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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. As one of the articles said I think the interested parties are trying to haggle the price, and I think it might still be possible that the Profitable Group are interested at a lower price.


    It is clear now that the attempts to haggle the price was clearly what led to Ashley putting out that silly statement with the email address.


    It looks like the Profitable group have countered that by stating their plans which every supporter of the club would clearly be very pleased with, in order to pressure Ashley into accepting their lower offer.



    It's kinda how I see it anyway.



  2. I don't think it's a big problem if they don't come in with ridiculous amounts of money, as long as they put something towards building the squad, which lest we forget Ashley hasn't actually managed since coming in with to his sell to buy ways.


    The fact they want to install Shearer as manager is a very good sign as Shearer has made it clear that he has a plan that will require investment and he is unwilling to budge on it. If they are willing to fund this then the signs are good.

  3. Okay ... so I don't know how religious people on here are, but even if it's the only time you ever do it, say a prayer tonight!


    As someone has already said. If this happens relegation might have actually been worth it.


    I'm hopeful.

  4. I think it's clear Fatso and his gang have a problem with the wages Shearer and his staff want and are trying to take advantage of Shearer's ties to the club and his desire to lead them out of this mess in order to try ang get him on the cheap.


    How else can you explain all the talk of Shearer being the best appointment to the sudden ignoring of him and talks of selling the club and all these rumours of high wage demands?


    Ashley really is a disgusting piece of work. He is very underhanded and completely clueless.


    How can he not realise that ultimately he will lose a hell of a lot more money if anyone other than Shearer is appointed in the current circumstances. It would be the final straw for many who will no longer be involved with the club until he is gone.



  5. Villa after Lescott and Bentley, according to a slew of unreliable sources.


    Bentley I wouldn't be too fussed about, so long as the price is right. Lescott we'd have to pay a s*** load of money in fee and a chunky-assed salary to have any hope at all of dislodging him, even before convincing him it is a move worth making.


    This would be where it starts going stupid. Man City f*** us off with their greater-than-ours financial muscle. We then take it out on someone else with our greater-than-yours financial muscle, and on it goes.


    Plus, he's apparently got some very real problems with a major local gang which would probably keep him away from the area, in any case.




    Is the Milner experiment over already then?

  6. Wigan will be relegated next season.




    Hoe do you work that out?



    New manager who likes to play football, they'll be more open and will get cut to pieces.


    Just my opinion like but we'll see.




    Actually, I think Wigan have just upgraded their manager and they will be better next season.


    Whelan must be ecstatic right now.


    Martinez will get them playing a more open sort of game and I could see the kind of success Fulham enjoyed this year.


    I don't think they will get ripped to shreds like West Brom did for example because they already have a solid set of defenders in place already, all of whom are premier league experienced.



  7. well as I'm sure it might have been discussed on some other thread.....but Real Betis got relegated on the last day after they drew 1-1 at home allowing Getafe to stay up on goal difference.......supporters rioted and police had to intervene to stop the angry the fans getting into the VIP area , apparently clashes with supporters and police outside the stadium.


    Similar to us.......big fan base, 52,000 seater stadium and they have some very canny players on paper....


    Sergio Garcia, Ricardo Oliveira (relegated with Real Zaragoza last season), Emana (linked with us before) , Mehmet Aurelio, Capi, Monzon, Nelson,Riccardo, Juanito, Odonkor, Edu etc.



    Watching Revista de la Liga and like you said it's unbelievable how similar their situation is to ours. Big fanbase, 52,000 seater stadium, fanatical city, spent big money on overrated s****, they've been ran farcically by their owner, and they even had an inexperienced manager brought in with 10 games to go.


    That is weird ...

  8. I think Owen is finished but I'm still fully expecting him going somewhere else, scoring a couple of goals early on and everyone saying 'told you so'.


    He needs a move as much as we need rid.


    Incomplete ... because he will inevitably break down then take match after match to get match fit while claiming he IS match fit, and then he'll score a couple and everyone will say "I told you so" he just needed to get match fit. He will then inevitably break down then take match after match to get match fit while claiming he IS match fit, and then he'll score a couple and everyone will say "I told you so" he just needed to get match fit. He will then inevitably break down then take match after match to get match fit while claiming he IS match fit, and then he'll score a couple and everyone will say "I told you so" he just needed to get match fit ... (continue to repeat)

  9. Any manager worth his salt will go for Martins before Owen, especially one as shrewd as David Moyes.

    Yes but Owen is available for free and the Martins isn't.


    The question is whether Moyes is looking for freebies or looking to take his team to the next level.


    Owen might appear to be free but sign him up and the chairman isn't getting any other striker for Moyes this summer.


    So when Owen gets the measles, malaria, typhoid etc and misses all of preseason and then gets his standard knee knock here, ankle knock there and hamstring strain everywhere, and the team is no better off than it was last season because even when he plays he is never match fit, I bet the fans will feel like he is costing them a hell of a lot then.


    Owen will hold them back if anything and he is only getting older and more pathetic physically. Waste of money.

  10. It's so ironic isn't it  ...


    We are now going to be forced to buy the sort of players many of us have been arguing we should be buying for a while now, the sorts we just didn't have enough of in our team i.e. young up and coming talent from the lower leagues rather than the top clubs older cast offs.


    I am looking forward to it immensely. All we need is for Shearer to be given the go ahead to do what he needs to and we are on our way to having a younger hungrier team we can really get behind.


    To see what the Lescott and Jagielka have become at Everton is just so demoralising. These players were considered by most to not be good enough for us back then just because they were championship players.



  11. If we are actually going after him, I'd be disappointed if we offered any more than £7m.


    Initially maybe, but by the end of the season you'd be talking abouthow you robbed us.


    In that Everton team he would erupt. Would be an ideal setup for him.


    Unfortunately for you guys it appears your manager is more hung up on Owen.



  12. To back this up a little, my mate who's a Man Utd season ticket holder has just told me that they'd been approached by a North East club with the view to taking Gibson on loan for a year. He's going to try and find out which club it was. Very positive news if it's us!


    Regarding Gibson, he said he'd be sad to see him go as he felt he could make it at Man Utd. He also said Simpson would do a job for us but isn't on the same level as Gibson and it isn't a surprise that he's on his way out.


    Oh man ...


    Hope it's not Boro.

  13. Stephen Ireland quit international football because the other players on the team made fun of his hair.


    That's 100% true.


    If there's a more laughable "man" in football, I've yet to hear of him.


    Great player though.


    I heard it was a lot more than "making fun" and more like holding his head down the bog and flushing it.


    Yup, heard it was more along those lines too, which is just way over the top, especially as he was only young then.


    Kind of admire the guy for sticking to his guns and not putting up with it tbh.

  14. You seem a lovely character, I'm personally delighted to have you around this place. :thup:


    Sounds like a typical armchair athlete ...


    Likely never done any kind of sporting activity in his whole life and so rubbishes any player that doesn't perform like they do in his video games.



  15. God i f***ing despise Steven Gerrard. :)


    Owen and Gerrard are still best mates.


    I won't repeat what Owen was meant to have called Newcastle fans after Gerrard got booed at St James' after England missed out on Euro 2008.


    Gerrard seems to have had it in for the club since then for booing him.


    Wouldn't surprise me if Owen asked Gerrard to put out today's bollocks about welcoming him back to Liverpool (:mackems:) just to go hand in hand with the news about him winning damages regarding his career being over.


    He and his agent clearly believe his reputation in the media is key to him getting a good move next.


    He's used his agent and advisors to sound out a move for the last few transfer windows but up until last summer he'd have only left for a top 4 club on similar wages but no-one came in for him. He's still close to Carragher and Gerrard at Liverpool but Benitez isn't interested.


    From what i've heard his best offer at the moment is 60k a week at Everton with a signing on fee on top, with high appearance and goal bonuses. Probably still waiting for a better offer but he would have stayed here, on lesser terms had Newcastle stayed up. Its not all about the money with Owen.


    It's definitely all about the money.


    He would have stayed if we didn't get relegated because he knows we would have been stupid enough to likely pay him more than anyone else would.


    Also, he was likely thinking his big pal Shearer would build the team around him and play him whenever fit.

  16. It's not about "service" with him. We know he's s*** at making good runs, he's s*** at using his pace effectively, his composure is s*** when he only has the keeper to beat, his first touch consistency is s*** - so on and so forth. Having established that he's not Craig Bellamy, how about looking at what he is good at?


    He's at his most dangerous imo when he's 10 to 20 yards out from goal and he still has the opposition centrebacks in front of him. It's here that his ability to turn in or out pretty sharply, and then get a shot off with either foot, has caused plenty of good centrebacks problems. Irrespective of the reasons as to why he's not done this often enough for us down the years, he has the ability to create goals for himself against Premiership defences, which would surely make him a valuable to have for e.g. mid table sides.


    On top of this ability, he has a good leap, a half decent header on him, as well as the ability to score from outside the box. I'd say that overall, if last season's injury problems are temporary, he'll be a decent 15 goal striker for plenty of the teams in the Premiership. Someone like Fulham would be ideal for him.


    Now ask yourself how many times the team got him in these type of positions? Hardly ever.


    Watching the Fulham game live was so startling in this regard. He never got the ball to feet when he showed for it at the edge of the box or anywhere lese for that matter.


    The ball most often played to him was from a minimum of 25 yards away and was high in the air when Hangeland was the one marking him. Bloody abomination.


    Yeah he was huffy and for good reason too. I never understand why people think it's okay to say Owen wasn't scoring because he didn't get chances, well neither did Martins. Almost every chance he got was of his own making. Never had the luxury of getting any delivery which made his life a bit easier.



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