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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. That was, without doubt, the worst performance England performance ever - reminded me a bit of the McClaren years :undecided:


    Sven gets so much stick, but his England were light years ahead of anything since tbh.

  2. Rooney has completelty been neutralised by his own team. Unable to string together enough passes to find him in any kind of decent positions. Extraordinary really.


    I hate when people spout this garbage to defend Rooney.


    He's supposed to be one of the best players on the planet, therefore he should be able to make things happen on his own.  He's been completely anonymous in 135 minutes thus far.


    I sort of agree, but I think it's been a combination of both things really.

  3. They might still only need a draw if we don't get a few goals against Algeria.  All this draw has done is give Slovenia something to play for. 


    They're f***ing Slovenia. If we're scared about playing them then we might as well go home now.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

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