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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I'd play it all James Bond tbh. Not flashy, just understated but absolute quality.


    It's all about being understated. Anything too overt just comes off tacky for the most part.



  2. It certainly will be interesting to hear Hughton's plans for Perch i.e. what they envision his main position being. Would be good if we didn't move him around quite as much as Forest did, and instead gave him more of a chance to master one position and hopefully excel at it.

    One would think his place in the team is useful bench player who can come in the team and fulfill several roles. I doubt he has been signed to start and I would be worried if that were the case.


    Also, it is rather good to see I am not the only Aiyegbeni hater on the forum.


    Yakubu is an absolute disgrace. Cannot stand the man and didn't even want him in the squad in the first place. What abuse have I not levelled on that dunce this summer? He'll certainly get what he deserves one way or the other.

  3. It certainly will be interesting to hear Hughton's plans for Perch i.e. what they envision his main position being. Would be good if we didn't move him around quite as much as Forest did, and instead gave him more of a chance to master one position and hopefully excel at it.

  4. Poor signing. He's simply not good enough tbh. The reaction from the Forest fans say it all,surely 1 of them would be disappointed. This reaction is from the fans of a team full of Championship fodder, look at his competition at full back at forest; Chambers, Bennett and Gunter yet they're happy no delighted to see him go.

    Bennett's a crocked left back, so no competition, Chamber's a centre back, and Gunter's a f***ing fantastic right back and the best we've had for over a decade and arguably our best player.


    For those dismissing the reaction of Forest fans, look just how large a majority, across just how many forums are gleeful over this. Usually, if the player is good, there is some sort of divide, but over Perch, joy is pretty much ubiquitous.


    Strangely they didn't sound so gutted when our bid in January was rejected.  Most of them were glad to see him stay..

    Several reasons for that. Firstly, the opinion you all took was from LTLF, which is notoriously juvenile. Secondly, a lot of our fans hadn't seen Perch get a good run in the team in his supposedly preferred position of right back, nor had many seen him play much for Billy Davies at all, so consequently a fair few fans were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. This benefit has now run out, as he got his opportunity and aside from the game against you guys (when he still allowed Gutierrez to get away for your first goal), was absolutely woeful. Thirdly, it was seen more as a statement of intent from our board then anything inherently positive about Perch. For some reason, many fans believed that we were still in competition with you guys, and so refusing a bid from you, irrespective of who it was for, was neverthless a sign of intention from our board (given our sparse January window, any type of 'intention' was jumped upon quickly). Fourthly, we had no back-up for Gunter, no left back of any sort, and a squad of about 20 players, most of which were attacking and not defensive players. We needed him. At least now we can easily replace him.


    As I said, I was on here in January defending Perch against your guys criticism (funny how now you've got him, you're all happy), and I'd have been happy to keep him as a squad player. However, I'd be upset if we had to rely on him in the Championship - as we did - nevermind the Premiership. He was consistently our worst player after the game against you guys, and considering he was partly at fault for your first goal then, that says something I think.


    Have you ever seen Danny Simpson or Ryan Taylor play by any chance?

  5. I remember seeing a bit of Mansare for Toulouse a few seasons back. Definitely a left winger (he is left footed btw). Very athletic and dynamic. Likely just an experienced replacement for Pancrate. Mansare wasn't really involved with Toulose last season. Would probably compare Mansare to someone like Kapo who was at Wigan.

  6. A player coming in is good news. Looked excellent at SJP when he played right back against Jonas, and even though it was just one game, we at least know he actually has the potential to play at that level. Just a case of getting it out of him regularly.


    I always like to see decent young players from the championship being given a chance to step up to a higher league, you just never know what it will bring out of them. It could really be the making of them a lot of the time. These players just don't get enough of a chance I don't think. Perch seems to be an excellent and very strong character, and so hopefully he relishes the challenge and takes his game to the next level. It will also probably be a good thing for him to get a new start away from his hometown club. Hope it works out and we get the same sort of production as Everton have got out of the likes of Lescott and Jagielka.

  7. They apparently paid 9m euros for him last summer.


    He goes and has a great season and we apparently proceed to offer them significantly less than they paid a year ago.


    Seems like the kind of "Surely they won't accept this... PHEW!!" offer our lot would throw in alright. :lol:


    I think we're probably doing this because as Ashley has so proudly proclaimed, he will always offer all the money upfront rather than in installments. However, it is also likely just an initial tester if we have indeed bid.

  8. We were said to be watching and showing a lot of interest in Erding way back when Hughton was making all those trips to France, so could be a possibility. I'm hoping we will all be pleasantly surprised regarding new players this upcoming season.

  9. Torres has been awful in this tournament, should be playing a 4-5-1 with Fabregas or Silva.




    Silva should be put out on the left and Villa should be moved into the centre.


    Good idea. Spain could do with a winger or even two out there. Jesus Navas would be very useful on the right and all.

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