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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. So encouraged by our play, but at the end of the day we can't keep failing to capitalise. We had to get at least a point today. Simply because of what happened with Stoke and Blackpool at home.


    The early injury to Hatem would have been a downer, but we stayed with it. The non-penalty was a downer but we battled through that also. We do well to get forward after they take the lead, and get denied a clear penalty. So hard to take.

  2. Terrible news about Ben Arfa. I turned the game on at 10 mins in so I missed the challenge. So can't comment really. Was it a really bad challenge?


    Anyway, regarding the game Newcastle have been outstanding so far. Tiote has been the best midfielder on the pitch, despite all of City's big names. Shola has been really good and so has Jonas.


    I saw a few comments regarding relegation, due to the Ben Arfa injury, but as long as Routledge and Jonas stay fit they will see us through just fine. Hopefully the injury doesn't keep Hatem out too long.


    Agree with all of that apart from the Shola comment. He's been isolated up front and so has done f*** all. Not necessarily his fault.... but really, he's done nowt.


    I just thought Shola did some good things holding the ball up, but yeah there has been a lack of support up to him for sure.



  3. Terrible news about Ben Arfa. I turned the game on at 10 mins in so I missed the challenge. So can't comment really. Was it a really bad challenge?


    Anyway, regarding the game Newcastle have been outstanding so far. Tiote has been the best midfielder on the pitch, despite all of City's big names. Shola has been really good and so has Jonas.


    I saw a few comments regarding relegation, due to the Ben Arfa injury, but as long as Routledge and Jonas stay fit they will see us through just fine. Hopefully the injury doesn't keep Hatem out too long.

  4. Not sure how much of this malaise is down to anything Hodgson has done tbh. I just think a rot had set in at Liverpool and it is festering. The best thing Roy could have probably done was flog Torres for the ridiculous prices being offered and made extensive changes to this side. The team just looks like it's past it's sell by date. Just completely spent.

  5. Busquets>Mascherano.


    I will say it now it was a pointless signing. Too high profile to sit comfortably on the bench and worse than Busquets given the way we play.


    Agreed. Mascherano is quite limited technically. Very much a player who hustles and harries and goes after the ball, but outsid eof that he's quite average really. Not a good fit, and another expensive mistake by Barca.

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