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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Does that mean we have to go through weeks of speculation about every foreign businessman with more than £2.50 in the bank, that has always secretly supported us, wanting to buy us  :tard: :bluestar:


    Pretty much ...


    Every damned summer same old B.S.


    Absolute torture.


    Since Newcastle went down, people have started to get very arsey about others having a fondness for more than 1 team. :shifty:


    Would you prefer to see Messi at Newcastle or Barcelona?




    Do people get banned if they answer this the wrong way?




    I don't see anything wrong in people having a fondness for another team, but when it comes to saying you'd rather a player you rate stayed with your 'second' team than moving to the one supposed to be your 'first' I think something's not right.


    I was just joking.


    Bans are so exciting though, so I wouldn't be adverse to seeing Messi and Blufescu scrapped.


    In fact why not? Make my day Dave. I'm bored.






    Asking for bans is a bannable offence you know,  O0




    Since Newcastle went down, people have started to get very arsey about others having a fondness for more than 1 team. :shifty:


    Would you prefer to see Messi at Newcastle or Barcelona?




    Do people get banned if they answer this the wrong way?




    I don't see anything wrong in people having a fondness for another team, but when it comes to saying you'd rather a player you rate stayed with your 'second' team than moving to the one supposed to be your 'first' I think something's not right.


    I was just joking.


    Bans are so exciting though, so I wouldn't be adverse to seeing Messi and Blufescu scrapped.


    In fact why not? Make my day Dave. I'm bored.





  4. Since Newcastle went down, people have started to get very arsey about others having a fondness for more than 1 team. :shifty:


    Would you prefer to see Messi at Newcastle or Barcelona?




    Do people get banned if they answer this the wrong way?

  5. Running before you can walk. I still can't believe they turned down £20m for Jones.


    Jones could be top quality for them in a few years. Scored 12 goals this season despite only returning in November and allegedly brought back too soon and hasn't been 100% fit this season. Started to find his true form near the tail end of the season according to a Mackem mate of mine.


    I haven't seen that much of him, but when I have he looks like Shola Ameobi with long hair to me.


    Crazy comment.



  6. Well that was just goofy ...


    Looks like a cockup is on the cards after that little stunt.


    Let me make sure I understand this. Llambas says he will talk to SSN in an hour but then David Craig is told it won't be happening after all?


    Lord have mercy ...



  7. If you're planning to use Beye as a cb, then i definately think loaning Chris Gunter from us is a good idea (done v.well at Forest by all accounts). I'd also Loan Taarabt for the season providing we don't sell him.


    Taarabt is talented but where would he be played?


    Doesn't look like he would be able to get up and down wnough on the wing, and as a second striker would he score enough goals? Haven't really seen enough of him to know what his shooting/finishing is like. Very interesting talent though.


    Did he go out on loan somewhere the second half of last season? How did he do?

  8. Danny Shittu


    I was thinking this the other day.


    Was really good for Watford when he played week in and week out for them but hasn't really got a chance at Bolton and has kind of fluffed it on the rare occassions he was put in, but I reckon it's more down to a lack of confidence.


    Could be the big dirty championship defender we need alongside Bassong.


    Decent attacking threat too. He's really quite a solid defender if he's got someone with a brain (i.e not Jay DeMerit) beside him. You could do worse, Roger Johnson/Matt Mills would be both be silly priced. I'm glad that we signed Mike Williamson when we did, he is awesome, Wycombe fans reckon he was better when he left than Johnson when he left them.


    Exactly. I definitely remember him doing well for you and scoring a good number of goals from set pieces.


    He made a mistake for Bolton though so he must be crap and worse than Titus Bramble, who by the way had a pretty decent season at Wigan.


    Sigh ...

  9. Would take a look at seeing what David Nugent would cost - will be pushed even further down the pecking order over the summer and I cannot see him being on mega-wages.  Was a cracking player in the Championship and we could be a team he would step down for to rebuild his career / confidence.


    Very good idea. Especially with their new miliionaire owner coming in he could certainly be pushed out of the picture.

  10. Danny Shittu


    I was thinking this the other day.


    Was really good for Watford when he played week in and week out for them but hasn't really got a chance at Bolton and has kind of fluffed it on the rare occassions he was put in, but I reckon it's more down to a lack of confidence.


    Could be the big dirty championship defender we need alongside Bassong.


    Ridulous fee (even if they werent in admin) + no manager + a team of players to shift first = non story


    Fee sounds about right considering their situation. Was rated at a much higher price this time two years ago, has stagnated somewhat since then, but away from So'ton will do very well. Definitely better than League 1.


    Yup. I actually think £1 million is a really good price for him. Still only 22 years old also.


    Been surprised at the lack of interest/links to Southampton's youngsters so far.

  12. Surman would be a great start. Was very impressed with him in the prior season in particular.


    Bit of a Gareth Barry type but not as strong physically yet. His left foot is sweet and though he can play out wide he is more influential through the middle as he isn't the quickest.


    We really need to act quickly to nick some of those Southampton youngsters who are seriously talented. Don't let the dissaray of this last season fool you, in more experienced sides some of those youngsters would be much improved.


  13. Our youngsters are brilliant, fantastic attitude, if our first team players had the same attitude we wouldn't be where we are right now.


    Better still if we had shown faith in a few of them we probably wouldn't be here right now.



  14. At least if Shearer fails badly we're free of the shackles of the 'local hero' being in charge for good. There will be no room for further sentimentality because we'll have exhausted every option.


    Thinking about it though there's only been Shearer really - Keegan had a fabulous record here so why wouldn't we want to give him a chance to replicate that?


    Still, at least it'll be over.


    Ketsbaia cometh ...

  15. Butt.


    Everyone else pretty much got dropped or taken out of the firing line this season but still we remained utterly useless.


    The one constant throughout the season was Nicky Butt.


    Playing in the most influential area of the pitch and being so bad he was the biggest reason we were such a bad team imo.

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