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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. First of all I wish to apologise to the fans for wanting to leave the club," he said in a statement.


    "However, having been insulted by Joe Kinnear, I will never play for him again while he remains Newcastle manager.


    "The club are aware that there are offers on the table for me and they should accept one of them."



    Like I said, just an excuse for the c***.


    Him, Shay, Owen and any fucker else that wants out can f*** off. They don't deserve to be playing for our club.


    He's definitely just using it to further his agenda.


    Very pathetic as it makes him look a complete nutcase.


    I agree with you too. We can't afford to have anyone who is not committed to playing for the club if we are to stay up.

  2. Bolton fans have been on Nolan's back for a while now and I'm sure that isn't helping his form either.


    Anyway, I think is greatest chance of being succesful here will be down to who we sign to play alongside him. It will need to be someone better than Butt.


    Weren't Bolton fans slating Guthrie this summer? Well he has been our best central midfielder this season.


    I think Trotter underestimates how awful we are in this area of the pitch.

  3. Being said on one forum that Stephen Appiah is being offered 18 month contract with a 2 year further option.


    Several ITK's have said he impressed in a behind closed doors friendly against Reading but none have said he'll be offered a contract.  All  are agreed that ability to play 3 matches in a week is highly debateable, always hobbling the following day with dodgy knee(s).


    Why don't you just crawl back into your hole slime ball.



  4. West Ham absolutely nailed it it seems.


    They've got the same director of football setup, but went out and got a young manager who was comfortable with the whole thing as soon as Curbs decided it wasn't for him.


    Now it's all coming together for them.


    To be fair I did see an interview on goals on Sunday where Poyet confirmed that he was approached but he turned it down because of the protests etc.


    Why we didn't try for someone like Deschamps I will never know.

  5. Even if we were capable of getting him to sign, I wouldn't be sure I'd want him here.


    Could just be another N'Zogbia situation where he underachieves massively yet still unsettles the dressing room by begging for a "dream move" to Arsenal every window.


    Here we go ...


    The bizarre negative theories once we're linked with any half decent player.


    Just think about what your saying here.


    Do you want the club going for good players or not. You can't just assume they will all want out and act up all the time.


    At the same time he could come in along with a few others and help turn things around and love it here as we are then on the up right?


    Just chill out really.


    This is hardly unwarranted negativity.


    Have you not noticed that the player's stock has dropped massively in the past year? That he has a reputation for having a bad attitude and causing problems?


    When a player is linked with Arsenal and Man United one window, then linked with Bolton and Newcastle the next, you know something seriously wrong is going on.


    All that being said so maybe he isn't quite at the level of an Arsenal or Man U at this moment in time, if it means we have a chance  to sneak in there and get him then it might be worth the risk.


    Sporting are a pretty competitive team and the guy is still pretty young. He probably hasn't got the consistency needed for a big team like Sporting at the mo and so he has been in and out which has frustrated him.


    In our situation though he would get a chance to play every single game as we are that bad in central midfield and that may be exactly what he needs.


    To easy just to right him off as a bad egg I think.

  6. Even if we were capable of getting him to sign, I wouldn't be sure I'd want him here.


    Could just be another N'Zogbia situation where he underachieves massively yet still unsettles the dressing room by begging for a "dream move" to Arsenal every window.


    Here we go ...


    The bizarre negative theories once we're linked with any half decent player.


    Just think about what your saying here.


    Do you want the club going for good players or not. You can't just assume they will all want out and act up all the time.


    At the same time he could come in along with a few others and help turn things around and love it here as we are then on the up right?


    Just chill out really.

  7. It's not good, but in Owens case, we can't say how bad his injury is until after his scan. The lay off time is purely speculation until then. Last night Joe Kinnear said he'd be out 3 weeks, then within the space off half an hour, Gary Lineker had turned that into 6.

    Knowing our luck though, he won't be back in a hurry.


    Owen takes ages to recover as he isn't a quick healer. With ebery injury he laso becomes slower and slower it seems. No point hoping he returns.


    We need to find players from somewhere. Owen and Barton are pretty much done for the season.


    Swap Zoggy for Fred.


    Swap Given for Fernandes and Onuoha. Hopefully some cash also.


    Find a left back from somewhere (swap Smithy for Baines?).


    Spend soem money on an affordable CM like this Italian bloke we're supposedly after.


    This is how we should be thinking right now.

  8. Barton six weeks apparently.


    Owen already on crutches and out for ages too.


    To think we came close to shipping these bitch ass crocks this summer.


    Now we can't move either of them and they are taking up so much in wages.


    f***ing tragic situation!






    That would have been f***ing great wouldn't it, we'd have about 15 points but at least they'd be off the wagebill.


    Engage your brain you twit.


    Obviously we would have got replacements in as it would have freed up a hell of a lot of money, particularly in wages, which is what is our bigges problem right now.

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