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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2009/jun/03/gareth-barry-apology-villa-manchester-city


    England midfielder Gareth Barry has written a formal apology to Aston Villa fans over his £12m move to Manchester City, saying he moved "to win major honours".


    The apology, which will be published in full by the Birmingham Mail later on Wednesday, is being seen as an attempt to repair the damage he has done to his reputation by making the lucrative £100,000-a-week switch to a club that have failed to qualify for Europe next season.


    In the apology, Barry writes: "Once I had spoken to Mark Hughes there was nowhere else I wanted to go. I was also desperate to avoid any long drawn-out saga.


    "I feel I am joining a club that will seriously challenge to win major honours. People might doubt that, but I am convinced with the plans the club has short term and long term, and the backing the manager will receive from the owners, that we will be a major force."




    Guilty conscience eating away at him already.

  2. Birmingham sign Christian Benitez for £6.25 Million.


    The few times I've seen him on Sky he's been excellent, he looks like he'd suit the Premier League aswell.


    What team did he come from? Not sure I'm familiar with him.

  3. He would fit in as a striker as he is clearly better then any of the other players in citys attack  :lol:


    I know that. Brilliant player and I think Ferguson was crazy to dump him for Berbatov.


    I just don't understand what kind of formation they are thinking off at the moment.


    They just seem to be stockpiling players for the hell of it. Should be interesting to see how it comes together I guess.

  4. Bellamy on his tricycle again soon then, should that be the case.




    The signing of Barry is pointing towards a 4-3-3 with De Jong, barry and Ireland central.


    Robinho will stay on the left, SWP on the right and I'm pretty sure they will be targetting a big striker to play central. Santa Cruz perhaps?


    Bellamy is toast.


    Would Tevez be on the bench, like?


    If they are really after Tevez then they are clearly nuts.


    That wuld be a strange one. Not sure where the hell he would fit in their team.

  5. Bellamy on his tricycle again soon then, should that be the case.




    The signing of Barry is pointing towards a 4-3-3 with De Jong, barry and Ireland central.


    Robinho will stay on the left, SWP on the right and I'm pretty sure they will be targetting a big striker to play central. Santa Cruz perhaps?


    Bellamy is toast.

  6. Lita's issues are down to immaturity for the most part.


    I reckon he would flourish under a younger manager like Shearer who he would have a lot more respect for and knowledge of as Shearer was only recently the best striker in the country.


    The biggest issue for them right now is the loss of two huge personalities. They've lost their two biggest leaders which is always very difficult.



    Barry was never a leader. Any Villa fan will tell you that.


    Laursen definitely was, though.


    Barry had a lot of responsibility on the pitch though. A lot of your play went through him. I meant it more from that standpoint.


    I would agree that Laursen was more of a leader though, definitely.


    Any news on who you might be bringin in to replace either of them?

  8. Laursen and Barry gone. Not great for Villa. They better hope Chelsea don't make a move for Young as has been speculated.


    Provided O'Neill knows what he is doing in the transfer market they should be okay though.


    They now need a top defender, a top midfielder and could do with another top striker.


    The biggest issue for them right now is the loss of two huge personalities. They've lost their two biggest leaders which is always very difficult.


    O'Neill has some serious work to do.

  9. He did drop him though. I bet Shearer will feel let down by how gutless Owen has been through all of this, without a shadow of a doubt.

    True. Is he gutless or just finished though? Like I said it's hard to tell what Shearer thought. The talk of a new contract for Owen may have just been smoke and mirrors.


    Finished or not he is definitely gutless.


    Butt is finished but I wouldn't necessarily say he was gutless for example.

  10. The decision to make Owen captain together with our form in the first dozen games after he was appointed manager shows just how far out of touch with football Keegan was when he came back a year past January.


    I know I can't really back up this following statement, but in my opinion ...


    If Owen isn't captain and say Beye or even Butt was I believe we stay up. We missed staying up by one point. I believe a more vocal and instructive leader would have at least got one more point for us this season in one of the many close calls we had when we just needed that extra push.


    How demoralising it must have been to see the club captain so quiet, sour faced and dejected when were struggling.



    well beye or even butt should have a long hard look at themselves if they feel they need an arm band to be vocal and lead.


    I really wonder what our captain was ike off the pitch you know ...


    Through all those tought imes, did he ever take it upon himself to get the guys together on an off day and just hang out and try and kick back and get the team morale up and bond a bit? Without the manager or any of the coaches around?


    It's these little things that sometimes make all the difference. Owen's more likely to have been straight into his helicopter and out of the city. People talk about the owner not living in the city. The captain of the team didn't! Crazy stuff.

    why couldn't anyone else do it.


    did tony adams become a shrinking violet cos shearer was his captain when playing for england. no. the captain wears the armband and calls heads or tails. you don't need the arm band to lead


    Because it's not necessarily the sort of thing people want to do, but as the captian you step up and take responsibility or you give uo the armband.


    The guy is an absolute chicken shite. No guts, no heart, no hamstrings. Yellow bellied coward if ever I saw one.



  11. Sunderland are just tragic ...


    Bruce is a horrible move. Stop recycling these clowns and go and find some fresh talent. They have enough money to back a manager substantially and this should be a huge attraction to many.


    The key for them is getting in someone who can attract good players from all over. However, it seems they are scared of taking a bit of a risk.


    I would rather risk a Mancini, Bilic or even Martinez from Swansea rather than bring in Bruce for goodness sake.


    Already links to Bramble and Crouch. I'm sorry but how freakin depressing is that?! Just recycilng the same old managers and players all over again. Who the hell can Bruce really attract but the some old stale journeymen prem castoffs.


    It's going to be a disaster and I'm going to love it.

  12. The decision to make Owen captain together with our form in the first dozen games after he was appointed manager shows just how far out of touch with football Keegan was when he came back a year past January.


    I know I can't really back up this following statement, but in my opinion ...


    If Owen isn't captain and say Beye or even Butt was I believe we stay up. We missed staying up by one point. I believe a more vocal and instructive leader would have at least got one more point for us this season in one of the many close calls we had when we just needed that extra push.


    How demoralising it must have been to see the club captain so quiet, sour faced and dejected when were struggling.



    well beye or even butt should have a long hard look at themselves if they feel they need an arm band to be vocal and lead.


    I really wonder what our captain was ike off the pitch you know ...


    Through all those tought imes, did he ever take it upon himself to get the guys together on an off day and just hang out and try and kick back and get the team morale up and bond a bit? Without the manager or any of the coaches around?


    It's these little things that sometimes make all the difference. Owen's more likely to have been straight into his helicopter and out of the city. People talk about the owner not living in the city. The captain of the team didn't! Crazy stuff.

  13. The decision to make Owen captain together with our form in the first dozen games after he was appointed manager shows just how far out of touch with football Keegan was when he came back a year past January.


    I know I can't really back up this following statement, but in my opinion ...


    If Owen isn't captain and say Beye or even Butt was I believe we stay up. We missed staying up by one point. I believe a more vocal and instructive leader would have at least got one more point for us this season in one of the many close calls we had when we just needed that extra push.


    How demoralising it must have been to see the club captain so quiet, sour faced and dejected when were struggling.



  14. I have a sneaky feeling he would end up somewhere like AC Milan


    Interesting. I actually think the Italian league would suit him the most at this stage in his career. A league of older players which is much slower than the other top leagues.



  15. I really like Everton. Think it would be a mistake for them going for Owen. However, I guess the fact that he is free and he is willing to take a substantial cut in wages is attractive for them and they probably feel he will raise their profile somewhat.


    On the pitch however, I think they could do with a more dynamic striker to play alongside the Yak, which brings the best out of him.


    I would rather play Cahill or Fellaini just behind Yakubu as they did this season rather than play Owen alongside Yakubu. If they want to go to a more conventional 4-4-2 next season I think they could do better.


    Just as an example they could go for someone more in the mould of the striker on loan at West Brom who did quite well for them this past season, Fortune. Wouldn't be at all expensive either. Yakubu would play really well off him as Fortune is big, fast and strong and does a decent job of holding up the ball and battling, also scored some goals too. The Yak would thrive off that as he doesn't particulalry like doing the dirty work.

  16. Wigan boss Steve Bruce has ruled out the prospect of him becoming the next Sunderland manager.


    Bruce is continually linked with jobs that become available as a result of the impressive work he has done at the JJB Stadium.


    The former Manchester United captain admits he would not be interested in the job because he would see it as an act of betrayal towards his former Old Trafford team-mate Roy Keane and that as a Geordie he could never manage Newcastle's biggest rivals.


    "Let's nip this straight in the bud. It's a total non-starter," Bruce told The Sun.


    "I'm very happy at Wigan and if you cut me open I'd be black and white to the core!"


    Steve Bruce 6/12/2008






    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    I bet Sunderland fans would love to see that.

  17. Caulkin is saying he will write it off and he is ultra reliable.  He also writes for the Times who Ashley has clearly been speaking to.  He wants rid and this is a good way to expediate things.


    I think it's more likely he will just write it off at this point tbh.


    Imagine if he hadn't held out for that ridiculous amount of £400 million he would have been out last Christmas and would have lost a lot less money.


    I don't think he risks it again this time around. It seems he has thrown is hands up and is making the club available at a price that will definitely attract buyers.


    I just hope that this is indeed the case.

  18. david craig on ssn


    Reckons there's something in tomorrows NOTW saying Shearer is ready to walk over the uncertainty. 'Well-informed sources telling his side of the story'.


    Jesus ...

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