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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Eboue is mentally challenged. There is just something wrong with the guy upstairs.


    Always does this crap and is always smiling and laughing about it as if it is some sort of big joke.


    Don't understand why he is still at the club tbh. It's certainly not for his performances.


    His omission will definitely benefit Arsenal if anyhing. Terrible player and poor character.



  2. Feel gutted for Joe, he absoloutly wanted the best for this club and anyone who thikns otherwise can f*** off! Knowone else wanted the post which he took on and to be fair to him he's put up with a lot of s*** from both the board of this club over transfers and the majority fans who i believe have never accepted him and what he was trying to do. Until these two factors are resolved this club will never turn the corner.


    All i can say is get well soon Joe, thankyou for stepping up the plate and trying to save this club when knowone else could give a f***, and if he has any sense he'l drop his dream of football management and concentrate on living the rest of his life.


    Agreed.  :thup:

  3. This could be a huge blessing in disguise


    I know it sounds heartless (excuse the pun)


    It saves face for Kinnear and he will be remembered affectionatly

    It mean we can appoint a 'proper' manager in the summer


    I wish him all the best!


    Can we afford to wait till the summer though? Assuming Kinnear's health is as bad as being speculated.


    Leaving things as they are until the summer is scary to me.


    Wouldn't be surprised if we saw Poyet come in, and I think I would be okay with that at this point, particularly because he knows the prem so well, and I think we need that at this point of the season. He is quite highly rated and he is in tune with the powers that be which will bode well for player recruitment etc. He also will gel better with our South american/Spanish contingent and won't be overly bias towards the brits.



  4. I wouldn't send Shola out in the seconf half he's having a mightmare, I'd put the invisible Spaniard on as he's got more pace than Viduka.


    Lovenkrands would benefit from Viduka's touch and vision


    I hope so, could be an interesting combo


    Yup. Would love to see a bit of that.


    Think Viduka alongside anyone with pace would be interesting as he has some lovely touches to release people into space.

  5. West Brom are all over the shop. We MUST take advantage (moreso).



    Absolutely. They look completely woeful at the back. More goals in this for sure.


    Also, first corner from Ryan Taylor just now, and already he's contributed more from set pieces than all of our previous set piece takers combined this season.


    So good to hear. We haven't had a decent set piece taker or someon that can cross decently for years now.


    We really could do with a convincing win to lift the doom and gloom.


    Please don't mess this up guys!

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