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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I'd like to see Altidore at Newcastle. He didn't set the world alight at Hull but looks like he has pace and power. No chance of getting him like..


    I agree. Last I heard Villareal wanted £6 million, not sure if anyone has shown interest though. Would be well worth it especially considering he is just 20. He is a very useful player to have with that pace and power like you say. He also seems to make some really good runs.

  2. Did anybody hear McCarthy call the keeper a 'massive tart' before? :lol:


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    I paused for a second thinking that was what I heard, but then I thought, no way, must have heard wrong. Mick is hilarious.

  3. Are these guys in the studio mental? It wasn't a poor game before the sending off at all. It was flowing pretty nicely, and was certainly building up to something decent. So sick of everyone of these pundits. They're embarrassing.

  4. Not related to the game, I just played at my local English League Two teams' training complex and they have a couple of “Jubilani” balls there - the genuine £130 ones. First hand, i can tell you these balls are crap. There’s barely any weight to them and they gather momentum very quick. Think of a little rubber powerball but light and hollow. At one point I toe-poked a ball through a gap and it made the hollow “peow” sound that cheap plastic footballs and beachballs make. There's a difference between putting one of these around the field and one of the traditional balls, that's for sure.


    My mate on another MB speaking about the ball, interesting.


    That is disgraceful if true, and really unfortunate.

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