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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. There will never be a goal directly from a free kick in this WC, will there?




    Nigeria today?


    That was a cross into the area really, but the keeper was fooled by Odemwingie's run right accross him.

  2. The crowd levels at this World Cup are terrible. What genius came up with the idea of hosting a World Cup in a nation where most people can't afford to feed themselves let along go to a football game?


    Despite your patronising tone, it's an interesting sentiment. They certainly should have made the games more accessible for the local community if they were going to bother having it in Africa certainly. The atmosphere at the African Nations Cup tournaments are always awesome, so it's no doubt down to corporate greed when it comes down to it. Nothing new really.

  3. BBC saying the team tomorrow, according to "their sources", will be:


    Heskey - Rooney

    Gerrard - Barry - Lampard - Lennon

    Cole - Terry - Carragher - Johnson



    I just don't get Capello. Rooney has had his best ever season playing as a lone striker the majority of the time. Was scoring all sorts of goals. Right foot, left foot, headers, everything. Put him up top alone and ensure he stays as far up the pitch as possible and let Gerrard and Lampard do the linking up behind him, with Barry holding. Lennon right and Joe Cole left. Honestly, what is the problem?


    Because Gerrard/Lampard/Barry will inexplicably be unable to maintain possession against inferior opponents, and in their frustration will start lumping it up to Rooney who will be left isolated, ineffective and marked out of the game.  And we won't understand why, since they all play successfully with lone strikers at club level. 


    It doesn't make any sense, but it's probably better to acknowledge the reality of the situation and play Heskey. 


    I see what your saying, but Joe Cole on the left and Barry behind are really good in posession, and so it would certainly come together a decent amount of the time. I know it's been tried in the past before, but this back when Rooney was still uncomfortable alone upfront, and also Gerrard hadn't yet played behind a front man before. They are both now far more experienced in these roles, and even excelling in them. Just think it's a shame it hasn't been tried more recently, and there really isn't any reason why. There were more than enough friendlies to give it a go.

  4.                       Green

    Johnson   Dawson :dave:   Terry   Cole


    Lennon   Lampard   Gerrard   Cole



    How can Capello not have ever tried that?

  5. Kaka, we're likely to play Ghana in the next round so put all your money on them winning if you're so confident.




    In all seriousness Ghana are probably the best of the African teams right now. Probably not the most talented, but they are very well balanced and they don't tend to do stupid things as often as all the others. They do miss that dominant striker though, as they just have never really seemed to have on for some reason. Yeboah was the closest they had to one I would say. Asamoah Gyan is talented, but he can be kept under control.


    I'll put it this way. If Capello sticks with this current setup, I would feel more comfortable putting my money on Ghana. Now I'm not saying I would want them to beat you, but if i had to pick I do think I would go with Ghana. Had quite a few Ghanaians giving me grief already today, so believe me you could well do me a big favour if you wacked them.

  6. BBC saying the team tomorrow, according to "their sources", will be:


    Heskey - Rooney

    Gerrard - Barry - Lampard - Lennon

    Cole - Terry - Carragher - Johnson



    I just don't get Capello. Rooney has had his best ever season playing as a lone striker the majority of the time. Was scoring all sorts of goals. Right foot, left foot, headers, everything. Put him up top alone and ensure he stays as far up the pitch as possible and let Gerrard and Lampard do the linking up behind him, with Barry holding. Lennon right and Joe Cole left. Honestly, what is the problem?

  7. God we are pathetic ... just unprofessional. An embarrassing outfit all around. They should just pack their bags now!


    Better than England though.


    Was waiting for someone to jump on him. :lol:




    You guys have been very patient, thanks. I appreciate it.


    11 vs. 11 and actually focused I do like Nigeria, but as you can see that's never a guarantee. Sucks.


    Look I hope you guys do well tomorrow, Capello is being very silly though. Don't like his decisions so far at all. Mostly what I was basing my bold predictions on. Milner on the wing? Are you kidding me?! You guys know how I feel about that.





  8. Worst man of the match?


    Quite difficult but I can't look past Obasi for that miss. He's a professional footballer. (Well, allegedly). Peter Ramage could have scored that!


    It's so weird because I am more annoyed with Yakubu for that miss. Obasi did so well to be unselfish in the first place and feed the ball into Yakubu perfectly, and I was so relieved about that at the time. Yakubu just has to put that away. I really despise the guy. Has offered nothing so far in these two games.

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