


    Oh really? Like who? When Wenger starts spending £30 million every window and isn't winning anything then you maybe consider even allowing the thought of getting rid of him to enter your head. The man makes a profit every window on transfers for goodness sake, and yet he finishes in the top four every season.


    If Arsenal wanted the guarantee of remaining as competitive as they were previously then they should have remained at Highbury and not built the new stadium. Ultimately they'll have the last laugh, as they will be the strongest club financially soon enough, as everyone else starts to crumble, bar Man City perhaps.


    There is no one out there I could see achieving what Wenger does with the amount of money he has been spending, never mind playing the football they play. No one. Terrible idea to get rid of him.

  3. Aye prerequisite for playing in England.


    Must have sufficient teeth and balls.




    Typical English football mentality. I'd much rather prefer players with a decent touch and technique, who can spot a pass and score goals. I'm sure the likes of Fabregas and Nasri were signed for their teeth and balls play. Goodness me ...

  4. Taylor is strong and athletic, but he lacks composure and leadership qualities. That's what has held his career back.


    Although he's the ideal build for a centre back, he's done better as a full back, because it's a simpler role and he has less responsibility.


    Hopefully Campbell will keep him in order.


    Absolute rubbish. He's actually quite weak despite his appearance, and is actually really stiff in the hips. It's why he tends to always seem to lose balance when any kind of physical pressure is put on him. Let's hope he doesn't get matched up against Drogba too often. It won't be pretty.

  5. Fulham are in trouble this season. Bar Dempsey, can't see where the goals are going to come from.


    Mark Hughes is poor. He won't do well with a team like Fulham who play football, unless he would have had much better players than he currently he does, like what he had at Man City. To do well with this sort of mid table side he needs his bullies to push people around and kick a few lumps out of them.

  6. I can't be sure, but I think Neil was being sarcastic.


    Sometimes you need a centre forward on the left wing to pass it sideways and backwards. Every team needs one.




    He hasn't played in ages and it clearly isn't his best suited role, however he hasn't done much wrong. Leave the poor boy alone. By the way didn't Moyes try to sign him after the loan, but couldn't agree a fee? Couldn't have been that abject surely. He was just stuck upfront alone too often. Anyway, enough of this Jo stuff. I think he's alright, but I'm beginning to sound like his dad or his agent or something.

  7. I happened to see a little bit of Jo when he was at CSKA and he played just behind Wagner Love. He looked such a different player then. Really looked good dropping off the front man and also drifting out wide from that number 10 position. Seemed to prefer running at defenders and being more creative.


    I wonder how much his struggles have to do with him having been played as more of a number 9 in England, because of his height. Should be interesting to see what he does in a wider role today. Still think he could come good in the right situation in the future.


    Erm, Moyes has already played him on the left a lot and he was total rubbish.


    Well that's good to know. However I said he looked really good at CSKA playing just off the front man in the number 10 role. I mentioned the wider role he is playing today as an aside. He's actually linked up really well so far today and has had some nice touches. I just don't see a rubbish player when I watch him. Playing upfront alone however, which is where Mark Hughes and Moyes usually played him, and he did struggle badly, yes.

  8. I happened to see a little bit of Jo when he was at CSKA and he played just behind Wagner Love. He looked such a different player then. Really looked good dropping off the front man and also drifting out wide from that number 10 position. Seemed to prefer running at defenders and being more creative.


    I wonder how much his struggles have to do with him having been played as more of a number 9 in England, because of his height. Should be interesting to see what he does in a wider role today. Still think he could come good in the right situation in the future.

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