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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Fabregas should be in for alonso.


    Was just about to say the same. Just don't get why Alonso would be in ahead of Cesc. Poor decision.




    Alonso is definitely better than Fab.


    Not for me pal. No way.



  2. Three reasons England should be very worried ...


    Mesut Osil - The key thing with this guy is the way he exploits space, particularly between the midfield and defence. Who will consistently pick him up for England? Not sure Barry or Lampard will be up to it for 90 minutes. One of Englands biggest problems so far this World Cup has been stoppig the passing of the football in and around central midfield. Barry and Lampard just don't have the mobility that is needed. Where's Hargreaves when you need him!


    Podolski - The main threat from Podolski is his ability to drift in from the wide left position and get shots on target in. He is also very quick and direct. Seeing Glen Johnson struggle even against Slovenia yesterdy is not a good sign. He will have to be very alert and disciplined on Sunday, or Podolski will manage to get in on goal.


    Philip Lahm - Very , very dynamic attacking fullback who plays a big role in German attacking moves. Bombing down the right flank will put a lot of pressure on Steven Gerrard who will really have to track him, and be careful of getting caught drifting into the middle of the pitch. Gerrard was guilty of this numerous times against Algeria who weren't smart enough to exploit it continuously. The Germans will be though.


    Should be a fascinating contest.  :aww:

  3. Wouldn't read much into Uruguay looking good against poor sides. They're nothing special.


    As opposed to England looking dreadful against poor sides?


    We still looked better today then Ghana have all tournement, we're inconsistent, Ghana are consistent...ly poor.


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  4. Thought Altidore was outstanding for the USA today.


    Thought he was killing us. Unbelievable miss.


    Fantastic pace and power, and makes some surprisingly intelligent runs. However, he does seem like he doesn't take enough chances that come his way. Looks like a young Emile Heskey almost!

  5. COME ON GHANA.........but the Germans will nick this.


    KD how the hell did Kevin Prince Boateng not get a squad number at Tottenham that one season? Such a promising central midfielder. At least 10 times better than Jenas. Hope we go for him this summer.

  6. Villa is an absolute idiot, as are a good number of these footballers that take penalties. Just put the bloody ball on the spot! All that faffing about for a few extra inches for goodness sake. Got what he deserved there.

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