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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Quaresma will dow ell in the prem as it's a far more open game with space to exploit.


    He is exactly the kind of player that wouldn't do well in Italy. It's too tight and tactical for him. He doesn't quite have the discipline, patience and nous required.



  2. listening to the nusc meeting online, their suggesting everyone wearing t-shirts with a slogan on, along the lines of talk to us etc, very good idea imo, we support the team but protest at the same time :pow:


    Now that is a nice little idea.


    If everyone wears somethign like that the media would run with it.  However, it isn't confrontational or overly negative either.


    A few chants along the lines of facilitating communication would be good too.

  3. That was a question a fan asked on the NUSC stream, a very good question I thought.


    My own personal protest has seen me not purchase anything from Sports Direct, any food or drink from SJP, match programmes and other publications or anything else NUFC related like shirts and such.


    I'd be up for other forms of protest as long as it stayed away from the 90 minutes of football.


    Ideas? Thoughts?


    PS this is a thread for those up for such a thing, if its not your tea-bag, stay the f*** out of it please. Thanks  :thup:


    Serious question.


    Can't it be argued that if Ashley feels that not as much money is coming into Sports Direct etc then he will be less inclined to release funds for the benefit of the squad?




    Are you insinuating that a few Newcastle fans not buying stuff from Sports Direct would seriously hit him/the company financially? No chance. He might see a tiny bit of a drop in sales in the Newcastle stores.


    It wouldn't affect him significantly financially, but for someone so "prudent" it's just another excuse not to spend money I would imagine.


    It's just such a frustrating situation.  :(


    Also, if it doesn't have a significant effect financially then what is the point?  :dontknow:

  4. That was a question a fan asked on the NUSC stream, a very good question I thought.


    My own personal protest has seen me not purchase anything from Sports Direct, any food or drink from SJP, match programmes and other publications or anything else NUFC related like shirts and such.


    I'd be up for other forms of protest as long as it stayed away from the 90 minutes of football.


    Ideas? Thoughts?


    PS this is a thread for those up for such a thing, if its not your tea-bag, stay the f*** out of it please. Thanks  :thup:


    Serious question.


    Can't it be argued that if Ashley feels that not as much money is coming into Sports Direct etc then he will be less inclined to release funds for the benefit of the squad?



  5. Question regarding Smith in midfield.


    Did we ever see Smith in midfield alongside Barton?


    I'm just wondering if it might be worth trying him in there alongside Nolan.


    I know his tackling is horrendous but so is Butt's and Butt is really not much better than him in any area at all. Smith at least has a ton more mobility and will not play the long ball and therefore give the ball away as often, as he tends to look for the shorter pass more, albeit not the most exciting ones.


    Smith alongside a more adequate forward thinking midfielder in Nolan might be a significant improvement on Butt. Will Kinnear have the guts to give it a go though?

  6. Well I had no idea Viduka was close to returning so I guess that explains the lack of a new striker.


    I hate Viduka's lazy play and lack of legs and stamina, but an Oba and Viduka partnership could be very very interesting as Oba has the legs to compensate for Viduka's extreme lack of mobility. It's a partnership we haven't seen enough of and Owen's injury could be a blessing in disguise in that sense. Viduka is just as good a finisher as Owen if not better, as he can actually shoot, but he can at least hold the ball up more. it could be interesting.





  7. To be fair to Shola he was apparently still not 100% on Sunday and he had been out a little while.


    He just seems to be at least full of confidence whihc is vital. Yes, he can be really awful, but what i've always found even worse was when he compounded this by playing with a lack of confidence which made things far worse.


    The way he took that penalty was a sign that he at least feels confident at the minute as Kinnear is at least showing some faith in him.


    God help us. It's going to be a scary end to the seasont hat's for sure.




  8. Another thing to note is that Kinnear seems to get a lot out of huff and puff strikers that are not that great tbh.


    Shola has been good under him as well as Carroll.


    We can only hope that Smith works well for him also.


    We need this guy to perform really badly. Hopoe he's up for it.

  9. If we want to put a positive spin on smith here it is.


    If he returns to the starting lineup he will get a run of games as a striker in a 4-4-2  alongside Oba, who he has looked most decent alongside.


    Under Allardyce he played in a 4-3-3 as both a wide striker and a midfielder and he is worthless in these positions.


    When Keegan first came in I believe he played Smith in a 4-4-2 initially but I don't think it was with Oba. Then we switched to the 3 striker formation which he didn't feature in.


    IMO I think this is the only thing we can hold onto i.e. Smith alongside Oba as Oba will hopefully cause enough havoc to give Smith a chances in space.


    Smith alongside the other plodders is a waste of time.

  10. Wow ... I mean I can't believe what has happened this window. I was so confident they wouldn't screw it up because they just couldn't afford to quite frankly.


    There is something very very dodgy going on.


    The fact they couldn't even go for loan signings is the real killer. Even if it was for players that weren't as good at least we would have got extra bodies in, whic is the main problem.


    At the end of the day if they really had £8 million to spend on Johnson why couldn't it go towards something else if Man City weren't willing to sell.


    This window was the final test for me. They have failed massively.


    Ashley must be out of his mind.

  11. Quote from: firetotheworks on Today at 05:40:05 PM

    Quote from: McCormick on Today at 05:38:13 PM

    Quote from: dcmk on Today at 05:36:01 PM

    Quote from: KaKa on Today at 05:34:21 PM

    Waiting for the final word from the club.


    Until then ...  Harry Redknapp




    They blatantly had 4 players signed just 2 hours ago?


    Just ignore him, does this every window; an absolute joke of a human being.


    Now now, thats a bit OTT and nasty.


    Seriously, the boy spouts so much s**** its f***ing coma-inducing. If i was to make a pile of all of his 'hunches' that never made it we'd all be weeping before a mountain of his own ignorance.

    I imagine after he's finished frollicking in a meadow talking to f***ing flowers, he'll be back here claiming that the 16 million not spent is going into the kitty to fund a 25 million pound summer swoop for quaresma.

    Honestly he's a loon, an absolute clown, and probably types with his tongue to impress his carer.


    What a head case you are.


    You keep on making up things in your head.


    I have done nothing wrong. Just because I don't moan and bitch on here 24/7 like the majority of you?


    Get a life of your own dude. Don't worry about what I'm doing.


    I'm doing just fine.



  12. Waiting for the final word from the club.


    Until then ...  :harry:




    They blatantly had 4 players signed just 2 hours ago?


    Just ignore him, does this every window; an absolute joke of a human being.


    Now now, thats a bit OTT and nasty.


    All I've done is hope for the best.


    Haven't claimed to be ITK or nothing.


    Till that final word comes in I'll keep hoping, but that's just me though.


    No point folks taking their anger out on me.


    I'd much rather be the human being I am than some of the negative, cynical sorts on here.



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