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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. We've seen improvement from a few players this season,maybe will in Best too?


    I highly doubt it, those players we've seen improvement all had potential from glimpses in the past about them.  I've seen nothing in Leon Best career that he is a decent striker.


    Didn't you also say that Coloccini was the worst passer of the ball and that we should get rid?


    (Yorkie, this is exactly what I was on about in t'other thread :thup:)


    Some people just love being wrong about stuff.

  2. Arguably Houghtons only below-par signing.


    He was always going to be back-up. If Carroll, Ameobi and Lovenkrands were all to be injured at the same time, he would be adequate cover.


    I would rather see Leon Best come on ahead of Lovenkrands actually.

  3. Funny how Milner went there and wasn't given a chance in the centre of midfield which is the only place he plays well, and now he has lost his place on the wing with Balotelli returning. Will be sold in the next year, guaranteed.

  4. I like him but he literally has no idea what to do with a football.


    Haway man, that's ridiculous.


    Is it? I use the ball better than him, ffs.


    Give Chris a call then, we could use you.

    I'm with Keefaz on this like. His vision is pretty horrible, but he's got other qualities that makes up for it.

    He's been good for us this season, especially since HBA got injured.


    I'm not trying to say his 'vision' is great, that's not his game.


    If we want vision then he's obviously not the player. If we get a player with vision for the LW then he would likely lack other things that Jonas has... pace, energy, workrate, carrying the ball forward  occupying defenders etc.


    I don't see the point in criticising him for lack of vision, we know he's not a world-class playmaker.

    You need vision to play on the wing as well, different type of vision from that of a playmaker, but still vision.

    Wasn't that the point of Keefaz's post though? That he can't see what he is supposed to with the ball once he gets it?


    That's it in a nutshell. He needs to stop hiding: at the moment he seems scared to release the ball in case he loses possession. It's no way to play, man.


    Surely you can't accuse Jonas of hiding! He's the most fearless player on the team. Always takes up the responsibility of carrying the ball and running at players and it takes a lot of pressure of the team a lot of times. He will get his passes wrong at times and his final ball also, but he's also delivering some decent balls a good amount now also. Really happy with him at the moment.

  5. The pathetic thing about Steve Bruce is that if they had won 5-1 he would have been milking it to death, and been on Sky Sports smug as anything. Playing dangerous games by running his mouth about the return game in January. If they get taken to the cleaners again he's toast.

  6. Just read a bit from these Sunderland boards. These guys can't be serious. Everyone loves a good wind up till the tables are turned. They really need to suck it up, because it's very likely it will be the same again in January. Their manager isn't good enough and the team is woefully unbalanced.

  7. Harry Redknapp to Man City? Wonder what the odds on that would be.


    He'd flop badly there


    Debatable. Man City are pathetic enough and rash enough to do it though. They might look to go for someone who can guarantee them success in the prem and after that result against Inter, the hype has been in overdrive. It would also set Tottenham back also, which I'm sure they wouldn't mind either.

  8. According to Soccernet (which is generally a decent source), Gareth Bale is rated at 50 million pounds. :lol:


    This Gareth Bale love fest is getting embarrassing. Grown men should not be fawning over this guy the way they have been since the game on Tuesday. It's almost perverse. They all sound like pre-teens that just discovered their first boy band for freak sake. It's no wonder why these young British players can't keep their focus most of the time.



  9. Fabregas is is a classy unassuming young man. Hull, Hughes and Ballack are all vile entities really, so Fabregas can't be blamed. The Arteta thing? Just his desire/desperation to get his team a result.


    That is some of the worst logic I've ever known. Wow. :lol:




    Fabregas = top bloke.


    Tim Cahill = Grade A punk.

  10. Hope the hard working Nolan of late turns up against Arsenal. The last thing we need against that lot is a passenger, especially if we're going 4-4-2.




    TP is spot on like, for those that don't have their Nolan-tinted glasses on.


    He played well against Villa, Everton, West Ham and Sunderland.


    He was terrible against Man U, Blackpool, Stoke and City.


    When he doesn't put the graft in, he's useless. Absolutely useless.


    He never really does put any graft in. It's just less noticeable when he scores/when we win. The new formation allows his lack of graft as the midfield three do the leg work and the front two are working very hard also. Nolan now has the freedom to do what he is good at, which is be a threat in the box.

  11. Fabregas is one of my most hated players in the league. Can't stand him at all.


    Such an arrogant, phoney, horrible little prick.


    Poor judgement on your part.


    Want to expand on why you think so?


    Don't let the fact he's an excellent player stop you from seeing what he acts like. There's been enough twattish incidents in his short career.


    Fabregas is a cool laid back dude. I can't think of any of these incidents you refer to.

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