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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Zammora scores - has been coming


    Anyone else notice the lack of celebration from the Fulham fans behind the goal? Welcome to the modern day football fan! :(


    They were probably all embarrassed.


    Most likely spent the whole afternoon cursing Zamora out with the way he had been playing.

  2. NEWCASTLE are eyeing a summer move for Inter Milan striker David Suazo.


    United are understood to have enquired with Inter about the availability of the Honduran international, who is currently on loan at Benfica.


    Kevin Keegan considered a move for Suazo last summer, but Newcastle are spreading their net again amid doubts over the future of Michael Owen and Obafemi Martins.


    With Mark Viduka to leave St James’s Park when his contract expires in the summer, United face a potential striker crisis.


    And Suazo would bring both pace and proven goalscoring ability, having made his name during a prolific spell with Cagliari in Serie A.


    The success of Wilson Palacios (now of Tottenham) and Maynor Figueroa at Wigan has improved the stock of Honduran football, which suffered embarrassment when Milton Nunez flopped spectacularly at Sunderland.


    Asked about the prospect of Suazo moving to the Premier League, his father and agent, Nicolas said: “David is happy in Benfica and another year on loan there is possible.


    “Inter want to wait until June to mae a decision, and we don’t have a problem with that. England? Some clubs are interested, but I repeat that Inter are the key in all this.”


    Meanwhile, former Newcastle vice-president Tony Jimenez may still be working on behalf of the club — in checking out transfer targets in Spain.


    Jimenez, part of the infamous “Cockney Mafia” at St James’s Park, officially parted company with United last October.


    But sources suggest he was one of two people representing Newcastle who spoke to Valencia sporting director Fernando Gomez about the availability of striker Nikola Zigic during the January transfer window.





    This part could be true anyway, didn't he only leave because the club was supposed to be in new hands before the Jan window?


    Yeah, that was why he left.


    I hope he's back because he apparently had some ridiculously good contacts in football.


    Any ideas of who?


    Well he apprently brokers a lot of deals in the sam vein as what Pini Zhavi does.


    I believe he took Ramos to Tottenham for example.


    Does he really?


    I thought Paul Kemsley was the driving force in getting Ramos.




    Yeah I read that when it first came out, I was not convinced then & I am not now about how 'extensive' his network is meant to be.




    Um ... okay.

  3. NEWCASTLE are eyeing a summer move for Inter Milan striker David Suazo.


    United are understood to have enquired with Inter about the availability of the Honduran international, who is currently on loan at Benfica.


    Kevin Keegan considered a move for Suazo last summer, but Newcastle are spreading their net again amid doubts over the future of Michael Owen and Obafemi Martins.


    With Mark Viduka to leave St James’s Park when his contract expires in the summer, United face a potential striker crisis.


    And Suazo would bring both pace and proven goalscoring ability, having made his name during a prolific spell with Cagliari in Serie A.


    The success of Wilson Palacios (now of Tottenham) and Maynor Figueroa at Wigan has improved the stock of Honduran football, which suffered embarrassment when Milton Nunez flopped spectacularly at Sunderland.


    Asked about the prospect of Suazo moving to the Premier League, his father and agent, Nicolas said: “David is happy in Benfica and another year on loan there is possible.


    “Inter want to wait until June to mae a decision, and we don’t have a problem with that. England? Some clubs are interested, but I repeat that Inter are the key in all this.”


    Meanwhile, former Newcastle vice-president Tony Jimenez may still be working on behalf of the club — in checking out transfer targets in Spain.


    Jimenez, part of the infamous “Cockney Mafia” at St James’s Park, officially parted company with United last October.


    But sources suggest he was one of two people representing Newcastle who spoke to Valencia sporting director Fernando Gomez about the availability of striker Nikola Zigic during the January transfer window.





    This part could be true anyway, didn't he only leave because the club was supposed to be in new hands before the Jan window?


    Yeah, that was why he left.


    I hope he's back because he apparently had some ridiculously good contacts in football.


    Any ideas of who?


    Well he apprently brokers a lot of deals in the sam vein as what Pini Zhavi does.


    I believe he took Ramos to Tottenham for example.


    Does he really?


    I thought Paul Kemsley was the driving force in getting Ramos.



  4. Who's Owen trying to keep his operation secret from?


    Considering he will be looking to secure a big contract from someone this summer, I could well see why he would be looking to keep it secret.


    No one is going to pay him what he wants though, because he is always injured.


    I doubt he will get a better offer than what we have made to him and I hope it's been withdrawn now.

  5. NEWCASTLE are eyeing a summer move for Inter Milan striker David Suazo.


    United are understood to have enquired with Inter about the availability of the Honduran international, who is currently on loan at Benfica.


    Kevin Keegan considered a move for Suazo last summer, but Newcastle are spreading their net again amid doubts over the future of Michael Owen and Obafemi Martins.


    With Mark Viduka to leave St James’s Park when his contract expires in the summer, United face a potential striker crisis.


    And Suazo would bring both pace and proven goalscoring ability, having made his name during a prolific spell with Cagliari in Serie A.


    The success of Wilson Palacios (now of Tottenham) and Maynor Figueroa at Wigan has improved the stock of Honduran football, which suffered embarrassment when Milton Nunez flopped spectacularly at Sunderland.


    Asked about the prospect of Suazo moving to the Premier League, his father and agent, Nicolas said: “David is happy in Benfica and another year on loan there is possible.


    “Inter want to wait until June to mae a decision, and we don’t have a problem with that. England? Some clubs are interested, but I repeat that Inter are the key in all this.”


    Meanwhile, former Newcastle vice-president Tony Jimenez may still be working on behalf of the club — in checking out transfer targets in Spain.


    Jimenez, part of the infamous “Cockney Mafia” at St James’s Park, officially parted company with United last October.


    But sources suggest he was one of two people representing Newcastle who spoke to Valencia sporting director Fernando Gomez about the availability of striker Nikola Zigic during the January transfer window.





    This part could be true anyway, didn't he only leave because the club was supposed to be in new hands before the Jan window?


    Yeah, that was why he left.


    I hope he's back because he apparently had some ridiculously good contacts in football.


    Any ideas of who?


    Well he apprently brokers a lot of deals in the sam vein as what Pini Zhavi does.


    I believe he took Ramos to Tottenham for example.

  6. NEWCASTLE are eyeing a summer move for Inter Milan striker David Suazo.


    United are understood to have enquired with Inter about the availability of the Honduran international, who is currently on loan at Benfica.


    Kevin Keegan considered a move for Suazo last summer, but Newcastle are spreading their net again amid doubts over the future of Michael Owen and Obafemi Martins.


    With Mark Viduka to leave St James’s Park when his contract expires in the summer, United face a potential striker crisis.


    And Suazo would bring both pace and proven goalscoring ability, having made his name during a prolific spell with Cagliari in Serie A.


    The success of Wilson Palacios (now of Tottenham) and Maynor Figueroa at Wigan has improved the stock of Honduran football, which suffered embarrassment when Milton Nunez flopped spectacularly at Sunderland.


    Asked about the prospect of Suazo moving to the Premier League, his father and agent, Nicolas said: “David is happy in Benfica and another year on loan there is possible.


    “Inter want to wait until June to mae a decision, and we don’t have a problem with that. England? Some clubs are interested, but I repeat that Inter are the key in all this.”


    Meanwhile, former Newcastle vice-president Tony Jimenez may still be working on behalf of the club — in checking out transfer targets in Spain.


    Jimenez, part of the infamous “Cockney Mafia” at St James’s Park, officially parted company with United last October.


    But sources suggest he was one of two people representing Newcastle who spoke to Valencia sporting director Fernando Gomez about the availability of striker Nikola Zigic during the January transfer window.





    This part could be true anyway, didn't he only leave because the club was supposed to be in new hands before the Jan window?


    Yeah, that was why he left.


    I hope he's back because he apparently had some ridiculously good contacts in football.

  7. I'd only offer him a normal basic wage but offer large performance based incentives.  For example, £45,000 per week basic, £15,000 playing bonus (only first team starts), £25,000 win bonus (only for games he plays in) and £20,000 goal bonus.


    If he was on that contract this season he'd have earned £57,000 per week (yes its still very good money but a lot less then £105,000).  While it would also give him the opportunity to earn around £80,000 or more per week if he and the team did brilliantly.  Just an example as I said, but this is something like what I'd like us to offer him now.  Of course it won't happen..


    Interestingly, this is what the owners were looking to do from the outset wasn't it? They looked to offer him a smaller deal which would be topped up with performance and appearance related incentives.


    Owen snubbed it and the owners were critisized for the most part. People wanted the owners to just shell out the same wage he is on now as far as I can remember.


    Well thank God they didn't. The owners were spot on with that one. Owen at this point must leave. Even a lesser deal doesn't seem like it will be worth it.

  8. Now he's having secret operations?




    What an idiot. His plan to get a big contract as a Bosman has blown up in his face.


    No one is going to give him decent money now. No matter how many secret operations he tries to hide.


    Just a depressing player to have on the books righ now. Can't wait till he leaves.

  9. Never a penalty for Pedersen.


    Pedersen was looking for the easy way out the soft biatch.


    That tiny Rafael had his hands on him for one second and didn't even pull him.


    Pedersen is a pansy. I would fine him for going down in that situation.


    Did you watch the same match mate? Deffo penalty had the opponent been any other than Manchester United.


    And by the way, some of the comments by some of you here going "giving a penalty isn't the same as giving a free-kick." Are you dumb? You're not meant to do fouls at all, and when you do, you get punished. And the rule book is the same even if it's on the other side of the pitch or in the opponent's penalty area. You stop the play and it's a free-kick or a penalty. Simple as. I'd go on but I'm tired, someone else who knows how it's like will probably pick up my side of an eventual argument from here on out   :pow:


    Not for me.


    Pedersen was weak as piss there.


    That doesn't mean it wasn't a penalty though.


    That's why I said not for me.


    I think it would have been a very soft penalty and Pedersen is one of those who will always go over when given a chance, and I feel that is why he did.


    Watch it again and pay attention to the way he actually falls down in relation to how Rafael puts his hands on him.


    Pedersen is an ass.

  10. Never a penalty for Pedersen.


    Pedersen was looking for the easy way out the soft biatch.


    That tiny Rafael had his hands on him for one second and didn't even pull him.


    Pedersen is a pansy. I would fine him for going down in that situation.


    Did you watch the same match mate? Deffo penalty had the opponent been any other than Manchester United.


    And by the way, some of the comments by some of you here going "giving a penalty isn't the same as giving a free-kick." Are you dumb? You're not meant to do fouls at all, and when you do, you get punished. And the rule book is the same even if it's on the other side of the pitch or in the opponent's penalty area. You stop the play and it's a free-kick or a penalty. Simple as. I'd go on but I'm tired, someone else who knows how it's like will probably pick up my side of an eventual argument from here on out   :pow:


    Not for me.


    Pedersen was weak as piss there.

  11. Never a penalty for Pedersen.


    Pedersen was looking for the easy way out the soft biatch.


    That tiny Rafael had his hands on him for one second and didn't even pull him.


    Pedersen is a pansy. I would fine him for going down in that situation.

  12. If Wenger rates him as a scout, he must be at least competent at the role. Offer him an upstairs role working in tandem with Wise or a scouting role or whatever.


    Whoever said offer him a job in the reserves or academy is surely joking, Kinnear f***ing hates our youth players, that's why he never plays them :lol:

    Kinnear would ruin our academy.




    Kinnear did some scouting and other work for Arsenal and Wenger while he was out of management.



  13. Shearer.


    Struggling to think of one thing the present day Owen has over him tbh.


    Owen really isn't that much faster anymore and Shearer was just as clever a player.


    Owen doesn't have the hold up play, the shooting ability, the presence, the leadership, isn't as good a header of the ball as Shearer was ...


    Shearer in his last season would probably even be more useful than Owen right now, with Oba alongside him, Jonas zipping around and Raylor whipping some of those crosses in.


    And to top things off Owen is a weasel.


    No contest.

  14. Adebayor isn't THAT much better than Bendtner, and Eduardo and RVP (Who is great) have experienced imjury problems.


    I see what you're trying to say, but Adebayor is far more useful because he is a much better athlete. He's stronger, faster and jumps higher. He is a great presence to play off of upfront. Both players can be quite careless, but I wouldn't say they were crap.


    Adebayor is a very valuable player and I think he is a talent. The problems arise though, when you rely on him to score all of your goals as he can be quite careless in front of goal at times. With all of the injuries in the past couple of seasons Adebayor has really been the only source of goals for Arsenal which has hurt them.


    Start surrounding him with the likes of a healthy RVP, Eduardo, Fabregas and then the new boys Nasri and Arshavin and there would be a lot more of a goal threat spread around which would make Adebayor look a lot better.



  15. Since when was Smith mobile? He stands in the centre circle with his finger up his arse waiting for someone to lunge at. Butt every day of the week, and I can't stand that bugger.




    I meant mobile relative to Butt.


    But from your comments I see you don't agree with this.


    I think Smith deserves at least a chance as Butt has just been terrible recently.



  16. Smith looks better in midfield when he has a midfielder with some ability beside him as he is at least intelligent enough to pass to that individual and not try to do too much with the ball himself (those Butt hollywood passes are despicable).


    As has been mentioned he is also more mobile and believe it or not would be a greater goal threat than Butt from set pieces and even from shooting as at least the ball would remain in the stadium when he shoots.


    Every negative as far as his suspect tackling goes already exists with Butt anyway. At least Smith had the decency to give away free kicks on the edge of the box while Butt just waits till the opposition are in the penalty area before he goes sliding in recklessly the filthy beast.


    Alan Smith over Butt everytime for me thanks.

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